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COMICS! |OT| June 2015. Alright fanboys, it's time to pick a side once and for all.



i hate this game. I hate teams that try to hold onto leads like this, just wearing down the clock and taking bad shots.

Nonsense! Are you suggesting teams should play the same way they got them the lead rather than a lot of nonsense that makes the game go into overtime again?





O_____________O I care and it hurts. I wasn't supposed to care, i like the warriors, but i'm not liking what i'm seeing.


So I just bought won like 6 cheap Super Famicom game auctions from a dude, and it said on all the pages/his page that he would discount for shipping on multiple items? Any idea how that usually works, since I already have a price+shipping prompt for each item? Gonna contact the guy but I have no idea how tricky stuff like this usually is.


Cavs got this, never doubted them.

That was an awful game, the Cavs offense was non-existent for long stretches of time.
I am trying to read New Avengers but this art is making it slow reading.

See, for me, slow reading means good art. Decent/bad art I can generally read an issue in a little under 5 minutes. With good art, it takes me longer, since I stop and savor (and occasionally have to figure out what the hell's going on, in the case of unconventional panel structure).

Speaking of good art, finished Jeff Lemire's run of Green Arrow! It was good comics.

Calling it Lemire's run is kind of a misattribution, though. The writing was serviceable to good, generally, but the potential in the ideas kind of outstrips the execution. The Outsider Clans are such a cool concept, but they're not very well handled, IMO. They spend most of the time in the background, and when they do show up they're generally mooks. Plus, the 7th Weapon (Magus/The Mask) could have been better connected.

Andrea Serrentino's art, on the other hand, wasn't just on point but actually blew my mind on a few occasions. Seriously, whoa. The Comixology credits are a bit... inconsistent, but if I'm right in guessing that Marcelo Maiolo was doing color work the whole time mad props to them as well, since that's very nearly as much of a factor. I hearby propose that we henceforth refer to The Kill Machine and The Outsider war as the Serrentino run. Dayum.

Also, Emiko was adorbs towards the end. Like Damian Wayne crossed with Kate Bishop. I know the post-Lemire (or Serrentino) issues aren't looked on too fondly, but if she sticks around I may have to check that out.


I can assure you that I wasn't slow because I was enjoying the art. It made it a slog combined with science heavy story dialog.


So I just bought won like 6 cheap Super Famicom game auctions from a dude, and it said on all the pages/his page that he would discount for shipping on multiple items? Any idea how that usually works, since I already have a price+shipping prompt for each item? Gonna contact the guy but I have no idea how tricky stuff like this usually is.

They can create an invoice for the price of all items + total shipping. It's really easy for them to do that since, if I remember correct, you can do it straight from the eBay page which will then link to Paypal to have the invoice sent out.


Yeah, The Valiant is designed to be a good starting place. It helps to know who all the characters are, since a lot of them are just in the background there and only a few of them get the spotlight, but it's totally readable on its own. I'm not sure it'll open you up to any of the other series, though - the characters it features heavily are Bloodshot, Eternal Warrior, and Geomancer (she doesn't have her own book, she just kind of piggybacks on others), maybe Armstrong depending on your definition of featured. Most all of the other characters from other books are in there, as well, though.

That said, it is an incredible tale that I enjoyed thoroughly without having read Eternal Warrior or Bloodshot.

If you're into time travel hijinks or just want something completely different, I highly recommend Ivar, Timewalker. You also don't need any prior knowledge for that one. That book is a lot of fun and it's still in its first issues; the first trade came out back in May.

Alright then, I'll be sure to check it and those other series out. Thank you.


Just a bit of news. I decided that I don't want to be fat (& depressed) forever so I quit soda for an indefinite amount of time.

Hopefully being a bit more physically healthy can do something for my mental health as well.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
So I hung out with that girl again today. So good. I have more fun and feel more comfortable with her than with my best friends.

Just a bit of news. I decided that I don't want to be fat (& depressed) forever so I quit soda for an indefinite amount of time.

Hopefully being a bit more physically healthy can do something for my mental health as well.

Nice! That's awesome.
Once you stop drinking soda for a while, you'll realize how gross it actually is. I haven't had soda in years. It just tastes like straight syrup to me.


Just a bit of news. I decided that I don't want to be fat (& depressed) forever so I quit soda for an indefinite amount of time.

Hopefully being a bit more physically healthy can do something for my mental health as well.

Yeah, man. I'm kind of in the same boat. I'm not overweight by any means but I've been eating a lot of junk food and drinking a lot of soda lately, and do not exercise at all. I did 9 pushups today; last time I did that was a few years ago. XD

So I hung out with that girl again today. So good. I have more fun and feel more comfortable with her than with my best friends.

Glad to hear you're having fun. If you're seeking more than friendship, you'll have to be up front sooner rather than later. Unless you're OK with being just friends.


Just a bit of news. I decided that I don't want to be fat (& depressed) forever so I quit soda for an indefinite amount of time.

Hopefully being a bit more physically healthy can do something for my mental health as well.

I'm in a similar situation to you as I'm aiming to lose weight as well >_<
Best of luck mate, it'll be a tough road but if you manage to hold back your urges you'll do it.
Yall should really start drinking coke zero and the like. The zero cal world is glorious.

Plus eat gooder, hit the gym and all that other stuff that people always say.

So I hung out with that girl again today. So good. I have more fun and feel more comfortable with her than with my best friends.

You've been in two different hours-long dates with a person and still haven't made a move...

Thats how people get friendzoned, mate. Given how hard she was pushing (considering what youve told us), it is quite possible that she might be wondering why the fuck you havent tried anything yet.

And for the love of fuck, do not start imagining a future with the person before youve become more intimate. Thats a recipe for Bad Times.

When in doubt, remember Descartes.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Can I please have my MU spidey and the xmen #1 already Marvel? :(
Coke Zero is the Truth. Would drink nothing else if I thought I could get away with it, tbpf.

You can. I do. Exams are solid, teeth are great, blood pressure is ferpect. Coke zero is pretty much zero cal coke-flavoured carbonated tea.

Unless one is one of those people that think that drinking aspartame is as healthy as drinking ebola.
You can. I do. Exams are solid, teeth are great, blood pressure is ferpect. Coke zero is pretty much zero cal coke-flavoured carbonated tea.

Unless one is one of those people that think that drinking aspartame is as healthy as drinking ebola.

No, no, it's just that I share a fridge and I'm just too lazy to go out and buy a new 12 pack every couple of days :p


Coke Zero is good at the start but then it gets into this weird metaphysical drug shit that's also about the multiverse and masculinity in genre fiction and it kinda loses you.

Diet Coke FOR LIFE.
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