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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.

Renew Your Vows was also pretty enjoyable. It's worth buying purely for the Parker family dynamic, even if it only takes up the first third or so of the issue. Regency didn't really do anything for me but Peter turning away from his responsibilities as Spider-Man at the end was an interesting twist. Is Slott trying to justify why Peter having a wife and kid is a bad idea?

Slott's also the guy that had Otto openly state that Pete was a complete masochist, so you can read it as "see, one can find fulfillment through other venues in life".

But we all know it's gon come crashing down in the following ishs.

Plus pretty sure that a guy that can kill all of those heroes at once would trounce pete.


The shop in my town is a joke, they dont have anything in english and if, its incredible expensive.
I order my floppys via internet from another shop in other town. And they have strange shipping policies.

I think in your specific case you need to go digital.


I think in your specific case you need to go digital.
No. Its ok. I just read floppys in special cases anyway, when a One Shot emerges, or a new #1 of a Spider-Book or something like this (like when the Marvel Universe ends^^)

Its just a little bit annyoning since they could have waited 3 days and I would had have two additional issues.


i'm not really excited for E3 anymore ever since The Last Guardian never materialized and things i don't care about took its place.

Also, Wayward Pines is an annoying show.



Are any of the Marvel Now X-men books good that have at least a couple trades out? I haven't read an X book in forever and I wanted to see if any I the more recent runs were good.


Are any of the Marvel Now X-men books good that have at least a couple trades out? I haven't read an X book in forever and I wanted to see if any I the more recent runs were good.

All New X-Men and Uncanny X-Men are great and they weave together early on.


I feel like I'm wasting the day sitting here. Just got done with a few games of HOTS. I think I'll go for a walk to get an ice cream or something.

Definitely gonna watch the match tonight though.

Bendis & Marquez on new Iron Man book

"I think Iron Man’s prominence is something pretty much everybody who encounters Marvel in every other medium already knows," Brevoort told Newsarama. "While the masked head of Spider-Man has historically been most associated with Marvel as a defacto mascot, in the last ten years in every field outside of publishing Iron Man is Marvel Comics. If you’re talking about the people who see the films, buy the t-shirts or merchandise, watch the television shows, it all comes back to Shellhead. We’re going to make a concerted effort with 'All-New All-Different Marvel' to make Iron Man the forefront of the comic books’ universe as it is elsewhere."

So it would have to be Stark right? Unless all they care about is the matching image?

Also, totally getting ice cream before the CL Final now.


It's Tony.


And Bendis has big plans for Tony Stark, adding a new love interest, formidable foes and other supporting players while building an expansive world around Iron Man "that is equal to how people perceive him," says writer.

In addition, he wants to tackle a major plot development from writer Kieron Gillen's run on Iron Man: that Tony is adopted and no one has made any reference to who his biological parents actually are. "Well, that is going to change," adds Bendis.



I think Bendis will nail this as long as he doesn't have too many GOTG crossovers. I just want to see Iron Man succeed on his own.
I think Bendis will nail this as long as he doesn't have too many GOTG crossovers. I just want to see Iron Man succeed on his own.

Yeah, I actually have pretty high hopes for this. His weakness has always been team books and Bendis will suit an RDJ-style Tony Stark very well. Definitely going to give it a try.


Wait is Bendis still going to be on GOTG even with Iron Man?

Well I guess I can keep waiting. Still, I think he actually might be a good fit for Tony Stark.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Bendis making Iron Man 4 as a comic actually sounds pretty cool. His transforming suit could be crazy, too.

Hopefully he stays on Miles' book on top of this.
Bendis can handle single character books. His writing becomes garbage in group scenarios.

Should be fine as long as he doesn't try to shove Stark into every event possible (which he probably will).

The daddy issues bit doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence, tho


Bendis can handle single character books. His writing becomes garbage in group scenarios.

Should be fine as long as he doesn't try to shove Stark into every event possible (which he probably will).

The daddy issues bit doesn't exactly inspire me with confidence, tho
We'll have Miles/Tony crossovers everywhere.
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