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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Having Ted in Justice League 3001 and Jaime in the present seems like the most sensible solution. Most writers who aren't Giffen & DeMatteis struggle with the Blue & Gold anyways.

Agreed. Lobdell did a surprisingly (shockingly, really) good version of him in Convergence, but he also had the other Charleston characters to play with, plus... Lobdell. I dunno how long he'd be able to maintain that kind of quality.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Honestly, the tie-ins aren't really worth it. Either they're good but entirely unconnected, or they're not good, and... also entirely disconnected. If you've got the money to burn you might as well go for it, but otherwise...

That's what they want you to think. I've heards there's a few good issues but the main issues cover everything essential.

The Death of the Family tie ins are Joker messing with and fucking with all of the extended Bat Family characters. If you enjoy the idea of him getting under their skin, pulling horror movie level shit on them, and the like then you'd probably enjoy it. But it's not actually required for the narrative of the main story.

As usual you guys are very helpful. Sticking with the core volumes, thanks. Plus it'd be like €20+ for a book that might be disappointing or mediocre.
Fine, you've convinced me. I'll read this "Kill Six Billion Demons" and I'll probably enjoy it, too!

Also I can't tell if I should actually check out that Red Hood book or if that was a weird knock against it and advertising. But I'm totally pumped for Arkham Knight. And Twix. That's actually the reason I wanted to jump I to the DC bandwagon, their newfound love for Twix and them giving Twix the attention such a high caliber cookiebar deserves. (Any DC books I'm checking out will be digitally, so I can see Twix ads in their full crisp glory.)

No ads in digital. Hell, I can't even tell where they would've gone.



What I don't get is how someone could single out Jaime as a bad diversity character despite all the fantastic work that's been done with him, and then turn around and call Miles Morales, who is guilty of the exact same problems Jaime is being accused of but with significantly less craft or skill, an example of a good, non "forced" example.
What I don't get is how someone could single out Jaime as a bad diversity character despite all the fantastic work that's been done with him, and then turn around and call Miles Morales, who is guilty of the exact same problems Jaime is being accused of but with significantly less craft or skill, an example of a good, non "forced" example.

Because Gambit is an awful person.

(I haven't actually read Ultimate Spider-Man, should probably check it out.)
What I don't get is how someone could single out Jaime as a bad diversity character despite all the fantastic work that's been done with him, and then turn around and call Miles Morales, who is guilty of the exact same problems Jaime is being accused of but with significantly less craft or skill, an example of a good, non "forced" example.

Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that


Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that

But...you're holding up a character who was announced in headline grab publicity stunt, and then proceeded to take the mantle of a beloved character as a good example, with Miles, so that's kind of not what you're saying at all.

I like hero legacies and new heroes both; I thought Jaimie was a great example of what DC loves to do with legacies- Ted was a cool dude, but Jaimie's stuff was a fun read too. I just want to read good books about fun characters.

It sure was!

I never read Stormwatch, but his couple appearances in Grayson were fun; who's writing the ongoing? I should check it out some time.
Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that

But seriously though, how was Jaime a replacement for Ted.

They shared a name.

That's basically it.


I never read Stormwatch, but his couple appearances in Grayson were fun; who's writing the ongoing? I should check it out some time.

Steve Orlando

Just finished Midnighter #1. Incredible, loved every bit of it. Also that Scruff/Grindr bit was cute.

Wow, this made my entire week. After Stormwatch ended I didn't think it was ever coming back in any way. Is it just Midnighter for now?
Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that
Skin color matters to like a handful of characters. The skin color of characters is practically arbitrary. Only reason characters were white to begin with is because white was the default skin color. Might as well put a 'For Whites Only' sign on all those characters if you think the skin tone really matters.

Also lol at bringing up a bunch of Z list characters as shining examples of how to do diversity. I'm pretty sure Psylocke started out as a white character too
Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that

Chill man. You know which minority characters is gonna be featured in a movie before Kamala? Psylocke and Jubilee! The war is over, we won.

But your rants though:



Only got to read JL 41 before leaving for work.

Shit got too real too fast.
GG Lex, Shazam, Power Ring, Flash, Batman, and those faceless ARGUS goons. You will be missed.

LOL at Diana being all "Do you ever cross your mind, any time?" Thinking about Steve.

