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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

It's a silly conspiracy theory that people will repeatedly say isn't happening!

Honestly though, I've always wondered about the movie right to Hank McCoy following Quicksilver, since the Beast has been just as much of an Avenger as an X-Man.
What I mean is, they have no confidence in the Inhumans characters and lore. Why dilute them by adding these pointless characters? Who is going to pickup Uncanny Inhumans cuz it has their nigga Beast and Johnny Storm in it? They already introduced a fire brah last year and I could come up with a Beast like Inhuman while in the drive thru trying to share a glance with Chick Fil A girl. Seriously, what is this shit? Beast and Johnny gonna be more in your face than the Twix add when the focus should be on the Inhumans.


If I showed you an inked Bagley page, would you be able to tell me the difference between MJ and Gwen Stacy?

Give the man props for being super consistent and timely but he draws the exact same faces and body types over and over again.

I guess it depends on what your definition of great means. Bagley certainly helped define what Spider-Man looked like for a long time. He definitely compared favorably to many other artists in that late 90s and very early 00s but I'd have a hard time putting his work up there with artists of today while I'd have no problem with Lafuente up there

In regard to his 'weird proportions,' almost all comics artists actually have 'weird proportions.' You're just used to Bagley's since they're more common. Height = 7x head size ratios is one of the most common ones. Proportions just need to be consistent.

Lafuente was also significantly better at making Bendis's 2 page shenanigans work.

Re: inked Bagley page, MJ vs Gwen, yes. If it was just a headshot and they were both bald? It would be more difficult, I'll grant you but still not impossible. Facial characteristics aren't his strongest suit (and it certainly IS one of Lafuente's), but facial expressions ARE. Bagley always did an amazing job of capturing characters personalities with their expressions. This is actually one of my issues with Lafuente. I see him trying, but missing the mark in this respect. Gwen doesn't even feel like Gwen in his books to me, she feels like a completely different blond teenager living in Peter's house that also happens to be named Gwen. I'll also disagree on drawing the exact same body types over and over again, unless we're talking background characters, which seems both natural and forgivable to me.

Regarding proportions: it's true to some extent that the vast majority of comics artists have "weird proportions" in that almost no one goes for photorealism. But the common proportions are used with purpose. They're common for a reason, in that they evoke a heroic quality. 5 head tall characters look like cartoony dwarves by comparison. It doesn't feel like a superhero comic, except that it has people with super powers and costumes running around. (Incidentally I find Lafuente's consistency lacking in this regard as well. Even in the issue referenced above where I found improvements, on one page Peter's fists are bigger than his head, the next it goes back to what I would call Lafuente's usual).

I hope none of this sounds overly harsh and critical, just trying to accurately explain why I could never get on the Lafuente band wagon.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Inhumans ain't never happening. Their best two characters are a guy who can't talk (sort of important to drive a comic fandom) and a woman who has the power of Vidal Sassoon. Nobody gives half a Twix about the Inhumans. Nobody will ever care about the Inhumans. If they did, the Agents of SHIELD would be wildly successful instead of basically forced the actress who plays Skye to use it as a long form audition for something that doesn't suck on toast.
What I mean is, they have no confidence in the Inhumans characters and lore. Why dilute them by adding these pointless characters? Who is going to pickup Uncanny Inhumans cuz it has their nigga Beast and Johnny Storm in it? They already introduced a fire brah last year and I could come up with a Beast like Inhuman while in the drive thru trying to share a glance with Chick Fil A girl. Seriously, what is this shit? Beast and Johnny gonna be more in your face than the Twix add when the focus should be on the Inhumans.

Y'know... just dawned on me that the general inhuman team comp, that is, BB, Med, Karnie, Gorgz, Triton and Rawkjaw, has no Great Intellect, which is why they gotta use Max every once in a while. So it's not like the role is completely unwarranted.

Also lol if there's a frame of BB walking on Johnny and Med schmanging.
Y'know... just dawned on me that the general inhuman team comp, that is, BB, Med, Karnie, Gorgz, Triton and Rawkjaw, has no Great Intellect, which is why they gotta use Max every once in a while. So it's not like the role is completely unwarranted.

