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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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You know what I mean. If it were me Kitty wouldn't be there, but the idea that
this would be what triggers a big bang and the beginning of life once more
is sort of poetic. I can totally see the temptation to do it, but I still wouldn't like it and if it were me I'd find another way to end it. But I totally see why he'd want to do it.
There is something very romantic and schmaltzy and Claremontian about the whole idea, isn't there? He actually touched on some of this in the final chapters of X-Men: The End, and that could have easily set up such an ending. I can almost picture it...

*dream dissolve sound effect*

The last star in the universe has gone out, devoured by the Phoenix. And now, there's nothing left; just the great cosmic firebird, and a great unending void. Yet suddenly, the Phoenix feels... something. It's a thing that shouldn't exist anymore, nothing should exist anymore, and yet there's an undeniable presence somewhere in the abyss that calls to it. And curiosity would see it answer, as the Phoenix travels across the emptiness at the speed of thought, pulled by this mysterious anomaly.

After traveling thousands of light years it finally appears in the distance, to the cosmic firebird a single dot of light stark against endless black. The something is revealed, inexplicably, as an island of rocka and earth; as it approaches nearer, the Phoenix can see that on that island is grass, trees, and a house... a mansion, really, and something about its shape seems familiar to it, as if from a long-forgotten dream...

By now overwhelmed by curiosity, the Phoenix ignores its instinctual drive to destroy the tiny strip of land, and instead makes to land upon it. As it does so, the Phoenix's shape alters, growing smaller and coalescing into a form taken from deep memory: that of a human female, tall and slender and beautiful, with shimmering hair like a living flame. Compelling to enter the mansion, the Phoenix walks up the flight of stairs and, finding the doors unlocked, enters.

The mansion appears empty. As it walks through the empty halls, stopping to stare occasionally at the paintings and photographs adorning the walls, the Phoenix begins to remember this place, not as it is now but at a time when it teemed with life. It realizes: this was where... she once lived, so very long ago. But who was "she"?

Suddenly, the Phoenix hears a voice. And then, another voice in answer to the first. The voices continue, and the Phoenix follows the sound through the mansion, slowly at first, walking hesitantly, then quicker and finally running towards the sound. The Phoenix pulls up before a set of heavy oaken doors; another memory surfaces, and it knows, remembers, that behind those doors is a study that once belonged to... someone. Someone important? Its hands reach out to push the doors open, but hesitate for a moment before resolve is strengthened and with a great heave they are pushed apart.

Inside the study, Logan and Kitty sit at opposing sides of a chess table, Logan gazing over his remaining pieces as Kitty's hand hovers on her rook. Logan is old, incredibly so; and yet, he doesn't look nearly as old as he should be -- well over a hundred years old, yes, but not BILLIONS of years old. Kitty, on the other hand, looks very much the same as she does now; she's learned to control her mutation to such an extent that time, space, and dimension no longer have any effect on her. She's an ethereal being, there and yet not quite, visible and yet not, physical and yet not. At the sound of the doors opening, they both look up from their pieces and stare at the red-headed woman standing speechless in the doorway.

Logan smiles, and with warmth and love in his voice says, "Hey there, Red. About time you showed up."

And just like that, she's Jean again. Eyes that haven't been eyes in billions of years are filling with tears. A heart that hasn't beat in forever is thudding faster and faster in her chest. Logan struggles to rise from his chair, and Kitty helps him to his feet, and he steadies himself with a cane of adamantium. Kitty leans over and gives Logan a kiss on the cheek, then walks over to Jean and gives her a hug before walking to the door. Logan calls to her, asks her where she's going; Kitty looks back, and gives him one last smile before answering: "it's time." And then, she's gone, phased away into nothingness, to the afterlife, to another dimension, no one can say.

And then, it's just the two of them.

Logan doesn't get more than a few steps before she's in his arms. She's hugging him and she's crying, and he's hugging her right back and crying too, and when they're all cried out she laces her arm into his and they begin to walk. As they do so, they talk about anything and everything: about old friends and lovers, old battles once shared, the history of the universe, everything they missed out on, and most of all about each other.

Eventually, their walk takes them out onto the grounds, and they find themselves standing under a tree, THE tree. Somehow, it's the same tree, the one Logan cornered her under in the rain, that first night they met not as Wolverine and Marvel Girl, but as Logan and Jean. And Jean looks at Logan, leans in and kisses him tenderly; and when she pulls back and opens her eyes he's young again, in the prime of life once more. They kiss again, passionately this time, and she pulls him down to the ground...

In the vast emptiness of the abyss, the tiny dot flickers, then flares brlghtly. And then... "let there be light."

