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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Read Doomed #1. It's seriously a good book. It's worth the asking price. I just spoke to GH who was reluctant to read it, and he gave it his highest praise:

"Zombine convinced me to read Doomed #1 and I couldn't be happier. It's even better than Macross."
Is the main character the next Bunker aka the greatest minority character ever?
We never talked bad about Babs Tarrs art. She is great. The first arc is all over the place story wise and character wise.

No, I know that the art wasn't the issue, but I didn't find the writing that bad. Like I said, feels like a Lemire situation (tho admittedly, while Tarr is great, she's not Sorrentino).

Anyway, my comics reading streak continues! Just read Superman

I think I can guess where the Truth storyline is going now, and why Lois exposes him. If I'm right, it'll be for the best. Art is kinda rough, IMO, but the story is fun. Supes has probably the best justification for a really, genuinely secret identity, IMO. Too tough to hurt easily except by going after those around him, and too dangerous if somebody manages to blackmail him. Most of the time I prefer a secret identity that extends to the friends and family, but if anybody's got a good justification for keeping the circle small it's him.

Is the main character the next Bunker aka the greatest minority character ever?

Second greatest, maybe.
E is for Extinction #1: Sad old X-Men go up against Magneto's team of young bucks. Tastes like Morrison-lite.

Infinity Gauntlet #2: NOVA DOG! NOVA DOG! ALL HAIL NOVA DOG! And some weird time-jump stuff towards the end. Think this needs another issue before it all comes together.

MODOK Assassin #2: It's a MODOK book. Join this tiny killing machine with broken emotions. Is MODOK a thing you want in your life?

Grayson #9: The team behind this book knows its audience. They're all out about it, too. They really should pay off the baiting though. Perhaps with Midnighter?

Flash #41: Did... Professor Zoom just mount the Flash? Not a great issue, but I dislike Booth's art, so I'm biased. The new costume design and the general look of the book doesn't work for me, so the all I'm left with is the uninspired writing.

Green Lantern Lost Army #1: This is a GL Corps book in all but name. All setup, giving us the cast, but little else.
Guy Gardner's back, but sadly, the pornstache is gone. BOOOOOOOO!

Superman #41: Did not feel this one as much as Action Comics 41. The reason behind Superman's outing becomes clear. I do really like the Solar Flare power being used to add a bit of vulnerability to Superman.

Justice League 3001 #1: Giffen is quietly writing a JLI book. Super weird, you have to love those characters.
Ice is a ancient goddess, Fire is a demon, Guy is a lady, Superman is a dick, Lois Lane is megalomanic, Booster and Blue Beetle are running free, and the original Supergirl is coming!

We Are Robin #1: The polar opposite of Batman, Inc. Robin as a movement for poor youth. Strong start for the lead. Honestly, I'm wondering what happens when Batman, Inc meets We Are Robin. The central thrust seems to be "who is supplying these kids?"
So... is there a Justice League 3000 annual I missed or something, because 3001 has left me deeply confused. Well, not "confused" exactly, Giffen spends too much time having characters do exposition for me to not understand what's going on, but I feel like I missed an episode or something. When did Firestorm take charge of Cadmus?
Well it is.

The handling is way too fucking floaty. I find myself often switching to tank-mode for a second just to take corners.

Yeah, I do that too, but that means it's terrible? I have a lot of fun in chases and tank encounters, and the Riddler challenges make creative use of the mechanics. I really don't understand. :(


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Haha oh man. Kipp loved The Auteur. I need to check this out asap.

Yes. Yes I did. :D
I totally forgot that there was a new volume coming out. So stoked to get the TPB when it gets released.

There is like 50 people at this show, it feels like I'm back in high school seeing punk bands in some Shitty basement. It's pretty fucking awesome.

That sounds awesome. Who are you seeing?
I came here to post how annoying it is that people who have played AK have such hyperbolic opinions ("batmobile is fucking terrible", "good riddance I never liked the challenge maps anyway"), but I found this instead and its hilarious. No spoilers.