Also lol if there's a frame of BB walking on Johnny and Med schmanging.
I think the role is unwarranted because we just had Terrigen Mist circumvent the globe like Magellan and Soule and co. are so myopic and unimaginative they can't make any good Inhumans.
I think the role is unwarranted because we just had Terrigen Mist circumvent the globe like Magellan and Soule and co. are so myopic and unimaginative they can't make any good Inhumans.

Magic mutie powerz creates bruisers, not intellects.

I mean, out of the top of my head, aside from the Leader, every single mahvel great intellect already was a great intellect before Powerz.

Could be misremembering. But yeah, sure. Could've just created a random QUANTUM SCIENTIST character that got terrimutied, made him horrendously deformed and done deal.
Look I just came up with one.! Some lobster looking brah (already look Lobster-ish pre transformation, think red hair, ginger complexion) is struck by Twrrigen Mist. This twenty something barista by day social justice warrior by night (for you Zombine) gains the power to to access and communicate with electronics by using his !obster whiskers or whatever they are called. He becomes even more reclusive and shut in, using his new found powers for his own perverted interests and his tendency for activism. Inhumans detect him and he is brought in to use his powers for a bigger purpose and fill the void in his life. There ya go.

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
What I mean is, they have no confidence in the Inhumans characters and lore. Why dilute them by adding these pointless characters? Who is going to pickup Uncanny Inhumans cuz it has their nigga Beast and Johnny Storm in it? They already introduced a fire brah last year and I could come up with a Beast like Inhuman while in the drive thru trying to share a glance with Chick Fil A girl. Seriously, what is this shit? Beast and Johnny gonna be more in your face than the Twix add when the focus should be on the Inhumans.

It's quite ingenuous actually, they're rolling with the popularity of Fantastic Four and X-Men without pushing actual Fantastic Four and X-Men books. It's why the Thing is going to conveniently now be a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

God forbid they actually push any X or FF books because REASONS/SPITE. I do think its hilarious that the main figurehead of the Inhumans resurgence is basically a guy who is the Human Torch (Inferno) only to bring the actual Human Torch onto the Inhumans.

E: Also, trying to make the Inhumans into the X-Men is the worst. They just don't have the characters to back that up. You think Karnak and Gorgon stand toe to toe with Wolverine and Nightcrawler? Please. Marvel should have made the Inhumans as far out there as possible instead of trying to make them the "Mutants of the Cinematic Universe"


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Lol. Unless my boss is just late (very unlikely, since when she shows up she usually shows up at like 6am), this is the third Friday in a row that she hasn't showed up. AKA I haven't seen her for four weeks. Another easy Friday for me. :D

That also makes it like three weeks since there's been one other person in the office with me. Which is boring.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Lol. Unless my boss is just late (very unlikely, since when she shows up she usually shows up at like 6am), this is the third Friday in a row that she hasn't showed up. AKA I haven't seen her for four weeks. Another easy Friday for me. :D

That also makes it like three weeks since there's been one other person in the office with me. Which is boring.

You sure that you're actually employed Kipp? You may just be creepily hanging out in an empty office every Friday.
Re: inked Bagley page, MJ vs Gwen, yes. If it was just a headshot and they were both bald? It would be more difficult, I'll grant you but still not impossible. Facial characteristics aren't his strongest suit (and it certainly IS one of Lafuente's), but facial expressions ARE. Bagley always did an amazing job of capturing characters personalities with their expressions. This is actually one of my issues with Lafuente. I see him trying, but missing the mark in this respect. Gwen doesn't even feel like Gwen in his books to me, she feels like a completely different blond teenager living in Peter's house that also happens to be named Gwen. I'll also disagree on drawing the exact same body types over and over again, unless we're talking background characters, which seems both natural and forgivable to me.

Regarding proportions: it's true to some extent that the vast majority of comics artists have "weird proportions" in that almost no one goes for photorealism. But the common proportions are used with purpose. They're common for a reason, in that they evoke a heroic quality. 5 head tall characters look like cartoony dwarves by comparison. It doesn't feel like a superhero comic, except that it has people with super powers and costumes running around. (Incidentally I find Lafuente's consistency lacking in this regard as well. Even in the issue referenced above where I found improvements, on one page Peter's fists are bigger than his head, the next it goes back to what I would call Lafuente's usual).

