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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


Unconfirmed Member
People in your game must move faster than they do in mine. I hear a lot of thuds as I'm driving through Gotham. You'd think with all those gadgets he built into that car that he would have mounted a plow on the front, too.

Oh, man. It would be so funny to see them go flying out from in front of you the whole time.


Harley DLC was okay. Maybe a half hour long, a few combat rooms and a sorta boss fight.

They didn't bother to give Ivy a new look. Again. Just new hair that is at least way better than that weird floaty thing she had in Asylum.


Accidentally strolled into that Anime Expo thread and saw frye posting, but it turned out to just be some other dude with the same avatar?

not gonna lie my dude, I fuck with anime on occasion

I think I'm gonna change my avatar soon even if mine looks waay better than that dude's tho

also ps: whatever value the term SJW once had disappeared when it was co-opted by reactionaries who apply it to anyone whose politics even hint at the fact that the world we live in is in many ways unjust and unfair to specific groups of people and has been since forever. use it if you want but I'm gonna lump you in with the rest of chumps if you do




also ps: whatever value the term SJW once had disappeared when it was co-opted by reactionaries who apply it to anyone whose politics even hint at the fact that the world we live in is in many ways unjust and unfair to specific groups of people and has been since forever. use it if you want but I'm gonna lump you in with the rest of chumps if you do

So we're no longer using "bible basher" and similar terms because those can be used by some atheists who happen to be assholes? Good to know. Seriously though, just leave it, not everyone who uses the term spends their days browsing reddit and posting threats on twitter.


So we're no longer using "bible basher" and similar terms because those can be used by some atheists who happen to be assholes? Good to know. Seriously though, just leave it, not everyone who uses the term spends their days browsing reddit and posting threats on twitter.

The "SJW" term was created by idiots and has 99% been used by complete idiots, so you're welcome to use it and know you're branded one by people reading your posts. It's base anti-liberal lingo.
Finished Origin of the Inhumans.

Black Bolt's REAL power is levitation, but he was genetically engineered to manipulate electrons (which got tied to his vocal cords, causing his scream) and also an enhanced fighting instinct.

Well shit.

On another note, and I'm not sure if it's controversial or not, but I don't like Stan Lee's writing. I know this is obviously years past a time where this would be relevant, but I finally have an honest opinion on it. It feels like he doesn't trust the artist to convey the proper image, so he needs to narrate EVERYTHING while it's happening. On top of that, he performs about 98% of all narration and exposition through character dialogue, so it just ends up being a wordy speech-bubble mess on every page. It's not enjoyable to read.

Finally, started on the second volume of Dixon's Nightwing, entitled Rough Justice. Fucking great. Love it. And the art being so bright and colorful somehow...works. Really enjoying that book so far.
On another note, and I'm not sure if it's controversial or not, but I don't like Stan Lee's writing. I know this is obviously years past a time where this would be relevant, but I finally have an honest opinion on it. It feels like he doesn't trust the artist to convey the proper image, so he needs to narrate EVERYTHING while it's happening. On top of that, he performs about 98% of all narration and exposition through character dialogue, so it just ends up being a wordy speech-bubble mess on every page. It's not enjoyable to read.

That's '60s comics in a nutshell isn't it? I haven't read that much stuff from that era but it all seems pretty similar in that regard. Lee's writing has got a charm to it but it's obviously dated.
That's '60s comics in a nutshell isn't it? I haven't read that much stuff from that era but it all seems pretty similar in that regard. Lee's writings got a charm to it but it's obviously dated.

Yeah I think it's just the style for the era. Going through the old Legion archives I've noticed it a bunch. You just learn to accept it as part of the charm.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Well shit.

On another note, and I'm not sure if it's controversial or not, but I don't like Stan Lee's writing. I know this is obviously years past a time where this would be relevant, but I finally have an honest opinion on it. It feels like he doesn't trust the artist to convey the proper image, so he needs to narrate EVERYTHING while it's happening. On top of that, he performs about 98% of all narration and exposition through character dialogue, so it just ends up being a wordy speech-bubble mess on every page. It's not enjoyable to read.

Sounds like late 90's to early 00's Claremont.


No Scrubs
On another note, and I'm not sure if it's controversial or not, but I don't like Stan Lee's writing. I know this is obviously years past a time where this would be relevant, but I finally have an honest opinion on it. It feels like he doesn't trust the artist to convey the proper image, so he needs to narrate EVERYTHING while it's happening. On top of that, he performs about 98% of all narration and exposition through character dialogue, so it just ends up being a wordy speech-bubble mess on every page. It's not enjoyable to read.

That's 60's comics across the board. It's also 90's X-Men come to think of it.


Finished Origin of the Inhumans.

Black Bolt's REAL power is levitation, but he was genetically engineered to manipulate electrons (which got tied to his vocal cords, causing his scream) and also an enhanced fighting instinct.

Well shit.

Yeah, that's really daft. Especially since Inhumans powers aren't entirely random, so a man who would be king feeling that he was silenced from being himself and becoming literally so because of his subconscious fears was a nice character angle.
That's '60s comics in a nutshell isn't it? I haven't read that much stuff from that era but it all seems pretty similar in that regard. Lee's writing has got a charm to it but it's obviously dated.