Darkseid was more intimidating here than he's been in a while. I mean, I know he's gonna job eventually, but I looked hits encounter with Mister Miracle.
I'm pretty sure Psylocke started out as a white character too

Yep, she's Captain Britain's sister, she got her mind swapped into the body of a Japanese woman. Probably not the best example.

Even if she is another Z-lister it is a HUGE shame that Marvel totally ignores Hummingbird. She's such a lovable character and it's awesome to see a Hispanic superheroine. I really loved seeing her interact with Kaine and the New Warriors.


I'm pretty sure Psylocke started out as a white character too

Yup; they arbitrarily decided to put Captain Britain's sister into a Japanese body because ninjas.

Yep, she's Captain Britain's sister, she got her mind swapped into the body of a Japanese woman. Probably not the best example.

Even if she is another Z-lister it is a HUGE shame that Marvel totally ignores Hummingbird. She's such a lovable character and it's awesome to see a Hispanic superheroine. I really loved seeing her interact with Kaine and the New Warriors.

I'm kind of scared to see what will happen when another writer takes a crack at Aracely and Kaine. I'm still holding out hopes that Yost will get to close the loop on it someday.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so hows Secret Wars #3? spoil me bitches!


LOL Psylocke is one of the shittiest examples of diversity in comics. "White girl gets put into Asian body and becomes sexy ninja lady and we're just gonna pretend she was always like that and hope no one notices." I'd take a thousand white bread heroes getting replaced over that shit.
My books today:



LOL Psylocke is one of the shittiest examples of diversity in comics. "White girl gets put into Asian body and becomes sexy ninja lady and we're just gonna pretend she was always like that and hope no one notices." I'd take a thousand white bread heroes getting replaced over that shit.

In Brian Wood's X-Men they put Lady Deathstrike's consciousness in the body of an 18 year old Mexican girl. Imagine uploading Bii into Ed but kinda weird.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Secret Wars 3 is excellent.

The scene
between T'Challa and Steven
was perfect.

This whole Hickman ride has been so crazy.

Let me tell you young bucks something. I grew up in a time when diversity actually mattered. When Jubilee, Psylocke, Steel and Bishop came on the scene nobody was holding any fancy press conferences or making appearances on the view or creating headlines in the NYTimes about it. And guess what? Those characters still matter and are beloved by fans. Those lame ass Infinite Crisis characters are now in the garbage and yesterdays news. Shit at this point Chapel and Spawn are more beloved than some of those characters.

So whats wrong with me saying that minority characters should be new characters (like Bishop, Spawn and Psylocke) and not quick fix replacements of beloved characters (like Blue Beetle and The Atom) just to look good in the press? Answer me that

If we keep getting characters like Kamala and Miles, it doesn't matter if you're tired of press conferences.

Stop paying attention to them if it bothers you and quit it with the "no true scotsman" routine. Comics don't belong to you anymore, they belong to a much, much larger group of people.


Justice League 41 was good.

LOL Psylocke is one of the shittiest examples of diversity in comics. "White girl gets put into Asian body and becomes sexy ninja lady and we're just gonna pretend she was always like that and hope no one notices." I'd take a thousand white bread heroes getting replaced over that shit.



Secret Wars 3 is excellent.

The scene
between T'Challa and Steven
was perfect.

This whole Hickman ride has been so crazy.

Easily my book of the week, and I didn't think anything was going to top Justice League 41. Shit's about to get real, and I can't wait to see where the wild ride goes from here.
Just read Omega Men after a much needed nap. That was a good first issue. Totally expected ending after the 8 page preview. He gets 12 issues with this and if it sells, he gets more. Hope it turns out great!


Justice League 41 was good.


Is this from X-Statix?

Secret Wars 3 is excellent.

The scene
between T'Challa and Steven
was perfect.

This whole Hickman ride has been so crazy.

If we keep getting characters like Kamala and Miles, it doesn't matter if you're tired of press conferences.

Stop paying attention to them if it bothers you and quit it with the "no true scotsman" routine. Comics don't belong to you anymore, they belong to a much, much larger group of people.

Well said.


Ignoring the rest of the conversation... Is Jaime hated? I only know him from the Brave and the Bold show to be fair, but I liked him.
No. Tons of people prefer Jaime to Ted Kord (which is just wrong and evil, because Ted is the dogs bollocks). Nothing wrong with Jason
Rusch or Ryan Choi, either.
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