I hope none of this sounds overly harsh and critical, just trying to accurately explain why I could never get on the Lafuente band wagon.
You're not coming off as harsh. Pretty civil actually!

You're right that Lafuente grew better as he did more issues. He was pretty young when he started on USM.

I'd say shorter characters are a better fit for USM considering they're teenagers.

I honestly think that not looking like a typical cape book is better for USM. At least at the time. The Ultimate Universe worked best when it seemed to cut away from a more typical cape style of creating and present itself as the next step. Bagley was already part of the establishment. Same reasons I wasn't really into Kubert on UXM.
God forbid they actually push any X or FF books because REASONS/SPITE. I do think its hilarious that the main figurehead of the Inhumans resurgence is basically a guy who is the Human Torch (Inferno) only to bring the actual Human Torch onto the Inhumans.

E: Also, trying to make the Inhumans into the X-Men is the worst. They just don't have the characters to back that up. You think Karnak and Gorgon stand toe to toe with Wolverine and Nightcrawler? Please. Marvel should have made the Inhumans as far out there as possible instead of trying to make them the "Mutants of the Cinematic Universe"

The main figurehead is Medusa, and she's baller.

Also karnak vs logan is a horrendous mismatch for logan.

Look I just came up with one.! Some lobster looking brah (already look Lobster-ish pre transformation, think red hair, ginger complexion) is struck by Twrrigen Mist. This twenty something barista by day social justice warrior by night (for you Zombine) gains the power to to access and communicate with electronics by using his !obster whiskers or whatever they are called. He becomes even more reclusive and shut in, using his new found powers for his own perverted interests and his tendency for activism. Inhumans detect him and he is brought in to use his powers for a bigger purpose and fill the void in his life. There ya go.

Sounds good. Give us a name.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
You sure that you're actually employed Kipp? You may just be creepily hanging out in an empty office every Friday.

Hmmm... You make a decent point. One could argue that I just go into an office 8-5/M-F to take advantage of free air conditioning while I browse GAF. And do a tiny bit of posting to some weird deals and couponing website after I've caught up on all the new posts.
The only evidence I have to support the "employment" theory is the lump sum I get in my Paypal account once every 4 weeks.


Look I just came up with one.! Some lobster looking brah (already look Lobster-ish pre transformation, think red hair, ginger complexion) is struck by Twrrigen Mist. This twenty something barista by day social justice warrior by night (for you Zombine) gains the power to to access and communicate with electronics by using his !obster whiskers or whatever they are called. He becomes even more reclusive and shut in, using his new found powers for his own perverted interests and his tendency for activism. Inhumans detect him and he is brought in to use his powers for a bigger purpose and fill the void in his life. There ya go.

I would happily read this book.
Can his name be Lobstrocity?

E the Shaggy

Junior Member
The main figurehead is Medusa, and she's baller.

Sorry, figurehead's the wrong term. More POV character.

Inferno was the first "new" Inhuman readers followed following Infinity, and it just seems like Marvel has been scrambling to try to figure out how the hell to make the Inhumans work but keep jumbling everything up with the different pieces.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
...who the fuck pays their employees via paypal?

Sounds fishy af

Yeah, it's pretty fishy. It's basically so that they can avoid paying taxes and I can avoid paying taxes if I wanted to (which my boss flat out told me; I'm not really about that tax-evasion lifestyle though, so I actually am going to pay my taxes).
Technically I'm an independent contractor so that they don't have to pay me any benefits or anything. I think the Paypal thing is tied to that as well.

But meh. They pay me. That's what counts.
Yeah, it's pretty fishy. It's basically so that they can avoid paying taxes and I can avoid paying taxes if I wanted to (which my boss flat out told me; I'm not really about that tax-evasion lifestyle though, so I actually am going to pay my taxes).
Technically I'm an independent contractor so that they don't have to pay me any benefits or anything. I think the Paypal thing is tied to that as well.

But meh. They pay me. That's what counts.

If you pay taxes and they don't, there's quite a big fucken chance that some program will cross-reference that data somewhere and throw up a red flag. Happens down here, anyway.

