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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


I thought Robbie was a fine character and it just feels like a waste of potential because Marvel can't seem to keep a Ghost Rider series ongoing. He's just gonna fade into obscurity like Alejandra Blaze and then Marvel is gonna re-introduce a new Ghost Rider title with a new cast.

I think he's fine as a character. It's just his series proper wasn't really good. It looked nice, but the actual story was ehhhhh


Besada makes some great recommendations. That is classic Legion, which has popped back up from time to time, after the Reboot versions that happened. The one I usually suggest to new readers, both because it's a fresh jumping on point and is well collected, is the Mark Waid Threeboot Legion. It's a slightly different take on the concept but keeps the core values in place.

The reading order is:

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution
by Mark Waid

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2: Death of a Dream
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 3: Strange Visitors from Another Century
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 4: Adult Education
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 5: Dominator War
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 6: The Quest for Cosmic Boy
by Tony Bedard

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 7: Enemy Rising
by Jim Shooter

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 8: Enemy Manifest
by Jim Shooter


A good one off trade that's great for both old readers and new is:

Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
by Geoff Johns

Just ordered the first volume from IST, since you guys seem to like them. The art looks great and I like what I've read of Waids work. Thanks a lot.

Also is it just me or is gwen bending in ways that seem physically very uncomfortable in that banner?

I feel like there's a lot of art of Geen like that, now that you mention it.


Besada makes some great recommendations. That is classic Legion, which has popped back up from time to time, after the Reboot versions that happened. The one I usually suggest to new readers, both because it's a fresh jumping on point and is well collected, is the Mark Waid Threeboot Legion. It's a slightly different take on the concept but keeps the core values in place.

The reading order is:

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 1: Teenage Revolution
by Mark Waid

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 2: Death of a Dream
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 3: Strange Visitors from Another Century
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 4: Adult Education
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 5: Dominator War
by Mark Waid

Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 6: The Quest for Cosmic Boy
by Tony Bedard

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 7: Enemy Rising
by Jim Shooter

Legion of Super-Heroes, Vol. 8: Enemy Manifest
by Jim Shooter


A good one off trade that's great for both old readers and new is:

Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes
by Geoff Johns

Thanks for he list, I'll read this up til Vol. 6.
I had Vol. 1 and 2 but did they make new reprtins of the series?



this pic makes me want a hawkeye beach annual


The first two trades by Waid and Kitson are probably the strongest that series got. The Supergirl stuff that follows is less-good but fine and after that Jim Shooter comes back which I remember finding super weird
Other Legion runs I absolutely adore but can be slightly more difficult to get into without some basic knowledge of them or the time period that the runs take place are:

Mon-El, Man of Valor Volume 1 and 2
Last Stand of New Krypton Volume 1 and 2

These two runs see Mon-El, a future leader and heavy weight of the Legion and brother in spirit to Superman escape from the Phantom Zone when it is mysteriously collapsed. Still suffering from the fatal lead poisoning that originally exiled him to that place he is given a reprieve by a mysterious antidote. When the events of New Krypton happen and Superman leaves to join his people Mon-El becomes the new hero for the people of Earth. You get to see him enjoying the simple things of life again after his time trapped in the Phantom Zone.

The second arc is where the Legion really come into play, having been in the background watching Mon-El in the previous as they try to free the bottled cities from Brainiac which will become the seeds for the worlds of 1000 years in the future, culminating which Mon-El fulfilling his destiny by going across the Galaxy to restore them, and then returning to what will be a thousand year exile in the Phantom Zone once more and one of the most powerful last pages I've read in any book ever.

Mon-El is my boy.
Really enjoyed this. Especially after dumping the book when it became like the show.

If I had one issue, it felt like the writer didn't really have Oliver's "voice" in mind. The dialogue and such was good, but so much of the internal monologue didn't feel like things Ollie, as he's been presented in the N52, would say. Still, minor issue in a book I really dug. Also liked Emiko being back. Seriously hated they just shunted her off after Lemire left.

I can agree with that. It was a good start for sure though.


Really enjoyed this. Especially after dumping the book when it became like the show.

