I bet 50% of the inhuman movie budget is going solely into medusa's hair.
I've been dying to know who they'll cast as her, despite the fact it's way too soon.
I bet 50% of the inhuman movie budget is going solely into medusa's hair.
48 percent on Lockjaw, 2 percent on that one time Black Bolt does anything.
"OK, so stand here, look vaguely angry, and don't open your mouth."
We all know the climatic fight is going to end with BB whispering something.
oh old comics
i'm like 6 episodes behind in Game of Thrones
Hell, even I hook up with Johnny after SW.Is everyone gonna hook up with Johnny after Secret Wars.
Is everyone gonna hook up with Johnny after Secret Wars.
TMs Marvel, Peter Parker, Reed Richards, Susan Storm, Lockjaw, Fing Fang Foom, Devil Dinosaur...
oh old comics
Johnny will fuck anything, human or non human
Hah. That is the definition of try hard
I bet 50% of the inhuman movie budget is going solely into medusa's hair.
I know there's rumours of a Ms. Marvel show but Kamala really should be in the movie as someone the audience can connect with.
Dan DiDio's DC Comics.
You know your company's hip when it's 5+ years behind the likes of CNN and Fox News with the Twitter/hashbrown craze.
Oh please. Nobody likes hash browns. That's just distractions from eggs, bacon, frenchtoast and ceralthe most delicious craze.
Oh please. Nobody likes hash browns.
*highfive*My bro!
I remember quite a bit mostly cause my brain works dumb. It was a fun series that I will revisit in the future once my mermories of it get even more foggy.I read all the books fantatically as a teen and don't remember anything about them now. I actually never saw any of the films either.
Dem be fightin' words.Oh please. Nobody likes hash browns. That's just distractions from eggs, bacon, frenchtoast and ceral
God I love breakfast.
Home Fries are the real breakfast potato anyway.
Nah man nahYesss. Kipp joins the correct side. Search your feelings, you know hasbrowns are a mistake.
It's too bad this is DC and not Marvel. "If you haven't downloaded the DCYou app, what are you waiting for?! Don't be one of those fools who still buys print comics, download the app for only $9.99!!"I read that in Michael Cole's voice.
I'm gonna fight youHashbrowns >>>> country potatoes ... search your feelings, you know it to be true!