That's 60's comics across the board. It's also 90's X-Men come to think of it.
Right, and I know that. I read Essential Uncanny X-Men and Essential Mighty Avengers back in the day. It's how I can appreciate dialogue now. Granted, you get used to it, but something about this felt different. I dunno. It's been a long-ass time since I read 60's anything. Like, the back half of By Right of Birth was most definitely 60's, but it didn't feel the same as this. Didn't feel so overcrowded.
Yeah, that's really daft. Especially since Inhumans powers aren't entirely random, so a man who would be king feeling that he was silenced from being himself and becoming literally so because of his subconscious fears was a nice character angle.

I know right? Still, it explains why he can fly in the first place, though I just assumed it was something akin to Falcon.

Though, according to the origins and By Right of Birth, some Inhumans are special cases. The first Inhuman had energy blasts. Karnak, despite not being exposed to the mists, developed his ability prematurely.

So it's possible Black Bolt is just a special case.


I know right? Still, it explains why he can fly in the first place, though I just assumed it was something akin to Falcon.

Though, according to the origins and By Right of Birth, some Inhumans are special cases. The first Inhuman had energy blasts. Karnak, despite not being exposed to the mists, developed his ability prematurely.

So it's possible Black Bolt is just a special case.

I guess origin stories and prequels going back and overexplaining things, therefore shitting up what made a character allegorically interesting in the first place is nothing new.

But it is weird that that stuff still gets commissioned from pitches. I'm really okay with never seeing any "past secrets!" stories about long established characters any more ever. Give them new secrets.


I don't think Blackbolt being that way via genetic engineering is much different from him getting it from the mists, which itself is genetic engineering. Especially considering he was given his voice in vitro. He was all but essentially made that way and forced to deal with the consequences of it when they weren't the faults of his own.

And yeah, that type of writing really gets to me, especially claremount. I love New mutants, but fuck can claremount word spiel. Magik's origin was especially jarring due to that style.
my dog has cancer

i feel hollow

UGH I know the feeling dude. I went through this 2 years ago. You have my sympathies and condolences. It's just the fucking worst. : ( I hope they've caught it early and your pup is going to be ok, keeping everything I can cross, crossed for them.

I just caught up with more of the thread and read she's only 2.5 fuck dude, I'm so sorry.


I don't think Blackbolt being that way via genetic engineering is much different from him getting it from the mists, which itself is genetic engineering. Especially considering he was given his voice in vitro. He was all but essentially made that way and forced to deal with the consequences of it when they weren't the faults of his own.

And yeah, that type of writing really gets to me, especially claremount. I love New mutants, but fuck can claremount word spiel. Magik's origin was especially jarring due to that style.

I think with the mists the point is that it kinda is your own fault, on some level. That's actually the only interesting thing about the Inhumans.

Magik is a good example, but to be honest it's a Marvel disease - see Ultimate Tony's body brain, Nightcrawler's... everything, the Spider-totem shit (& Sins Past...), etc etc These characters already have perfectly good origin stories, that's why they're popular. Have them do new interesting things that pay off in the long game.


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Is All New Hawkeye really that bad? I just see all the art
on Ramon Perez's instagram and that part looks nice at least.
I don't want to say it is bad,, just not doing enough to keep me on it.

Also its not really fair,, pretty much no mater what its not going to live up to Fractions Hawkguy.

Del Mundo makes any book an auto buy for me. I want Elektra OHC so bad.
Yes, this is one of the artist on my "auto buy list" lol
And dammmnn,, I didn't even think about how great a Del Mundo OHC would be....

my dog has cancer

i feel hollow

Sorry to hear man,, I grew up with a Doberman for 16/17 years when I was younger,, she had a tumor removed from her back (when she was 15 or so), and wasn't the same after that, and my mom was especially devastated when we had to say goodbye. I think she was off work for like 2 weeks after that:/

My wife and I were just talking about how we want a dog,, but its hard for me to really commit because the fear of being heart broken


Also,, lighter note, don't think I can wait till Friday for Batman, will most likely go pick it up today :)))
Shin please get excited for Batgirl with me.

Batgirl Arkham DLC or Batgirl comic? DLC I totally will. I can not WAIT to play as Barbara kicking ass. Though I hope its longer than the Harley and Red Hood DLCs which seem to be like 10 - 15 minutes each.

Give me like a solid 2 - 4 hours as Barbara.
Batgirl Arkham DLC or Batgirl comic? DLC I totally will. I can not WAIT to play as Barbara kicking ass. Though I hope its longer than the Harley and Red Hood DLCs which seem to be like 10 - 15 minutes each.

Give me like a solid 2 - 4 hours as Barbara.

They need to if they ever want to justify a $40 season pass lolololololol.
They need to if they ever want to justify a $40 season pass lolololololol.

You're going to be able to get the stuff from the season pass outside of the season pass right?

It looks like the season pass is going to be a lot of costumes and I don't give a fuck about that, or challenge maps. Just give me that Batgirl DLC.

Also LOLOLOLOLOLOL at $40 season pass, fucking aye WB.
Thor #604-#624: That was pretty decent. I especially enjoyed Gillen's dialogue. The problem with it was the narrative flow. Either Gillen went with a style where he depicts sequences that happened right after Major Events (like in No Country For Old Men) or some event fucked everything up. (I have a feeling it is the latter).

At least it gave me some background going into

JIM #622-#623: This feels a lot more structured. And reading this after Thor, I can see why everyone hates Loki and these first two issues seem to be setting things up nicely.

Just a random thought. Do Green Lanterns get paychecks? If so, is minor because I remember that episode of Justice League when John said he could barely pay the bills.

Even though I am trying really hard to forget having read Johns' Green Lantern, I think there was something about a paycheck getting docked or some fine to be paid.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
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