I understand everything the guy is actually saying but it's still hilarious to me.

The first 30-35 seconds of this is the peak of this particular meme
Yeah, I do that too, but that means it's terrible? I have a lot of fun in chases and tank encounters, and the Riddler challenges make creative use of the mechanics. I really don't understand. :(

The way the Batmobile handles is mainly a problem because of the many narrow streets they expect you to maneuver in @ high speeds. The Batmobile definitely has some rad uses, but as a mode of transportation (which is supposed to be its main function), it sucks shit.

That said, GTA 3 car physics would fix everything.


Did anyone else pick up Where Monsters Dwell 2?

I'm really loving it. It's like a throwback pulp adventure (with sort of outdated sexual politics fully included and subverted).
A lot of it is well trod Ennis ground, but he does this particular schtick (the non heroic hero) well. It's hard not to get some enjoyment out of dinosaurs and tribes of scantily clad women, anyway.
The way the Batmobile handles is mainly a problem because of the many narrow streets they expect you to maneuver in @ high speeds. The Batmobile definitely has some rad uses, but as a mode of transportation (which is supposed to be its main function), it sucks shit.

I found I mostly had this problem early on, but it's gotten better. I was actually surprised by how narrow the streets are relative to the Batmobile, but I wasn't exactly crashing into walls in stuff terribly often; however, yeah, I think this improves as you spend more time with it. There are some really horrible driving mechanics out there for me to say this is bad.

I was actually disappointed there aren't more car chases, though I'm not sure what they would do with them. The chases can get pretty frantic and exhilarating.


Age of Ultron vs. Marvel Zombies: So do I need to read 1872 since
Hank and Janet end up in the SHIELD?

SHIELD #7: It was good...
Just read that new Walking Dead issue and I'm starting to get irritated with how much Kirkman is stretching shit out. It's been 16 issues since issue #127 and it feels like nothing has freaking happened. All Out War almost killed me with how long it was too and this new start was refreshing at first, but one of the myriad of story arcs he's started since need to hit a milestone or end already.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
His style is just awesome

Really digging the use of frogs so far too. Very refreshing from your usual ravens, snakes, etc. being the ones foreshadowing some terrible event.

Yes, definitely! So glad you're enjoying it so far.

Also, I'd highly recommend picking up this oversized Dark Horse hardcover. It's 136 pages of absolutely incredible Mike Mignola Hellboy art prints. It's my favorite book I own.

Oh also, spoiler alert: Mignola's art and style only gets better and better after the first trade.


I don't usually care too much when I can't get into things but I've read Seed of Destruction twice and I've read through that first BPRD omni and it kiiinda bugs me that I really can't get into this stuff
E is for Extinction was the shit
Also, kind of old, but the artist responsible for this cover guested on Ninjak #4. I wasn't going to pick up Ninjak in trade, but I totally am now. So good. I know Valiant doesn't get a lot of attention around here, so I'm doing my part.

Go for it! I think i'm the only one here who reads Ninjak, it's pretty good, especially art-wise from both Clay Mann and Butch Guice, and it looks like #4 looks just as good


E is for Extinction was the shit

I liked it a lot too.

Also dug Where Monsters Dwell #2 which is Garth Ennis on autopilot but Ennis on autopilot tends to be competent regardless and this is quite fun

also also dug Infinity Gauntlet #2 b/c apparently I'm a Secret Wars mark all of a sudden!!


Wait when did 'Where mosnters dwell #1' release? Can't believe i missed this as it was my most anticipated Battleworlds series XO


Full werewolf off the buckle
Started Hellboy and I'm only like 20 pages in but man, Mignola's coloring and use of blacks for shadows is incredible.

I just finished the first HB arc. Excellent stuff! I highly recommend you also give his "Baltimore" series a look.It is just as badass as HB, but much more serious. Really serious vampire hunting, WW1 stuff. It is relentless and has some very cool ideas on the "Vampirism" concept.

I am very new to comics but Mignola is fast becoming my favorite person in the field.

