"just cuz"
Right! We're all from the African continent. And in their hearts everyone wants freedom, so everyone is American. So everyone is really an African-American inside! Or something like that.
I will NEVER stop believing in print.
I will NEVER stop believing in print.
It's all good bro. It's the digital folks whofeel like they have something to justify.relentlessly
I will NEVER stop believing in print.
It's all good bro. It's the digital folks whofeel like they have something to justify.relentlessly
Lttp: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl just saved comics and my life.
Praises be to Doreen Green.
Have you been reading this page? Seems like a two way street to me ;p
See, in a vacuum I'd honestly prefer floppies over digital for the most part. There's something about having the physical pages there that I enjoy. The problem is that, in reality, digital is more convenient in pretty much every way. It's easier to purchase/get your hands on, it's easier to bring with you with a tablet or phone or even a laptop, it doesn't take up all sorts of space, you don't need to worry about damaging any physical pages, you can zoom in on details in artwork, you don't need to worry about proper lighting for reading, fans don't cause issues, etc.
Downsides of digital: No Twix.
I probably shouldn't either since I work at a book bindery.
SEPTEMBER 9 / 96 PAGES / FC / T / $5.99
Action. Adventure. Fantasy. Decapitation!
ApocalyptiGirl creator ANDREW MACLEAN brings this critically acclaimed indie hit to Image Comics! The dark humored quarterly adventure begins with a double-sized first issue, with eighty pages of story and a premium pin-up gallery for the regular price of just $5.99!
HEAD LOPPER is what youd get if Mike Mignola wrote an issue of Brian Woods Northlanders by way of James Stokoes ORC STAIN. Multiversity Comics.
No lies detected.
How are you liking Suicide Squad?
See, in a vacuum I'd honestly prefer floppies over digital for the most part. There's something about having the physical pages there that I enjoy. The problem is that, in reality, digital is more convenient in pretty much every way. It's easier to purchase/get your hands on, it's easier to bring with you with a tablet or phone or even a laptop, it doesn't take up all sorts of space, you don't need to worry about damaging any physical pages, you can zoom in on details in artwork, you don't need to worry about proper lighting for reading, fans don't cause issues, etc.
Downsides of digital: No Twix.
Andrew MacLean's Head Lopper is coming to Image, brahs! Rejoice.
Hmm, that's something I've not seen
So yeah, a few weeks back I commissioned our very own ED to draw me something Turn A Gundam related, and I went for the full deal:
It's beautiful, and probably one of my favorite pieces I own. 11x17 and it had the best shipping out of anyone I've dealt with so far. It got the Walmart frame treatment and is going to go next to the other pages and whatnot. I love it.
I will NEVER stop believing in print.
Me neither, what is that from?
I want to say Fantastic Four 600, but my memory is feeling a little off.
I want to say Fantastic Four 600, but my memory is feeling a little off.
New DC books are 2.5/4 for me. I liked Martian Manhunter and Dr. Fate a lot, and liked Robin well enough to stick with it even if it left me a bit lost. What do I need to pick up to get the story on Damian's resurrection? Is it worth reading?
Didn't care for Black Canary much at all.
Me neither, what is that from?
Batman and Robin by Tomasi and Gleason. Read it and love it. Best batman book.
Ah,it's in there? I read it for a long time but dropped it...guess I'll go see how it ended!
Why did you drop it?
watch inside out brahs
bing bongI cried like 3 times in Inside Out, fuck me and fuck Pixar
"I got a good feeling about this next one"