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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

To say Man of Steel doesn't have problems is plain wrong though and I enjoyed it. I've always felt more confident that BvS would be a better film because Terrio's writing.

Got round to reading Infinity Guantlet #1 Really liked the first issue. Complete opposite of what I was expecting but I liked the dynamics between the family. Definitely buying #2.

Where did I say it doesn't have problems?
Is the dialogue from the goons you beat up playing as Harley as cringe worthy as it was during the Catwoman sections of Arkham City?
I don't think I could deal with another section of constant "I can't wait to kill that bitch ass bitch for being a bitch. She's such a bitch that bitch"

I honestly didn't care much for Grey DeLisle's portrayal of Catwoman in Arkham City.


Is the dialogue from the goons you beat up playing as Harley as cringe worthy as it was during the Catwoman sections of Arkham City?
I don't think I could deal with another section of constant "I can't wait to kill that bitch ass bitch for being a bitch. She's such a bitch that bitch"

Gotta push that T rating!

Considering that AK's M, though...oh dear.
You said BvS's plot was a fuck you to critics implying anyone that criticised the film.

The destruction isn't a problem in MoS. That criticism has always been hollow. It ignores that this is a young hero that just dawned his suit fighting someone just as powerful. He never controlled the fight.

It's dialogue and symbolism. The fact it needed more drafts. Those are real problems.


Unconfirmed Member
Wasn't Jimmy a female in MoS? Why is Jimmy now a male in BvS? Typo?

There was a Jenny, who was never given a last name as far as I know. She was the one that got caught in the rubble and Lawrence Fishbourne and Doug Stamper tried to save her and you would probably like, "Who are these people again and why does the movie act like it suddenly cares about them?"
I'm up to Marvel Now and just past AvX.

I like how when Tony sees "Kid Nova" for the first time he say that Richard Ryder was his friend. Even though the last time they talked it was like:

Tony: There was a war? What war?
Richie: Uh yeah, the biggest war in the history of existence, the entire galaxy fought the bugs, billions died.
Tony: Oh well, we're in the middle of a war here, too, between me and Captain America!
Richie: Da fuq? Who cares about that?
Tony: Oh, by the way, I need you to register with SHIELD.
Richie: You gotta be kidding me, I'm out.

And then years later when Tony heads to space, he doesn't seem to notice that Richie is now dead, but he does promptly fuck Richie's girlfriend Gamora.
The new Squadron Supreme is a patchwork team, from James Robinson and Leonard Kirk.


Hickman's Hyperion, Doc Spectrum from the Great Society, Nighthawk from Supreme Power, Blur from New Universe's DP7, Thundra.

James Robinson: In terms of the characters, their attitude is that they’ve all lost their own worlds and they’ve got to save this world no matter what. So at times that will put them often at odds with the Avengers. They aren’t always going to [do] the thing that you think is the right thing. And that quite frankly as the series goes on will lead to some of them questioning if they’re doing things the right way and others steadfastly believing that they are and that will lead to inner conflicts and everything else. The only ‘A’ in the title is in the word ‘squad’ but it’s an Avengers book that doesn’t have the Avengers as prominently in it so as a result I’m definitely making a point of making this a vital book that fits within the Avengers family and the Marvel Universe so I think that people might be surprised by that—that it isn’t one of those off the sideline ancillary books but it’s definitely a book in the heart of the Avengers universe.

Oh, and another note in terms of characters: Blur will feel this sort of great guilt because he’s lost his world, he mourns his world, but one of the things that you’ll remember about the New Universe was that it’s “the world next door,” the world most like ours. There were superpowers but there weren't skin tight costumes. There weren’t all the gaudy, larger-than-life elements that make the Marvel Universe so fantastic. So he’s looking around and he’s looking at alien worlds that live here. The fact that there there’s a Captain America and Thor and Iron Man and he’s kind of a bit blown away by it all. There’s an inner conflict with him. I think by them all having their own worlds that they’ve lost in different ways, that’s the other thing. Doctor Spectrum’s world was literally snatched from her before her eyes, whereas Blur’s world was lost but not quite as dramatic. Nighthawk lost his world but he [has] much more of an analytical mind about dealing with that and the way that he deals with it—but is he suppressing some kind of survivor's guilt or anger that we’re not aware of or that we’ll see manifest later on?

So on that level, it’s a book that will surprise people. I think some of the events that happen in the first issue will definitely surprise people and that’s all I’ll say about that.
How do you even get past the art style to play the Arkham games, same with Injustice?

I really liked Injustice actually. I actually bought it three times (360, Vita, PC). It was my go-to local multi game for ages. Had a huge tournament at my flat the weekend of release, somehow we crammed nearly 30 people in here. Was mad craic all together. I wish I'd enjoyed Mortal Kombat X half as much.

The Arkham games, they're fine artwise IMO. They're trying to strike a balance between comics and movies, and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I was actually surprised they let Batman keep his underpants for Knight, although I suppose they want you to buy New 52 skins or something.
There was a Jenny, who was never given a last name as far as I know. She was the one that got caught in the rubble and Lawrence Fishbourne and Doug Stamper tried to save her and you would probably like, "Who are these people again and why does the movie act like it suddenly cares about them?"