When my GF (Hopefully) gives me some Google Play credit for my birthday soon I fully intend, even though I've bought the first arc issues individually, to buy this immediately; https://digital.darkhorse.com/profile/4834.baltimore-big-bundle/

https://digital.darkhorse.com/profile/205.hellboy-wake-the-devil-bundle-1-5/ this bad bitch is all mine in in the next 24 hours as well. I'm quite stoked.
Last night I said Thors was the first Secret Wars tie-in I'd read. I'd completely forgotten about Renew Your Vows.

From what I've read Thors > Infinity Gauntlet > Renew Your Vows.


Just finished volume 1 of Ravine this morning from my "CMX sale shit I've not actually read pile."

Am I right that volume 2 is nowhere near enough to resolve all this? It's not still going is it?

Also any redhead character makes me think they're from Sunstone and so much subtext.
I just finished the first HB arc. Excellent stuff! I highly recommend you also give his "Baltimore" series a look.It is just as badass as HB, but much more serious. Really serious vampire hunting, WW1 stuff. It is relentless and has some very cool ideas on the "Vampirism" concept.

I am very new to comics but Mignola is fast becoming my favorite person in the field.

When my GF (Hopefully) gives me some Google Play credit for my birthday soon I fully intend, even though I've bought the first arc issues individually, to buy this immediately; https://digital.darkhorse.com/profile/4834.baltimore-big-bundle/

https://digital.darkhorse.com/profile/205.hellboy-wake-the-devil-bundle-1-5/ this bad bitch is all mine in in the next 24 hours as well. I'm quite stoked.

You should get it on CMX. The resolution jump is gargantuan.


Full werewolf off the buckle
You should get it on CMX. The resolution jump is gargantuan.
I truly prefer Comixology, but it's been a bit since I compared prices on DH stuff in the native app versus CMX. Are they still wildly divergent or was that some strange error due to issues with the big change?
Holy hell, still showing up at 2x the price on Comixology! As much as I like having all my shit in one place I guess I've got low standards as far as resolution goes lol


Just finished volume 1 of Ravine this morning from my "CMX sale shit I've not actually read pile."

Am I right that volume 2 is nowhere near enough to resolve all this? It's not still going is it?

Also any redhead character makes me think they're from Sunstone and so much subtext.

Volume two just adds to it. They sold terribly so Sejic is cancelling it as a book and trying to move it forward as a webcomic. That shit won't end for years and I am suspicious that we will ever get an ending.

He recently said the next bit won't be done until next year. He's gonna work on it in his free time.
I truly prefer Comixology, but it's been a bit since I compared prices on DH stuff in the native app versus CMX. Are they still wildly divergent or was that some strange error due to issues with the big change?

I'd imagine they're cheaper on DHD but the resolution bump is worth whatever discrepancy, since the prices are already reasonable in CMX. $10 for a trade is like $5 cheaper than physical. It might be even cheaper on DH but 10 is completely fair for what you're getting and with DH you're stuck with what you get. CMX launched these books with a lot of problems that i meticulously laid out to their support team and in 48 hours, they've been 98% resolved. I asked DH about the resolutions on their older hellboy books and was told after weeks that they were as high as they were going to get.

It's worth it.


Just finished volume 1 of Ravine this morning from my "CMX sale shit I've not actually read pile."

Am I right that volume 2 is nowhere near enough to resolve all this? It's not still going is it?

Also any redhead character makes me think they're from Sunstone and so much subtext.
Isn't that Sejic's epic fantasy series?

Think there's multiple volumes planned. Sales were crap for the trade so I think he's going the Sunstone route with it. Free webcomic with collected editions in print at the end of each volume. He's mentioned volume 3 coming eventually


I don't usually care too much when I can't get into things but I've read Seed of Destruction twice and I've read through that first BPRD omni and it kiiinda bugs me that I really can't get into this stuff

Seed of Destruction is kinda different to the rest of the Hellboy stuff anyway, not massively so but enough that you should give volume 2 a try and see if that sticks.
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