Simply Sarah
I dunno. Daredevil's always had it pretty good.
Dammit, you made me almost choke.
I dunno. Daredevil's always had it pretty good.
Why aren't you playing Arkham Knight?
Because I need to read some comics.
The Auteur: Sister Bambi.I have been googling this for minutes and I legit don't know what this book is. I feel like I'm going to end up in some dark corner of the Internet.
The Auteur: Sister Bambi.
And that wasn't the scene I was referring to. That one involvesKing Kong, a knife-wielding serial killer, and severe rectal trauma.
X-Men '92 continues to be fucking amazing. Check it out, GAF.
X-Men '92 continues to be fucking amazing. Check it out, GAF.
Did that drop? I missed it somehow.
Well,might as well make this week a nice round eighty dollars
If you're buying digital it's up to issue 3. Print issue 1 is also out this week.
Reading through this bit about the Furiosa comic co-creator's comments, and...holy fucking shit.
Why we still got Robert Venditti?
I thought we were dropping this.
Read Doomed #1. It's seriously a good book. It's worth the asking price. I just spoke to GH who was reluctant to read it, and he gave it his highest praise:
"Zombine convinced me to read Doomed #1 and I couldn't be happier. It's even better than Macross."
I thought we were dropping this.
...which Macross?
Read Doomed #1. It's seriously a good book. It's worth the asking price. I just spoke to GH who was reluctant to read it, and he gave it his highest praise:
"Zombine convinced me to read Doomed #1 and I couldn't be happier. It's even better than Macross."
I just read Grayson, JL3001, Batgirl, and then Walking Dead. Am I a secret DC fan? I'm so confused.
was there a new grayson this month or are you just catching up
I just read Grayson, JL3001, Batgirl, and then Walking Dead. Am I a secret DC fan? I'm so confused.
Did you read 1602 Witch Hunter Angela? I fucking loved it. My God the two artstyles were amazing and I loved the spin they put on things.
Dude, that came out like, two weeks ago. Of course I read it.
I just got around to it. All of the character designs were lovely. Especially Angela and Enchantress.
That just makes her sexier
What the fuck is wrong with me :/
The setting works really well for Angela, and yeah, the art was something special.
Just read Batgirl
First issue of this run I've so much as touched, but I was curious to see how the whole "Gordon unknowingly hunting his daughter" thing played out, and I gotta ask: this is what y'all are constantly kvetching about? Writing isn't anything to write home about, sure, but it's easily Lemire-Green-Arrow tier, and the art is great! Not nearly as bad as I've heard you guys say it is. Unless this issue is a real leap in quality or something.
I do wish thatBabs had taken the opportunity to spill the beans to her dad (who looks great in this style, BTW, even better than how Capullo draws him), but I suppose that the dramatic irony rated higher on the priority scale. Ce la vie.
Oh, and Livewire wasn't handled particularly well. But w/e.
Did anyone else pick up Where Monsters Dwell 2?
I'm really loving it. It's like a throwback pulp adventure (with sort of outdated sexual politics fully included and subverted). Might be my favorite tie in, but we'll see how Thors turns out.
Also Planet Hulk was also pretty good, but the cover was fantastic.
Did anyone else pick up Where Monsters Dwell 2?
I'm really loving it. It's like a throwback pulp adventure (with sort of outdated sexual politics fully included and subverted). Might be my favorite tie in, but we'll see how Thors turns out.
Also Planet Hulk was also pretty good, but the cover was fantastic.
It's in their digital first section. It's the second comic on that rowWhat's a good way to keep track of infinite comic releases? Xmen 92 wasn't in comixology's new releases and it wasn't on comiclist either. I had to search for it.