Oh right Jenny. Forgot about her as soon as the movie ended.
I didn't get to respond earlier due to work, but I just want to say about AK's Batmobile: you can swap the controls a bit (in the options, it's toggle battle mode or something) and that might help it feel more intuitive. Also, it's been some of the tenser portions in the game for me, but I'm playing on Hard so I don't know. It hasn't been to the point of frustration nor is it boring. The sequences also get much more dispersed as you get out of the earlier hours.

Also, kind of old, but the artist responsible for this cover guested on Ninjak #4. I wasn't going to pick up Ninjak in trade, but I totally am now. So good. I know Valiant doesn't get a lot of attention around here, so I'm doing my part.

Last one is not by Marguerite Sauvage, but is very sexy and I think Messi might approve.


Is the dialogue from the goons you beat up playing as Harley as cringe worthy as it was during the Catwoman sections of Arkham City?
I don't think I could deal with another section of constant "I can't wait to kill that bitch ass bitch for being a bitch. She's such a bitch that bitch"

A lot of them taunting her about the Joker being dead. Luckily Harley chatters so much that you can't hear them.


I didn't get to respond earlier due to work, but I just want to say about AK's Batmobile: you can swap the controls a bit (in the options, it's toggle battle mode or something) and that might help it feel more intuitive. Also, it's been some of the tenser portions in the game for me, but I'm playing on Hard so I don't know. It hasn't been to the point of frustration nor is it boring. The sequences also get much more dispersed as you get out of the earlier hours.

Also, kind of old, but the artist responsible for this cover guested on Ninjak #4. I wasn't going to pick up Ninjak in trade, but I totally am now. So good. I know Valiant doesn't get a lot of attention around here, so I'm doing my part.

Last one is not by Marguerite Sauvage, but is very sexy and I think Messi might approve.

I like the last one but what the hell is going on in the other panels. Her hair is wild.


I'm excited to read E for Extinction #1 tonight (even if it's not as amazing as I'd hoped, according to a few of you that have already read it), but I can't help but imagine how insane it would have been if Marvel had been able to somehow coax Grant Morrison into writing it or another title during Secret Wars.
I like the last one but what the hell is going on in the other panels. Her hair is wild.

I don't know much about Roku, but she has psychokinetic hair or something. She had been buried in the ground and those panels are a part of her resurfacing. #4 is supposed to be her origin story.

I haven't read any Ninjak yet, though, I just know about him from appearances in other comics.

I know nothing of Ninjak. Is that lady Ninjak?

It's the current arc's villain, Roku. Ninjak is a British ninja dude.

I am also very curious if that is Nikjak and if that is her regular attire?

That's her regular attire, she's the villain though.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I dont know anyone besides Hyperion and the New Avengers lady in that Squadron Supreme book :/
I dont know anyone besides Hyperion and the New Avengers lady in that Squadron Supreme book :/

That version of Nighthawk is a badass.

It's a shame Supreme Power probably isn't on MU since it's a MAX book. It was great back in the day, was the first deconstruction of superheroes I'd read at the time.
There was a Jenny, who was never given a last name as far as I know. She was the one that got caught in the rubble and Lawrence Fishbourne and Doug Stamper tried to save her and you would probably like, "Who are these people again and why does the movie act like it suddenly cares about them?"

"As long as I get to see some hot make outs in front of the ground zero wreckage ALREADY LETS GO"
>taps foot<
>looks at watch<
That version of Nighthawk is a badass.

It's a shame Supreme Power probably isn't on MU since it's a MAX book. It was great back in the day, was the first deconstruction of superheroes I'd read at the time.
JMS run right?

It was such a Miracleman rip off. I mean 'homage' Miracleman is the realness.
I dont know anyone besides Hyperion and the New Avengers lady in that Squadron Supreme book :/

Hyperion and Doc Spectrum are from Hickman's Avengers run.

Nighthawk is from Supreme Power. A Black Bruce Wayne expy who grew up in the Deep South, so he tends to focus on race-related crimes.

Thundra is a Marvel anti-hero. Like Wonder Woman, but from an alternate future where women rule.

Blur is for DP7 in the New Universe. Super-speed character who couldn't stop vibrating without chemical assistance. Like the interview says, he's a New Universe refugee, so his world didn't have any elaborate costumes. He's simply a black dude in a track suit.

No clue who the last person is. The weapon looks familiar, but I got nothing.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Hyperion and Doc Spectrum are from Hickman's Avengers run.

Nighthawk is from Supreme Power. A Black Bruce Wayne expy who grew up in the Deep South, so he tends to focus on race-related crimes.

Thundra is a Marvel anti-hero. Like Wonder Woman, but from an alternate future where women rule.

Blur is for DP7 in the New Universe. Super-speed character who couldn't stop vibrating without chemical assistance. Like the interview says, he's a New Universe refugee, so his world didn't have any elaborate costumes. He's simply a black dude in a track suit.

No clue who the last person is. The weapon looks familiar, but I got nothing.



It's been a long time since i bought a James Robinson book, i don't even remember what book i gave up on him with...i think it was something Justice League related.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
cant wait for them to reveal the x-men books for after secret wars. It will be glorious


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I know its old but:

ALL-NEW ALL-DIFFERENT AVENGERS #1 – a new ongoing series from blockbuster writer Mark Waid (Daredevil, S.H.I.E.L.D.) and artistic duties from Adam Kubert (Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows) and Mahmud Asrar (All-New X-Men).

thats a hell of a creative team
man i love having once been a cartoonist, just for the facebook feed it left me.
mike mignola had no idea gotham by gaslight batman was used in convergence, bless him
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