Just to make it clear in my head, was the pre-New 52 Wally stuff from Johns worth reading?
Just to make it clear in my head, was the pre-New 52 Wally stuff from Johns worth reading?
Hey guys, IST has updated! Say goodbye to your money!
Just to make it clear in my head, was the pre-New 52 Wally stuff from Johns worth reading?
does Old Man Logan follow up from the previous version, with Logan off being wasteland sheriff, or is it a retelling?
How is this not the best:
Hey guys, IST has updated! Say goodbye to your money!
Still on the fence about Batgirl. I've managed to pack up an IST order worth $80... Anyway, I gotta wait for some travel reimbursement to come in before placing the order. I'll think about it a few days.
I honestly feel its something you need to read and make a judgement call on. But I feel its worth a look at the very least. It's not that it's a bad change its just such a bizarre, seemingly out of character shift, that you have to learn to let it go to enjoy it. My only other complaint is that they build up on her "perfect memory" for like the first two issues having scenes and splash pages where she is deconstructing what she remembers, then they barely even touch on it again since, like they forgot it was a thing they were doing with her; Similar to the Flash TV series where they did something like that for the pilot and then just dropped it.
The art and panel flow is extremely good though. It's dense with action most of the time.
Hmm you're painting a good picture for me. I might just do the TPB. I should add, though, I don't have much in the way of a baseline for Babs as Batgirl. I've got more experience with the other Batgirls and her as Oracle. Only read two issues of Nu52 Batgirl when Simone was on it.
I'm itching to re-read this series on my omnibus. I want to relive the hype moments.
That wouldn't work either in that using Sue in such a cover makes even less sense considering Inhumans and F4 are basically tied to the hip more pronouncedly than anyone else.
It'd be like having a cover with johnny throwing shade at Spiderman. It'd be really dumb considering they're best friends.
She is always disturbing me.Oh dam!
I forgot Rafael Albuquerque drew an issue. His Lady Deathstrike is so good:
It's the long pointy fingered claws. They give off a freaky vibe.She is always disturbing me.
Uncanny X-Force #5.1Where is this page from?
Thanks^^Uncanny X-Force #5.1
Uncanny X-Force might very well be one of the best things I've ever read. Can't wait for volume two. Captain Britain is not particularly happy with his sister...
Pin your hopes on a volume three. Humphries dropped the ball and let it roll off the court when he got the book.
Rich will do anything for clicks. He'd sell his own mum to prostitution if it meant he could get one exclusive bit from Tom Breevort.via Bleeding Cool.
It was bound to happen eventually.
Uncanny x-force with spiral and puck was shit but the latest x-force is awesome imo
via Bleeding Cool.
It was bound to happen eventually.
I hear the writer tries too hard with Fantomex and Betsy.
Rich will do anything for clicks. He'd sell his own mum to prostitution if it meant he could get one exclusive bit from Tom Breevort.
Haha how cleve-wait no, it's not. Guess you have to appeal to that six year old demographic.
Now add Bullseye and I am happy.
And eating butt is kinda awesome so at least Squirrel Girl has the right idea.
Thanks to Korupt for making me aware of thsee figures. I so need that Animal Man! Poor Buddy typically gets no love from the licensing gods (hell aside from his DC Nation shorts he's never even made a background appearance in Justice League Unlimited or anything).
Thanks to Korupt for making me aware of thsee figures. I so need that Animal Man! Poor Buddy typically gets no love from the licensing gods (hell aside from his DC Nation shorts he's never even made a background appearance in Justice League Unlimited or anything).
Yo what the hell. Bunch of people talking on twitter about Batman #41. Did it leak or something?