People shitting on Secret Wars on Marvel's Doctor Strange Facebook post.
It's an awesome cover.
Oh man. This is awesome:
That is kinda neat. How many hundreds of dollars are you going to be paying for it? That's Amiibo money, right there.
Lol. No way am I going for an SDCC exclusive.
People shitting on Secret Wars on Marvel's Doctor Strange Facebook post.
Just wants to watch the OT burn
(Today, 07:54 PM)
Typical that a DC non-Batman LEGO set is a con exclusive.
So d/led the new update and saw some books I bought on a whim awhile ago that I forgot about. I was going to read them on my PC or phone at the time but never did. Just started reading Remenders Last Days of American Crime. Pretty cool so far.
I wonder what my future self is up to. Probably sleeping.
"I hav bn a loyal Marvel reader fur 35 years!!! 2 mne reboots and hacks like Remenot and Hackman!!!! Goodbye Marvel!!!!"
I should really close my Facebook.
kinda want to see this but there's no doc strange article on the marvel fb page
Ugh that took far too long
Mental note, redeem Marvel codes when you get them
kinda want to see this but there's no doc strange article on the marvel fb page
Just go to any similar post. It's all the same anyways.
It was CBR. D'oh. It's been a long day.
The real problem with the CBR article is that it's an article about an EW article.
Did EW have some kind of exclusive on it?
In other gross news, two James Harren BPRD trades are SD.
WAT? SD is still a thing?
WAT? SD is still a thing?
CMX would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn't for you pesky kids!
I can practically hear the suits at DH grumbling as they shuffle reluctantly onto Comixology are the Aliens Omnibuses? Omnibi?
On one hand, this is the perfect chance for me to finally read Hellboy but on the other: I want the Library Editions. Tough decision.
Kabuki is good comics
Get both.
Y'all drop cash on single pages, I don't see what's wrong with double dipping...
Jesus, people are so fucking petty sometimes. DC pulled the cover, move the hell on.
Well, it was a good cover. It just got pulled over a knee-jerk reaction.
Do we really need to go over things again?
Do we really need to go over things again?
I don't buy single pages
The Arkham Knight OT title is perfection.
Slightly more than two and a half hours to go! I should probably go to bed though.
so many weird cmx bugs
captain marvel #13 510 megs
Ask Slug, he's been posting from the future a lot here recently
What about Prison School.
Like really high quality.
Is it just Iron Man, Spider-Man, the Avengers and Strange that have been announced so far? Or have I misssed some?