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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well, we are comic book readers, the definition of an aging demographic.

Yeah I'm not really surprised. You guys are about the same age as my brothers. There is just a decent sized gap in our ages. I was what one might call....an accident. My first system was the NES.
That C+ is very much reliant on Bethesda picking up the slack for a very lame E3 for a very lame console generation.

I thought it was good overall. As someone who likes Japanese console games (avatar quote), this generation is destroying last gen during the same timeframe IMO. Especially with E3 bringing news that Platinum is working on at least three other games besides Scalebound.

Anyways onto comics, next week looks pretty nice for releases. Uncanny Avengers, Infinity Gauntlet, and Grayson all come out. I see Ant-Man Volume 1 is out too, I may have to cop that since I did enjoy the series quite a bit.
Yeah I'm not really surprised. You guys are about the same age as my brothers. There is just a decent sized gap in our ages. I was what one might call....an accident. My first system was the NES.

Mine too, technically. The 2600 was already there when I was born. I was only 4 or 5 when I started playing. The NES I got for Christmas one year, followed by an SNES (along with Mario Kart and Street Fighter II) for Xmas the year that came out. I think the N64 was the first console I bought with my own money.
Collab between Joe Quinones and Babs Tarr:

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Mine too, technically. The 2600 was already there when I was born. I was only 4 or 5 when I started playing. The NES I got for Christmas one year, followed by an SNES (along with Mario Kart and Street Fighter II) for Xmas the year that came out. I think the N64 was the first console I bought with my own money.

Yeah it was pretty much the same fore me except with the Genesis and PSX.
Yeah it was pretty much the same fore me except with the Genesis and PSX.

I owned a Genesis too at one point. Along with a 32X and SegaCD, completing whatever contraption it was that Sega had in mind. XD

My heart still hurts when I think of the Dreamcast. Sega's best console - gone too soon.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
E3 was amazing this year, tons of fun-looking games and super interesting tech.

grading it a C+ is madness, as there was so much, from Dreams to Horizon, going on. something for everyone!


Just started Waids' run on Daredevil and it is pretty amusing having read Bendis' run just before. Everything is so bright and colorful now. I've only just started, but I think I'm going to dig this book.

Last night I blazed through Swamp Thing Vol. 6 and Batman Vol. 6. Swamp Thing was pretty good, I enjoy what Soule is doing with the lore. Batman, though, what a colossal disappointment. I don't even know why that trade exists. About half way through I had to look up which issues were being collected because it was so disjointed. It read like an advertisement for other Batbooks that I don't read. I have to give Snyder credit, though. I'm starting to warm up to Harper Row.
Just started Waids' run on Daredevil and it is pretty amusing having read Bendis' run just before. Everything is so bright and colorful now. I've only just started, but I think I'm going to dig this book.

It's so much fun. Waid did such an amazing job at making Daredevil feel fresh while still respecting his past.
Just started Waids' run on Daredevil and it is pretty amusing having read Bendis' run just before. Everything is so bright and colorful now. I've only just started, but I think I'm going to dig this book.

Last night I blazed through Swamp Thing Vol. 6 and Batman Vol. 6. Swamp Thing was pretty good, I enjoy what Soule is doing with the lore. Batman, though, what a colossal disappointment. I don't even know why that trade exists. About half way through I had to look up which issues were being collected because it was so disjointed. It read like an advertisement for other Batbooks that I don't read. I have to give Snyder credit, though. I'm starting to warm up to Harper Row.
They should have just printed the issues chronologically. There's still a few enjoyable stories though.
So my question becomes, is it more of a sentiment expressed from certain characters (and obviously portrayed as correct) or is it more an undercurrent to the world and/or the world's morality itself? Are there major in-world analogues to the real world situation or is it mostly just the author basically jumping in from time to time to wave around his beliefs on the issue?

There are definitely some analogs to real world peoples and some stereotypes perpetuated I was uncomfortable with.

Also, the Israel analogy and sentiment is stated by one character and it seemed to be in line with his character. I wouldn't really say it felt like the author jumping in and using it as a sandbox.


What if he operates at 100% efficiency and burns everything?

I'm gonna defer to your clearly advanced Kyle XY knowledge because the only thing I know about it was the magazine ads with him showing off his navel-less abdomen and looking confused.
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