If I had one issue, it felt like the writer didn't really have Oliver's "voice" in mind. The dialogue and such was good, but so much of the internal monologue didn't feel like things Ollie, as he's been presented in the N52, would say. Still, minor issue in a book I really dug. Also liked Emiko being back. Seriously hated they just shunted her off after Lemire left.

According to Percy,
the Outsiders
are all coming back as well. I like that this seems like the natural continuation of Lemire's run.


Guys if Wonder Woman Earth One comes out this year do you think it would be book of the year

For you kids yes, and I wouldn't mind as it is by Grant Morrison :V
Book of the year is still Transformers: MTMTE.

Just discovered this yesterday and was surprised. But hey, awesome. Love Hardcovers.

Not for me, dem shipping costs ToT


but fo4 has no chance

Stop getting hyped over FO4 and pre-ordering it. That thing runs on idTech 5 which for the life of me refuses to give me a good stable frame rate =_=

Just wait a year or two after release and get it for $10 :V
Batman Beyond was OK to pretty good. It's kind of weird that we're really going to go down the path of "Tim inserts himself into every part of Terry's life in a weird doppelganger replacement", right off the bat. I mean these are nostalgia things that only Terry fans would know so why include them? Why not make a fresh break.


Stop getting hyped over FO4 and pre-ordering it. That thing runs on idTech 5 which for the life of me refuses to give me a good stable frame rate =_=

Just wait a year or two after release and get it for $10 :V

Oh, not me. I don't see any way MGSV loses this year.


I wouldn't go that far and even then, Ultimate Peter's better than Miles.

Not counting that for the few better versions of some characters. Most are worse.

I meant he is better than 616 Peter. The most interesting 616 story in years was Superior and that didn't really involve Peter.


I meant he is better than 616 Peter. The most interesting 616 story in years was Superior and that didn't really involve Peter.

While I agree with superior being a more interesting story. I don't agree with Miles being a better character.

Peter even in some of his worst stories has highlights many other characters don't.

I still can't say that emphatically for miles.

Hell in Spidermen, Peter was easily the better half of that duo.

And I'd definitely call the Spiral mini and Inhuman error way better than what miles got in his relaunch and All New Ultimates


I can't think of the last time I enjoyed a story because of Peter. He has some great small moments but by in large he just does nothing for me. When he got control of his body back in Superior most were fist pumping but I was like...


I hope Miles isn't relegated to just team books
Okay the cover to Batman Beyond #1 just confuses the hell out of me.

On one half you have Atomic Knights, Kamandi and Omac and the other you have the Justice League Beyond, some of which can't exist because they're dead.

Lol wut.


I'm guessing Black Panther.
The mere thought of Bendis on Black Panther is terrifying, he's one of the last people I'd want writing him. The obvious choice is Hickman as he's done wonders with the character, but he's on hiatus after Secret Wars so that's a no go. I'd love to see Jason Aaron on it again as his Secret Invasion run on BP was great. I think Kieron Gillen would do a good job too.


Re: X-Men,
I'm sitting on the edge of my seat waiting for the other shoe to drop with this Phoenix/Cyclops shit.


So I wonder if Marvel is hanging on to Wolverine because they found a loophole where now that whoever it is has a different origin, they can use this one in the MCU.


You guys make me want to read Secret Wars so much, but it seems important to read Hickman's Fantastic Four and Avengers. Sounds like shit is going down. I guess I'll just keep reading spoilers and either power through my urge to read it or give in and read it.


So excited for all the new Marvel stuff. It's just so fun. It's why I read comics. DC doing great fun work too.

You guys make me want to read Secret Wars so much, but it seems important to read Hickman's Fantastic Four and Avengers. Sounds like shit is going down. I guess I'll just keep reading spoilers and either power through my urge to read it or give in and read it.

I am reading Avengers and New Avengers and shit is hype.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
Lol I doubt it, think they just know readers are getting tired of Logan's schtick.

"Imma killer grrrr"
"No wait, I'm a jobber grrrr"
"Hol' up, now I'm actually Prof X grrr"
"But I'm still a killer grrrr"
"Also I'm now an Avenger on a squad with Cap America who beats up Frank Castle for killing people grrrrr"

Stay dead, Logan.


Is Convergence over? For some reason I thought it was going to last longer. Either way, I'm excited for more Gotham Academy and Grayson. I need to check out Midnighter as well.
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