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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


Okay, think I'm stopping myself from purchasing more in June.

Just grabbed off IST:
The rest of Bendis DD
The first Brubaker DD Complete Collection
The Return of Superman
Shutter Vol. 1 (Which I believe was in my wishlist thanks to past Messi hyping, plus it was super cheap)
Astonishing Spider-man and Wolverine
Vengeance Hardcover
TMNT Vol. 11

Between this and that impulse Super Famicom buy and amiibo I think I've killed my budget for this month right off the bat, so hopefully I can resist purchasing stuff till July rolls around...


This sucks, I'm filling out my dcbs order and i only have 6 books because nothing is shipping from Image anymore ( no saga, east of west, black science, or manhattan projects.) I don't even want to have an order for August and pay $7 shipping for six books, i need to think or email dcbs and see if i can add these books to a different order and skip that month shipping or add some Secret Wars tie-ins and don't wait for MU for all.

What's the best SW tie-in overall? Inhumans Attilan Rising, Old Man Logan, Thors, Spiderverse, Marvel Zombies.....i need to read something apparently. I'm really skeptical that the ongoing Groot book is something i'll want to keep at monthly instead of MU.


Am I the only one so far really disappointed with this "All-New All-Different" marvel thing? I mean they were so secret about it and hyped it up and all it is is just another iteration of what they have already been doing for the past 3 years with Marvel Now/All-New Marvel Now/Avengers NOW. Like what the hell? If your gonna do a linewide relaunch back to issue #1 then they should do a full reboot with all characters going back to basis or at the very least returning every character to their most iconic iteration. Also, its called "all-new" but so far its just the same fucking characters we've seen for years now just moved around...where are the actual brand new characters? Having some girls dress up as Thor and Wolverine is not NEW and is not going to impress anyone. I want a diverse cast of brand new characters.

I know everyone gives DC abunch of shit but at least they have the balls to actually relaunch when they say they are going to and make wholesale changes.

And God damn it Marvel stop trying to promote Inhumans they will never be as cool as the X-Men. They are the Milhouse of the Marvel Universe. Their best bet would be too just quietly put a good creative team on a Blackbolt solo series and let it grow from there.

I really enjoy your posts. ;)
This sucks, I'm filling out my dcbs order and i only have 6 books because nothing is shipping from Image anymore ( no saga, east of west, black science, or manhattan projects.) I don't even want to have an order for August and pay $7 shipping for six books, i need to think or email dcbs and see if i can add these books to a different order and skip that month shipping or add some Secret Wars tie-ins and don't wait for MU for all.

What's the best SW tie-in overall? Inhumans Attilan Rising, Old Man Logan, Thors, Spiderverse, Marvel Zombies.....i need to read something apparently. I'm really skeptical that the ongoing Groot book is something i'll want to keep at monthly instead of MU.

So far the best ones are Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars, Modok Assassin, and Old Man Logan.

The most promissing, from the preview, is Marvel Zombies. Future Imperfect seems like it might become very good in subsequent issues, but aint quite there yet.
Wit da HEYL. I thought Rage of Ultron was supposed to be oversized. Book was shrinkwrapped, and the paper is such trash that the pages look like someone spilt Yohoo all over it.


Unconfirmed Member
Started in on New 52 Aquaman, and am really liking it so far. Are The Others a Geoff Johns thing, or have they been around before. I love Vostok's design and silly comic-y backstory.



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Digging Spider Island. Too bad I don't know most of the people


Wait, why is everyone angry about Spider-Gwen? It's not like her universe or book are going away nor is she replacing the 616 Gwen, given recent news.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
This Cloak and Dagger book from spider island is awesome, they are bickering all the time like...well real people.


Wait, why is everyone angry about Spider-Gwen? It's not like her universe or book are going away nor is she replacing the 616 Gwen, given recent news.

I'm perfectly fine with it, myself. I just think it's interesting there's going to be multiple universes again right off the bat.

But I guess that was always the case as the MCU is part of the multiverse.


Wait, why is everyone angry about Spider-Gwen? It's not like her universe or book are going away nor is she replacing the 616 Gwen, given recent news.

There's always going to be a group that complains when something changes in comic books.
Wait, why is everyone angry about Spider-Gwen? It's not like her universe or book are going away nor is she replacing the 616 Gwen, given recent news.

Are people mad? I thought everyone would be happy that she still has her own universe (I'm just going off this thread, haven't read any news) since that's a big part of the fun in her comic. I would be upset if they just shoved her into the main universe.


Unconfirmed Member
Are people mad? I thought everyone would be happy that she still has her own universe (I'm just going off this thread, haven't read any news) since that's a big part of the fun in her comic. I would be upset if they just shoved her into the main universe.

I agree. Her world having it's own backstory is most of the fun. I'm more than willing to wait and see how they handle the back and forth.


I bet "back and forth" just means there's a Spider team book that happens on 616 and Gwen's solo book will continue as it always has.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Dagger just grabbed a bag from inside Cloak and fucked off during a battle... I don't think he even knew she had a bag inside of him lol


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Probably the only time either of them had something inside of the other.

Cloak has people inside him all the time, he had just teleported a bunch of avengers.

Dagger...well aren't they supposed to be a couple? :3
finished Superior Foes. What a crazy, ridiculous funny book. It's not perfect - some of those Lieber layouts in action scenes are messy (ex: bar fight in #15), Nick Spencer looooooooooves packing in as many twists and contrivances as possible.. there's SO MANY in the last couple issues. i imagine Morning Glories is like it but less self-aware and funny (so, insufferable, basically) but even SFoSM gets maybe too aware-of-itself by the end. but there's so much character that it made me like a bunch of jobber assholes and i legit lol'd several times. I'm glad this book happened.


Just read the Jubilee issues of X-23.

Guys this book is so beautiful and it makes me feel things 😭😭😭


Like why is Jubilee a fucking vampire?

I kinda like it in practice, honestly. In this book, anyway. I don't know how other writers handle it, but Liu plays with it and utilizes it well without pushing it to hard. It's just a way she can connect with X-23, which I'm willing to bet is probably the best thing to come out of it, haha.
I'm just still holding the torch for that time in the 90s when she was one of the few who could do anything against the Phalanx, randomly.

And wasn't a vampire.
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