Simply Sarah
Shipping is serious business.
the most heterosexual ComicsGAF user
I guess Messi, since he seems to only like women
if the thread wasn't locked after like a dozen pages of fuckin breakfast food discussions, I think we're in the clear when we talk about the sexual relationships of comic book characters in a comic book thread
the most heterosexual ComicsGAF user
I guess Messi, since he seems to only like women
With great power comes great responsibility.Things like the breakfast stuff is why we're a community, but we shouldn't abuse it.
if the thread wasn't locked after like a dozen pages of fuckin breakfast food discussions, I think we're in the clear when we talk about the sexual relationships of comic book characters in a comic book thread
So I'm still not fired yet. However, I'm having like a nervous breakdown over here and looking for subtext in everything my boss says to me. Like, there are these posts that I usually get done throughout the week, and she wants me to write them all up today. Is she just trying to get one more good day out of me before firing me!? AAAAHHHHH
I retract my suggestion for a comicGaf event. Zombine makes good points. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit
I know what you mean. I am expecting always the worst.Can't read too much into things. What will happened will happen. Getting paranoid is how, and I maybe shouldn't be admitting this, have tried to quit my job twice because I felt I wasn't living up to my expectations only to basically be told both times "What the hell are you talking about Sarah?"
I retract my suggestion for a comicGaf event. Zombine makes good points. Just trying to lighten the mood a bit
Can't read too much into things. What will happened will happen. Getting paranoid is how, and I maybe shouldn't be admitting this, have tried to quit my job twice because I felt I wasn't living up to my expectations only to basically be told both times "What the hell are you talking about Sarah?"
events are usually bad anyways.
I don't get people who go to SDCC for that shit anyways. If you want to get into Hall H you have to get there before the sun even comes up. I think someone got stabbed several years ago in line too.
If only there was some other Disney property on the horizon to fill that slot...
Hall H isn't that bad. Only need a couple hours lede time. They schedule things in a sequence to where it cycles out decently. And it was inside, with a pen. More of a scratch really.
Considering the size of the biomass, violent incidents are extremely low.
Well went on a mini Fraction buying binge to pick up Casanova 2&3 and Big Hard Sex Criminals.
Took me a little while to get into Casanova vol 1 but I think that's just because the first issue just tossed you into the deep end and it takes a moment to appreciate the use of color and artwork.
REALLY enjoying this new 52 Snyder and Capullo run on batman. What other new 52 Bat family titles are worth reading ? I feel like I've seen bat girl and batwoman recommended, but not much else ? Were both batgirl runs good ?
REALLY enjoying this new 52 Snyder and Capullo run on batman. What other new 52 Bat family titles are worth reading ? I feel like I've seen bat girl and batwoman recommended, but not much else ? Were both batgirl runs good ?
They really should have gotten someone who knew what they were doing to do the LGBT history video for DC. They're straight up forgetting swaths of history and saying stuff like Gail Simone's Batgirl was the first book with a transgender character in it. It's like, lolwut? No? Not even counting Marvel stuff or indie stuff, there is a previous instance in DCs own continuity with Shvaughn Erin.
REALLY enjoying this new 52 Snyder and Capullo run on batman. What other new 52 Bat family titles are worth reading ? I feel like I've seen bat girl and batwoman recommended, but not much else ? Were both batgirl runs good ?
Just picked it up. Sexy book. Had no idea it was dickbats. Gimme dat dickbats ongoing.
you should read Snyder's pre-N52 dickbats story The Black Mirror
it's better than his N52 work
They really should have gotten someone who knew what they were doing to do the LGBT history video for DC. They're straight up forgetting swaths of history and saying stuff like Gail Simone's Batgirl was the first book with a transgender character in it. It's like, lolwut? No? Not even counting Marvel stuff or indie stuff, there is a previous instance in DCs own continuity with Shvaughn Erin.
Batman and Robin is secretly the best Bat book.
Batman Eternal is extremely good for the majority of the run.
Batwoman is amazing until issue 25, decent for some issues after, then just goes to shit.
Batgirl is very good but not stellar during Simone's run, with a few great issues.
Grayson is absolutely stellar.
Detective and Dark Knight are work horse comics. Good but nothing special.
Harley is totes hijinks fun and Catwoman is great from issue 35ish forward.
You'll really like Grayson. Spy Dick Grayson has been amazing.
Just picked it up. Sexy book. Had no idea it was dickbats. Gimme dat dickbats ongoing.
They really should have gotten someone who knew what they were doing to do the LGBT history video for DC. They're straight up forgetting swaths of history and saying stuff like Gail Simone's Batgirl was the first book with a transgender character in it. It's like, lolwut? No? Not even counting Marvel stuff or indie stuff, there is a previous instance in DCs own continuity with Shvaughn Erin.
I've never gone [to Hall H] myself, I'm just going off of what I've heard from friendsI dunno, I'd rather just go to smaller panels and walk the convention than wait in line for something like a Marvel Studios panel if I'm being honest.
I remember last time I went there was a panel called "Jews in Comics" or something similar that we went to and it was pretty interesting.
They really should have gotten someone who knew what they were doing to do the LGBT history video for DC. They're straight up forgetting swaths of history and saying stuff like Gail Simone's Batgirl was the first book with a transgender character in it. It's like, lolwut? No? Not even counting Marvel stuff or indie stuff, there is a previous instance in DCs own continuity with Shvaughn Erin.
I'm guessing they didn't mention Shining Knight from Seven Soldiers then either.
Did he identify as male back in Seven Soldiers? I know he did in Demon Knights.
Ok, Minus 10 kilos.
Running seems to pay off.
The only time i hear people say kilos is in movies regarding drugs.
Drug running might pay off now, but you can't read comics in prison.
Could've sworn I remember seeing(spoilers in case you've only seen Season 1 of The Wire for some reason) reading comics in prison in Season 2 of The Wire.Wee-Bey
That show might as well be real life, so you're wrong.
Keep up the drug running, Gameproff.
Well, my avatar is now in my possession and it's gorgeous.
Did you thank your brother for all of the time, energy and effort he expended for you?
I stopped over and he gave me some Watermelon Sour Patch Kids so it's kind of a win win.
I wonder what the odds are of the All-New, All-Different (Really!) Marvel having at least one book with a well-written trans character in a major role.
Anything except the EXTREME version just doesn't do it for me.