Snitches get stitches, man.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Hmmm... You make a decent point. One could argue that I just go into an office 8-5/M-F to take advantage of free air conditioning while I browse GAF. And do a tiny bit of posting to some weird deals and couponing website after I've caught up on all the new posts.
The only evidence I have to support the "employment" theory is the lump sum I get in my Paypal account once every 4 weeks.

Hold up, do they send the money using the Friends and Family option or the Good and Services option.

Also, seriously, pretty sure your organs will be harvested by the end of the Summer.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh hey, completely off topic, but I just found this video from back in my jazz days.
Kinda forgot about that. Not too shabby, actually.

If you pay taxes and they don't, there's quite a big fucken chance that some program will cross-reference that data somewhere and throw up a red flag. Happens down here, anyway.

Snitches get stitches, man.

Haha. I've thought about that, actually. I really hope something like that happens.

Hold up, do they send the money using the Friends and Family option or the Good and Services option.

Also, seriously, pretty sure your organs will be harvested by the end of the Summer.

Hmm. Not sure. I haven't checked. Haha. I'll look into that the next time I remember.

And yeah, most likely. That's one of the main reasons I'm hoping to get that other job. Less chance of organs being harvested.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
You look exactly like I picturedid you would.
Solid piano playing too

I wish I was on piano. That guy is a crazy-good piano player. He crushes both jazz and classical. I'm on stand-up bass.
This was also like 5 years ago. Haha

Speaking of what I look like, when are you going to post that picture we took at the Mountain Goats concert, FilthySlug?


You're not coming off as harsh. Pretty civil actually!

Thanks, it's something I struggle with and find that I have to really check myself when debates get wordy. I'll write or say something that just sounds logical and plainly stated to me and the next thing I know I've started a complete shit storm.


I wish I was on piano. That guy is a crazy-good piano player. He crushes both jazz and classical. I'm on stand-up bass.
This was also like 5 years ago. Haha

Speaking of what I look like, when are you going to post that picture we took at the Mountain Goats concert, FilthySlug?

Bwahaha, well the piano player is how I pictured you would look.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Bwahaha, well the piano player is how I pictured you would look.

Hahaha. Well, sorry to disappoint you. I don't have an afro of curly red hair, unfortunately. Or glasses, for that matter. And I'm also not like 6 feet tall.
I do wish I was that guy though.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Hahaha. Well, sorry to disappoint you. I don't have an afro of curly red hair, unfortunately. Or glasses, for that matter. And I'm also not like 6 feet tall.
I do wish I was that guy though.

Don't make me bust out the pics, Kipp. Stop lying to these good people.


I ended up ordering the Wonder Woman 12'' koto statue from amazon, should be getting it today since they have one day shipping for free with my prime trial at the moment. Pics incoming presuming its head is attached and i don't need a replacement. Although it's not like people don't know what it looks like hmmmm so maybe not.

Comic reading isn't going so well...I'm trying to read through a Modok Dark Reign one-shot on my ipad, and while it is kinda fun i'm struggling to finish it. Comic reading is the worst when you're looking at the page count at the top trying to get to the end. "Only 14 out of 24 ahhhhh i thought it was almost over".


Inhumans ain't never happening. Their best two characters are a guy who can't talk (sort of important to drive a comic fandom) and a woman who has the power of Vidal Sassoon. Nobody gives half a Twix about the Inhumans. Nobody will ever care about the Inhumans. If they did, the Agents of SHIELD would be wildly successful instead of basically forced the actress who plays Skye to use it as a long form audition for something that doesn't suck on toast.

It's an insanely cool concept, as many of Kirby's are, but, much like the New Gods, they need someone with a mind for the high-concept like a Morrison to completely revamp and revitalize them. And since Marvel has never been big on the complete reboot thing, it will never happen.

The best shot they had was that Fraction pitch, and they thought it was too out there, which is so much missing the point you'd think DC execs were in charge.
The plunger? Show your true love Abby.



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Whoa, I think you mentioned it before but I thought Kipp was short for something, not your actual name!

Haha. Yep. It's on my birth certificate.

Also, not sure what your avatar is, but I really like it.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I think they came out a week apart in the states but for whatever reason I got both the new Optic Nerve and Pope Hats the same day here. Optic Nerve was good but man, POPE HATS

Any chance of a Pope Hats collection? I want in on this.
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