...Yeah. :|


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
I went to visit my parents over the weekend and dug through boxes of old toys looking for stuff to recycle to my four year old. He was incredulous that I did not have a Hawkeye figure for him to complete his set of Avengers. I tried to sell him on the likes of Gideon, G.W. Bridge, Shatterstar, and Stryfe, but he was nonplussed. Tastes have evolved. I would not have been caught dead with a Hawkeye in 1993.

but you would roll with stryfe? your kid has better taste bro
So in the SF Bay Area thread, I offered to get some chocolates for a fellow gaffer and mailed them to his house. Rather than payment, I opted for some stuff on my Amazon list of equal value.



Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Anybody read Ron Wimberly's Prince of Cats? I just finished it and it was truly impressive. Peep this art:


I read Prince of Cats a couple weeks ago. Really fantastic. Not only the stellar art, but the dialogue (all in iambic pentameter), the take on Shakespeare via 80s Bronx (the "Duel List") -- seriously one of those comics that seems alive.

EDIT: Brooklyn, not the Bronx, my bad.
Am I the only one who (of course I'm not) thinks that Static should be doing better than he is in the comics world?

I feel like he needs a bigger push.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I read Prince of Cats a couple weeks ago. Really fantastic. Not only the stellar art, but the dialogue (all in iambic pentameter), the take on Shakespeare via 80s Bronx (the "Duel List") -- seriously one of those comics that seems alive.

I honestly didn't expect the story to both adhere to Shakespearean language and be incredibly fresh, but it fucking was. It would have been real easy for the book to cruise on its gorgeous looks but the dialogue and story are seriously dominant and layered just as well as Shakespeare's own language. Also, it takes place in Brooklyn, and that's always a plus. It doesn't seem like too many people have read it, though, which is a fucking shame.
I honestly didn't expect the story to both adhere to Shakespearean language and be incredibly fresh, but it fucking was. It would have been real easy for the book to cruise on its gorgeous looks but the dialogue and story are seriously dominant and layered just as well as Shakespeare's own language. Also, it takes place in Brooklyn, and that's always a plus. It doesn't seem like too many people have read it, though, which is a fucking shame.
Why is Brooklyn being the setting a plus? We have enough goddam books that take place in NYC.
I'm reading the Batman & Robin stuff I got from the last comixlogy sale.

9 issues in, I can honestly say the same thing about that -_-

are you sure your reading the B&R issues by Morrison? Cuz they kept the series going after him and other lesser writers like Tomasi and Winnick did abunch of filler stories
yeay I'm reading #1-16.

I didnt even kno Batman had a son... he didnt have one in Dark Knight Returns which is supposed to be in the future...

Well there is your problem right there. You need to start at the beginning of Grant Morrison's run:


which builds off this old Batman story:


Jedeye Sniv

yeay I'm reading #1-16.

I didnt even kno Batman had a son... he didnt have one in Dark Knight Returns which is supposed to be in the future...

Oh dear... DC's genius marketing strikes again.

DKR was written over 20 years ago, it's not going to be a roadmap to the future. Plus.... spoilers.


Oh dear... DC's genius marketing strikes again.

DKR was written over 20 years ago, it's not going to be a roadmap to the future. Plus.... spoilers.

Well I mean, if we're gonna be technical about it, TDKR happened after Inc Vol. 2 #8, therefore it still works and JEKKI is a big dummy for not reading Morrison's Batman.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Why is Brooklyn being the setting a plus? We have enough goddam books that take place in NYC.

Because it benefits the urban-future Romeo + Juliet setting greatly and compliments Ron Wimberly's artistic stylings in the book. Also, because I live in Brooklyn, and I love seeing stories set here, especially exceptional stories.

Jedeye Sniv

He's already home... isn't he?

Any what's up with those lines on his chest? are they meant to be MANLY MUSCLES? I never really think of cyke as being muscly, I like how Quitely drew him all skinny-like, it fits the character better imo


He's already home... isn't he?

Any what's up with those lines on his chest? are they meant to be MANLY MUSCLES? I never really think of cyke as being muscly, I like how Quitely drew him all skinny-like, it fits the character better imo

He just got home. He hasn't had time to iron his unpacked clothes.


yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jonathan Hickman Image sale at comixology, Nightly News, Transhuman, Red Mass for Mars, Pax Romano Cheese, Red Wing.

I own red wing, nightly news, and red mass trades so Transhuman and Paxy for me.


Unconfirmed Member
The BKV/Martin comic is called The Private Eye and you can pay whatever price you what for the first issue (I assume all are like this) on panelsyndicate.com. There will be ten issues.



He's already home... isn't he?

Any what's up with those lines on his chest? are they meant to be MANLY MUSCLES? I never really think of cyke as being muscly, I like how Quitely drew him all skinny-like, it fits the character better imo

Cyke was quite buff during Dark Reign, and some artists indeed draw him as thin, but he is definitely in top shape - how much is up for the actual artists. I do not mind a little bit more "wild" look :D
That's a big grain.

I kind of wish, just for moments like this, that Bleeding Cool was a Daily Newsy broadsheet out every day, or he ran his site like Drudge just so he could run this story with a big

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