Teen Titans #1-6 (New Version)
I dropped Superman and Wonder Woman at doomed. Did it ever recover? The art had been great.
I dropped Superman and Wonder Woman at doomed. Did it ever recover? The art had been great.
Superman got a lot better once Johns/Romita Jr. took over. Wonder Woman continues to be shite.
Hmm, a DC digital sale. I'll probably check out some of the runs I don't have already and then decide if I want to go the trade route for them.
Speaking of trades, I'm pretty impressed with the quality of the Lumberjanes TPB. Everything about it feels super solid, especially the pages.
If you want more Superman I do highly recommend the Action Comics #26-29 arc and Batman/Superman #10. The first is a standalone arc that is just delightful and the second is a extremely fun single issue.
How is Ann Nocentis run on Catwoman? Thinking about getting it in the DC sale.
you cool people should add me on psn: cool_calm_jon
so how about that Grant Morrison guy, huh?
Mark Millar saw this shit and laughed as just signed Bill Sienwickiz to draw his next comic that's already being adapted into a huge Hollywood movie
Apparently i own the @Atomic_Robo twitter account.
And it has 77 followers.
Hrm. Dunno how immoral that is.
you cool people should add me on psn: cool_calm_jon
you cool people should add me on psn: cool_calm_jon
I'll add you. Always looking for more people to spam 24/7.
I've been rereading Hickman's "Children of Tomorrow" Ultimates arc and it's just as amazing as I remember it.
Well, until Humpries's name appears on the cover. What a nosedive in quality....
you play driveclub? i hear my tail lights look great
you play driveclub? i hear my tail lights look great
I dunno. My fav isn't rendered useless by a pair of scissors.
Haha. That's an awesome username.
I like Splatoon but i feel like i'm going to get tired of it really fast. I'm also giving up on motion controls, my brain doesn't work like that. Also you rollers rolled me.
I gave up on motion controls the instant the tutorial was over. I just went to options and turned motion controls off.
Whats Paul Jenkins up to theye days? Man, this stuff is fucking amazing. And the Doc Ock Arc is actually very brave and political.
Man, Paul Jenkins Spectacular Spider-Man Run was fucking amazing. Even Ramos art was awesome back then.
Need to buy all of his PP: SM stuff, too.
I think he's currently writing Spawn for Image?
Isn't he writing struggle The Darkness comics?
gotta eat I guess
I think he's currently writing Spawn for Image?
I love me some Medusa...but no one, and I mean NO ONE, is better than Lockjaw.Damn, Inhuman is legit as hell.
Medusa > your fav
Everyone blames Humphries but it was really the New 52 that doomed that run and probably the Ultimate line as a whole.
At first, I though that thread was going to be about foot fetishes.
Then it wasn't.
I'm kind of disappointed.
Sure, New 52 and awful sales for the whole Ultimate line is what forced Hickman off the Ultimates, but Humphries is such a bland writer and nowhere near competent to continue Hickman's work.
Like, none of his Ultimate stuff is outright bad, it's just... average and utterly forgettable.
That's actually a call back to an older storyline. Scott Snyder didn't make it up.
Looked it up and it seems like an obscure reference though, could be wrong. Either way, read some moreand it's not even certain it was him apparently, guy might've been insane
Anyway, I just realized that the other Bat-books at the time also got their Owl-issues, because just reading the Batman volume, it doesn't feel like a big attack on the city. That and the open ending kinda leaves it all hanging. Maybe I should've also read the Night of the Owls trade that has all the tie-ins.
Sorry, had to make sure everyone knew I wasn't talking about Superior Football.
Edit: oh my god, there was a real life Hellfire Club![]()
Are you the white or the black queen?Yes and Benjamin Franklin and both Mine & Messi's great great M8's were in it.