Hahaha. Well, sorry to disappoint you. I don't have an afro of curly red hair, unfortunately. Or glasses, for that matter. And I'm also not like 6 feet tall.
I do wish I was that guy though.
Well maybe you should!
Hahaha. Well, sorry to disappoint you. I don't have an afro of curly red hair, unfortunately. Or glasses, for that matter. And I'm also not like 6 feet tall.
I do wish I was that guy though.
Too bad Ms. Marvel doesn't look anything like Ms. Marvel on that shirt or I'd buy it for my kid instantly
Kamala looks white washed.
Silk seems to be white washed as well. She is supposed to be asian.
Any chance of a Pope Hats collection? I want in on this.
who do we tweet this to to lay down some SOCIAL JUSTICE
It's an insanely cool concept, as many of Kirby's are, but, much like the New Gods, they need someone with a mind for the high-concept like a Morrison to completely revamp and revitalize them. And since Marvel has never been big on the complete reboot thing, it will never happen.
The best shot they had was that Fraction pitch, and they thought it was too out there, which is so much missing the point you'd think DC execs were in charge.
found it via G Willow Wilson's twitter, who called it "good news."
Spider-woman's brown-washed. *shrug*
I'm not sure but I don't think so, at least not for another few years. I'd say if you come across it you should definitely pick up #4 tho, which is a standalone issue of shorts versus the continuing narrative of 1-3. Use your paypal bux, friend!
also one more question about your office gig because this is Kipp |OT|... is everyone else fired except you?|
Well maybe you should!
who do we tweet this to to lay down some SOCIAL JUSTICE
Let's be real though, this isn't some big editorial conspiracy or anything. It's just a shoddy job by some random colorist.
Let's be real though, this isn't some big editorial conspiracy or anything. It's just a shoddy job by some random colorist.
Sometimes you just take what you can get.found it via G Willow Wilson's twitter, who called it "good news."
I can only guess you somehow overcame me at some point because I definitely got the sense I was ahead of you a few days ago.I'm not far from 100%-ing though.
I pretty much agree with everything you said. I really enjoyed the story. It took a much more personal note than the other games. The combat gameplay is great on every level. I just can't fathom why they took out the challenge maps; I basically bought the game on the assumption there would be traditional challenge maps. Very disappointing.
Combat in the batman games is incredibly forgiving. Don't button mash, because it cancels your combos.
For example, if you have a group of say...8 guys around you, that's a great opportunity to build up an awesome combo. Don't enter your commands like this:
But instead, after landing a hit, enter it like this
X...x...x...x in the General direction of the enemy you want to hit. Replace an X with the appropriate counter or if you're feeling fancy you can throw in some gadgets to prolong the combo. The only time you want to mash the attack button is after stunning a heavy enemy.
You forgot Bunker. How did you forget the best Teen Titan character?you did good America
edit: in the interest of comic book company equality!
You forgot Bunker. How did you forget the best Teen Titan character?
Let's all promise not to make an OT thread about it.
So who going to make an OT about this?
real talk i was just about to make an OT thread for it
Dammit Marvel, you had one job.
I'm surprised by the lack of Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, & Black Widow.
messi if i make the thread do you promise to go on an rant about how SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS are going to steal your naked girl statues?
I am not making any thread. Any thread ends badly for the comicgaf community. We are courting death recently.
woah, what's this now?
did i miss some drama
It's better if we don't discuss it again. Honestly.
then why even bring it up?
you've got me curious, and no mod is going to ban anyone for telling me what the discussion was about
Yeah my bad. I should never have mentioned it.
so I've reached That Story Beat in Arkham Knight and man FUCK Arkham Knight
great, then the next time someone has an issue with race/gender politics you'll know what to do.
great, then the next time someone has an issue with race/gender politics you'll know what to do.
oh man, i'm 50% of the way in and i just want to beat itttt
ppl are freakin out
Agents of SHIELD Season 3 bombshell:
Agents of SHIELD Season 3 bombshell: