Read ComicsAlliance more. He's one of the best comics writers around.
Dude, it's just his opinion. Injustice is pretty damn bad, video-game tie-in or not.
Identity Crisis" would be better named Maturity Crisis. At its core is a harsh struggle between the contradictory impulses to both fetishize the past and move into the future. The book relies on an affection for and fascination with up to 70 years of superhero comics, but spends the bulk of the time showing you the "ugly truth" behind those comics of yesteryear.
Charming flourishes of superheroic behavior are revealed to be narcissistically engineered for publicity. Brutal rapes take place behind the scenes, between the adventures. Goofy, dumb villains are explained to have had their minds and personalities telepathically violated and altered to be that way. Everything in Identity Crisis is designed as an excuse for adults who are secretly embarrassed by their love of superheroes. "Sure," it says, "We know superhero comics used to be all Biff Bam Pow, but here are very serious and adult reasons why they seemed that way, and all the serious and adult things that were going on behind the scenes. Serious. Adult."...
"Identity Crisis" opens with a caption that reads, "Thirty Minutes Till Now." It is a declaration: you are in the past. I will bring you to the now. And it does. Among the images that are captioned as "Now" are a tombstone, an old hand clutching a newspaper, and the burned and disfigured corpse of a pregnant woman. "Identity Crisis" is the embodiment of all of the worst aspects of current super-hero comics. Welcome to the now.
While we're on the subject, a pretty good critique of Identity Crisis is here. Not the same writer, though.
What were the criticisms of Identity Crisis when it was published? I read it once in 05 and don't remember much except Ralph Dibny crying a lot.
I hate you guys so much
looooool I almost checked out with $99 instead of $0.99
The Justice League previews look amazing. Johns is on fire right now.
Both. Can't post because of phone and no DC talk allowed in here but Morrison and Snyder.Which one? OR BOTH?
Both. Can't post because of phone and no DC talk allowed in here but Morrison and Snyder.
only johns talk allowed is writing elaborate fanfictions based on his teen titans run
How much less are they charging for it?1) He is talking about a video game tie in comic. While it'd be great if they were up there with some of the more iconic runs, reality checks in and suggests that maybe you tone down your expectations a bit.
Surprise is not inherently good.2) For a video game tie in its actually surprisingly good. As in, you aren't expecting some of the stuff that it does, and it had some genuine surprise! moments.
of course it's hyperbole.3) Did I mention the quote where he suggests this is worse than all of the fanfiction on Hyperbole much?
IC seems pretty terrible, dude.4) He labels Identity Crisis as the previous "Worst Comic Ever"? Lol? Really? Don't get me wrong. IC has issues. But its a decent book otherwise. There are much, much worse, and if ones opinion is that IC is literally the worst comic ever your opinion of coherence and storyline is... ah... skewed.
Most normal humans in comics would survive being slammed through the hull of a submarine at super speed?5) He finds it incredulous that certain events happen. Events that happen in comic books. All the time. Dude. It's comic books. That shit happens. Without spoiling anything, he questions how someone survives something that'd kill most people. As if comic book characters have never done that. Like. Ever. >_>
only johns talk allowed is writing elaborate fanfictions based on his teen titans run
I like how Geoff's run is overall considered disappointing by its readers, yet it hasn't budged from the top 5 since its debut. IF YOU WANT A BETTER JUSTICE LEAGUE THEN STOP BUYING IT you can talk about whatever you want. i like how it's our fault no one else is reading them.
I like how Geoff's run is overall considered disappointing by its readers, yet it hasn't budged from the top 5 since its debut. IF YOU WANT A BETTER JUSTICE LEAGUE THEN STOP BUYING IT PEOPLE.
I like how Geoff's run is overall considered disappointing by its readers, yet it hasn't budged from the top 5 since its debut. IF YOU WANT A BETTER JUSTICE LEAGUE THEN STOP BUYING IT PEOPLE.
Oh yeah, I loved his Adventure Comics too. The issue with Superboy and Red Robin <3333
Oh yeah, I loved his Adventure Comics too. The issue with Superboy and Red Robin <3333
Fuck you dude Alan Moore saved and continues to save comics, nothing compares. Even his weakest works are better than that "superhero" garbage.Well I finished all of Promethea yesterday. I'm not sure if I liked it or not. The first volume was great, but the further I read, the more preachy it got. Is this supposed to be Alan Moore's bible or something? I thought the art was really cool throughout, but there was so much text it was sort of tedious to get through a chapter. The whole thing was available at the library, so I didn't lose anything, but I think I prefer Saga of the Swamp Thing.
Johns Titans was the last time that book was any good
loved it, occasionally when i rage at DC i remember this issue.
I'm trying to remember... something about Black Lanterns following Superboy-Prime back to Earth Prime (which is our Earth, so Superboy-Prime exists here and reads DC Comics) and restoring his powers before attacking him, and their battle carries over to the offices of DC Comics where Superboy-Prime threatens Didio and a bunch of DC bigwigs because it's funny, see? Before and after Infinite Crisis, Johns would use Superboy-Prime as a stand-in for DC's fanboy critics, taking pleasure in mocking them through him.holy shit that's awesome. What's the context for that page?
I'm trying to remember... something about Black Lanterns following Superboy-Prime back to Earth Prime (which is our Earth, so Superboy-Prime exists here and reads DC Comics) and restoring his powers before attacking him, and their battle carries over to the offices of DC Comics where Superboy-Prime threatens Didio and a bunch of DC bigwigs because it's funny, see? Before and after Infinite Crisis, Johns would use Superboy-Prime as a stand-in for DC's fanboy critics, taking pleasure in mocking them through him.
I'm trying to remember... something about Black Lanterns following Superboy-Prime back to Earth Prime (which is our Earth, so Superboy-Prime exists here and reads DC Comics) and restoring his powers before attacking him, and their battle carries over to the offices of DC Comics where Superboy-Prime threatens Didio and a bunch of DC bigwigs because it's funny, see? Before and after Infinite Crisis, Johns would use Superboy-Prime as a stand-in for DC's fanboy critics, taking pleasure in mocking them through him.
just reread 4 and part of 5, after he got his powers and was told he was going to die in issue #5 ( which he was trying to go online to read spoilers on , which was hilarious), he decided to attack the DC offices before he died because they have it coming for doing this all to him.
It's depressing to think that THAT superboy prime no longer exists, i wonder if DC has the balls to have a new 52 superboy prime that read through the new 52 and complains about the changes.
I've always said to my local comic book collecting friends that nothing would rock more ass than for Superboy Prime to PUNCH his way INTO the New 52. A reverse reality punch.