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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

So I went by CFA tonight. And the dream might be dead brahs. I'm not positive, but I think CFA girl might be pregnant. That or she may have been wearing an abnormally large shirt, wish at a conservative establishment may be a possibility. I made eye contact, but I had to look away. Moral, it takes months to make a baby, seconds to fall in love. Take your shot when you have it brahs. That page was ripped out of my book of Aesop fables. Kipp, Zombine, I'm counting on you.

My My Mime by Rafa coming to comic stores and digital August 20XX
I swear that one of these days all of these comigaf "im bad with girls" stories will make me write up a comigaf's guide to tinder.

the really weird (but not really) part is that a lot of fitgaf seems to have the same problem.


So I went by CFA tonight. And the dream might be dead brahs. I'm not positive, but I think CFA girl might be pregnant. That or she may have been wearing an abnormally large shirt, wish at a conservative establishment may be a possibility. I made eye contact, but I had to look away. Moral, it takes months to make a baby, seconds to fall in love. Take your shot when you have it brahs. That page was ripped out of my book of Aesop fables. Kipp, Zombine, I'm counting on you.

My My Mime by Rafa coming to comic stores and digital August 20XX

Am I the only one so far really disappointed with this "All-New All-Different" marvel thing? I mean they were so secret about it and hyped it up and all it is is just another iteration of what they have already been doing for the past 3 years with Marvel Now/All-New Marvel Now/Avengers NOW. Like what the hell? If your gonna do a linewide relaunch back to issue #1 then they should do a full reboot with all characters going back to basis or at the very least returning every character to their most iconic iteration. Also, its called "all-new" but so far its just the same fucking characters we've seen for years now just moved around...where are the actual brand new characters? Having some girls dress up as Thor and Wolverine is not NEW and is not going to impress anyone. I want a diverse cast of brand new characters.

I know everyone gives DC abunch of shit but at least they have the balls to actually relaunch when they say they are going to and make wholesale changes.

And God damn it Marvel stop trying to promote Inhumans they will never be as cool as the X-Men. They are the Milhouse of the Marvel Universe. Their best bet would be too just quietly put a good creative team on a Blackbolt solo series and let it grow from there.


Am I the only one so far really disappointed with this "All-New All-Different" marvel thing? I mean they were so secret about it and hyped it up and all it is is just another iteration of what they have already been doing for the past 3 years with Marvel Now/All-New Marvel Now/Avengers NOW. Like what the hell? If your gonna do a linewide relaunch back to issue #1 then they should do a full reboot with all characters going back to basis or at the very least returning every character to their most iconic iteration. Also, its called "all-new" but so far its just the same fucking characters we've seen for years now just moved around...where are the actual brand new characters? Having some girls dress up as Thor and Wolverine is not NEW and is not going to impress anyone. I want a diverse cast of brand new characters.

I know everyone gives DC abunch of shit but at least they have the balls to actually relaunch when they say they are going to and make wholesale changes.

Bruh. How about we wait for their stories before we write them off?
Superboy Prime is more interesting than most of Marvel's characters.

Am I the only one so far really disappointed with this "All-New All-Different" marvel thing?

I know everyone gives DC abunch of shit but at least they have the balls to actually relaunch when they say they are going to and make wholesale changes.

Keep in mind DC tried to call New 52 a relaunch and not a reboot. Both companies are so afraid of that word.

I'll say tho that as an outsider looking in, this Marvel stuff looks confusing as all hell.


I'm moderately pleased it's not a reset to a mainstream MCU-esque interpretation. I'm sure Marvel won't be able to help themselves in the long run, but the longer Lady Thor, Sam-Cap etc stick the better, because if the characters are allowed to change and evolve in the long run they'll be better for it.
I'm moderately pleased it's not a reset to everyone's MCU-esque interpretation. I'm sure Marvel won't be able to help themselves in the long run, but the longer Lady Thor, Sam-Cap etc stick the better, because if the characters are allowed to change and evolve in the long run they'll be better for it.

Lady Thor and Sam-Cap aren't evolution though. Those are gimmicks.

This was real evolution:



So I went by CFA tonight. And the dream might be dead brahs. I'm not positive, but I think CFA girl might be pregnant. That or she may have been wearing an abnormally large shirt, wish at a conservative establishment may be a possibility. I made eye contact, but I had to look away. Moral, it takes months to make a baby, seconds to fall in love. Take your shot when you have it brahs. That page was ripped out of my book of Aesop fables. Kipp, Zombine, I'm counting on you.

I'm going to be a father! What if i don't like my kid?


Me and my brother got into a argument over Antman and Pixels, which looked worse? But then we remembered, Genisys.

The NBA Finals feel weird when you don't have a horse in the race.


Me and my brother got into a argument over Antman and Pixels, which looked worse? But then we remembered, Genisys.

The NBA Finals feel weird when you don't have a horse in the race.

Expecting anything other than disappointment in an Adam Sandler movie in 2015 is a mistake. Ant-man has potential at least. Don't know a thing about Genisys.
Me and my brother got into a argument over Antman and Pixels, which looked worse? But then we remembered, Genisys.

The NBA Finals feel weird when you don't have a horse in the race.
Pixels is an Adam Sandler movie, keep that in mind.

I'm excited for ANAD Marvel, but I'll have to wait for creative teams to be announced. I mean, as long as it's not New 52 launch levels of bad it'll be fine.


Ant Man looks like a lot of fun bro.

No, you should know I'm hyped for Antman. My brother thinks it looks stupid but liked the Pixels ad, this is the same brother who took the family to see Ultraviolet a decade ago and we still haven't let it go.
The twist they revealed in the trailer is gonna hurt the film in the long run.

I don't disagree, but I'm glad I got to see it in trailer form all the same, because the movie might indeed be totally unwatchable, and I think it's a cool twist. Sometimes trailers tell the story better than the movie does. This might be one of those times.
I don't even like Terminator 2 that much, let alone Salvation. Terminator 1 is the only movie in the franchise I think is a truly great film.
Went into Carey's X-Muties Legacy not knowing what to expect.

Pleasantly surprised by quite the detailed character study on Xavier.

Shame that he needed to add spec ops assassin ninjas because comics.
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