Tawney Bomb
Well...that sucks. Only 4 more months nowSnyder mentioned in a interview that he wants to start a new arc every October.
Well...that sucks. Only 4 more months nowSnyder mentioned in a interview that he wants to start a new arc every October.
Maybe I should wait a year before I set up a pull box. For them to realize some Post-secret Wars things are really bad ideas and then re-reboot the series back to #1 with something more normal.
Maybe I should wait a year before I set up a pull box. For them to realize some Post-secret Wars things are really bad ideas and then re-reboot the series back to #1 with something more normal.
Maybe I should wait a year before I set up a pull box. For them to realize some Post-secret Wars things are really bad ideas and then re-reboot the series back to #1 with something more normal.
Sounds like a pretty boring way to choose your pulls, sticking with whatever is "normal." But hey to each their own.
Some people enjoy standard superheroic stories.
Babs Tarr prints are pretty awesome
Some people enjoy standard superheroic stories.
And that's fine. Like I said to each their own. But are we talking about types of stories or just team makeups? Do we really have much indication yet from ANAD what types of stories they're going to be telling in these books?
superhero fans and change, so scary!
Yuuuuup. Change is good sometimes.
The flip side is that not all change is for the better.
Airboy was phenomenal. How many issues is this supposed to be?
post secret wars sounds like business as usual.
Ain't that the truth.see: the Nu52
The flip side is that not all change is for the better.
Maybe I should wait a year before I set up a pull box. For them to realize some Post-secret Wars things are really bad ideas and then re-reboot the series back to #1 with something more normal.
see: the Nu52
New 52 was what git me back into comics. I am proof that it works.
see: the Nu52
And yet it's given us some of the absolute best, consistent runs on characters: re: Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Lemire Green Arrow, etc.
You forgot Catwoman
True. However! Let's return to the original comment.
Wasn't that freaking amazing? I went in knowing next to nothing, and when I finished it I felt like it was the best image book of the month.
see: the Nu52
Batman was better before new 52.
I agree completely. All I knew about it was that Robinson was writing, I had no clue the narrative was going to be structured that way at all. Just a brilliant comic from start to end.
Spidey was confused by all the feels towards the end and missed his own red head.Spidey finished reading Sunstone?
I don't want to spoil it, but the best comparison I can think of is that it's the comic version of Clerks + Birdman.
is Sunstone complete or ongoing?
i need to mix it up from the cape stuff
Yeah I think that Birdman comparison is the best way to describe it. Basically you just need to read and experience it.
is Sunstone complete or ongoing?
i need to mix it up from the cape stuff
I believe it's an on-going webcomic.
He also redoes loads of the art for the trades. Which is a big improvement imo. It had been quite a while since the first volume and he improved loads.
I did not know this tidbit; I'm staying away from the web comics to save myself for the trades. Just took for granted that the art is as spectacular as it is.
Right is the new art. Not even the most stark difference
You should just wait for the trades. You are getting the best experience and you have some great stuff coming up.
Batman was better before new 52.
Which standard MA transitioned into.
Was it really canceled? The fact it had a clean ending and advertised Cap & TMA on the last page makes me think they planned that out.
Good run either way.
I think you mean left.
And yeah. I know if I read the webcomics I'll end up putting off buying the trades indefinitely, so I'm not going to do that. Sejic deserves all my money for this fantastic work.