Gonna back Messi up on this one. The Witcher games are superlatively made, but I just can't get into them. Too cynical for me.
I'd be the first to admit I don't really like the dark fantasy trend, but I am that one guy that buys the D&D and Pathfinder comics, so grain of salt. I just want a big open world to explore, but otherwise Mistborn is the darkest I want my fantasy to be (and I realise that's not that dark). Give me magic swords, elves, dwarves and dragons that talk.
It's the same reason why I sort of stalled on Game of Thrones. Well that, and watching an episode was like eating home cooked bacon and cabbage with all the trimmings every week for my brain. Like, it's good, but I just feel overstuffed. Do you ever sit in a group with people and feel yourself slowly dying? 90 minutes of Thrones talk during a group dinner last week did that to me. And every five minutes, they stop and it's like "But we don't want Sean to get spoiled!" and I'm like "I actually give negative fucks guys, I haven't watched an episode for over a year now."
I hate that I'm so messed up in the head I can't even sit through an hour of TV. Ah well. It's been a rough week, just needed to vent. I've been going through my own Rafa-esque moments at the moment.
Somebody recommend a recent-ish indie series and I will try it this weekend. I've got my money allocated for the Steam sale and I've got some cash spare, need something new to read and the big stack of Marvel and DC I've got is not looking appealing right now.