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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.


Ellis' Moon Knight wasn't even a reboot. It was a costume change and a minimalist approach to the character.

It didn't greatly reinvent Moon Knight

Slott's take on Silver Surfer did more.

Which is even more hilarious given the fact that we've gotten several character revamps from Marvel Now
IMO if your going to do a #1 issue it should either be a hard reboot or at least a total revamp of the concept (like Warren Ellis's Moon Knight). The fact that this is just another season of Marvel NOW is super lame after all the hype and mystery and the destruction of 616.
Man we don't need any reboots right now
no one ever needs deadpools


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Read the first volume of Rucka's Lazarus. This is one impressive book. Concept's pretty interesting and I love how there's plenty of world building, but no exposition at all. Story moves at a fast clip, characters are interesting.

It's on sale now at Comixology, wouldn't hesitate getting this


but I am taking tiny steps forward
The dream isn't dead yet, guys.

Last night at the bouldering gym, right before I could ask that girl if she could get coffee this weekend instead, she told me that we needed to get coffee this weekend.

I'm on Chrome right now. Somebody post fire emojis for me.


The dream isn't dead yet, guys.

Last night at the bouldering gym, right before I could ask that girl if she could get coffee this weekend instead, she told me that we needed to get coffee this weekend.

I'm on Chrome right now. Somebody post fire emojis for me.



but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh, and bonus fun facts:
So I always boulder Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Ever since I told that girl that, she's come every Monday, Wednesday, Friday too and hasn't missed a day. There have been two times during the 5 or so weeks I've known her where I haven't been able to make it and I had mentioned it before that I wasn't going to be able to make it. Both of those times, the next day I go bouldering and see her, she ends up saying "Oh, I didn't end up bouldering either."



I knew this was coming.

I kinda was hoping somebody would take this to the next level and shrink it down to emoji size though. Always a disappointment, Cade.


My man.
Started up Witcher 3 because the ps4 version was patched...i don't like the character movement speed, i'm still going too slow or too fast and spinning around awkwardly when trying to loot stuff, but apart from that 3 hours of playing whooshed by and my eyeballs are tired. I am a squidcher.

edit: And apparently i'm bad at the game because i had problems avoiding hits from the first non-big contract, just the smaller lvl 2 well contract.

That's why Jesus invented the shield spell.

Are the Submariner and Loki & Thor books involving Esad Ribic good?

Namor's book scored surprisingly high on amazon and good reads, so probably.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
COMICS? |OT| July 2015. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Guys the building manager is going to call the FD with all this 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 and no comics


Man, I would like to see Hickman on X-Men.
His Phoenix stuff totally sold me.

And fuck, Secret Wars #2 was so great. Never saw that great storybuilding in a single comicbook issue.


I'm sad Hickman is leaving after all this, but I guess everyone deserves a break. The dude set the freaking standard for the All New All The Same Marvel U


How does your store not have two of the biggest books of the month?

My interpretation of whatevercryptic thing Proff is trying to relay is that he only visits x amount of times to his shop a month (possibly due to location) and they didn't have the book so he has to wait until next month when he can finally go for the second printing.
Read some comic books.

Star Wars #6 was an enjoyable read. Fett and Luke going at each other was a lot of fun and although I knew it was coming, that
Sana Solo reveal was still surprising. I guessed she was an old flame or something when she first showed up a few issues ago, but Han's wife!? It'll be interesting to see where Aaron goes with this.

Vader #6 was decent but not quite as good as the last few issues - a lack of Aphra and the evil droids probably had something to do with this. I like how strained the relationship between Vader and SHEEV appears to be as time has progressed. Vader's reaction to finding out Luke's name was great too.

Leia #4 was OK again. I've found it hard to love this series but the Dodson art is still quite charming. The cover's fantastic.

Renew Your Vows was also pretty enjoyable. It's worth buying purely for the Parker family dynamic, even if it only takes up the first third or so of the issue. Regency didn't really do anything for me but Peter turning away from his responsibilities as Spider-Man at the end was an interesting twist. Is Slott trying to justify why Peter having a wife and kid is a bad idea?

Secret Wars #3 was fun if not quite as good as the first two issues. Hickman writes a great Doom though and I'm looking forward to seeing what the life raft team do next.

So yeah, this week's comics = good.


My interpretation of whatevercryptic thing Proff is trying to relay is that he only visits x amount of times to his shop a month (possibly due to location) and they didn't have the book so he has to wait until next month when he can finally go for the second printing.
The shop in my town is a joke, they dont have anything in english and if, its incredible expensive.
I order my floppys via internet from another shop in other town. And they have strange shipping policies.


i'm not really excited for E3 anymore ever since The Last Guardian never materialized and things i don't care about took its place.

Also, Wayward Pines is an annoying show.
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