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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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I got to meet some writers and artists at ECCC myself. Highlights were Kevin Maguire who bumped me up in the commission queue, Aaron Lopresti who was so open and honest in talking about Sword and Sorcery and JLI, Brian Buchallato, who deep down a Rogues rabbit hole discussion with my friend. It was great. Oh and Tony Akin's who did an Orion commission for my roomate.

My one disappointment was not getting to Lopresti soon enough for a commission :-(

I'm currently on board with JLA and Vibe/Katana as well but I can see why people might hesitate with Vibe/Katana.
How is the Supergirl comic now? I still find her outfit completly dumb, but if the writing's good I'll giv it a go.

I'd suggest waiting for the new writer on issue #20. Some people take issue with it right now and I can see why, but I still can enjoy it, and the art is great.
Love the new
in Justice League, can't wait to get

The new
Atom is Hispanic, right? So much win. I hope DC push the Atom hard. Does Element Woman maintain her characterization from Flashpoint? I adored her short time in the DC Universe so much.
Such a shame I have to wait another month to read it, for that $1 digital discount. :p


The new
Atom is Hispanic, right? So much win. I hope DC push the Atom hard. Does Element Woman maintain her characterization from Flashpoint? I adored her short time in the DC Universe so much.
Such a shame I have to wait another month to read it, for that $1 digital discount. :p

Her last name is Pineda and she looks Hispanic to me, dunno that they've said so officially. What little dialog Element Woman has had has retained her Flashpoint characterization, which makes me incredibly happy.
Her last name is Pineda and she looks Hispanic to me, dunno that they've said so officially. What little dialog Element Woman has had has retained her Flashpoint characterization, which makes me incredibly happy.

You're right that there's been no official confirmation, I read a quick impression of the issue that seemed to indicate as such. It helps that Geoff Johns created
Element Woman's Flashpoint persona. Just ecstatic to hear that from all indications, she's the same character. I thought see was one of the best creations of the Flashpoint universe and should crossed over into the DCnU.
I find this a little ridiculous, especially this last one. If DC was putting out a god tier, Uncanny X-Force, Hawkguy level book, we'd all be reading it and loving it. We all love comics. DC just isn't at the A-est game right now. It's not my or anyone else's bias that's making it that way.

Opinions don't work that way though. Not everyone is going to universally love something. It's awesome you feel UXF and Hawkguy are god tier. They're not for me, and I don't run into this thread every time some one brings them up with "UXF is ggaaaarrrbbbaaaggggeeee". Because I'm not reading them, so I'm not going to foul up a thread with an opinion that isn't valid. That doesn't stop some folks who aren't reading a single DC book from doing that though. It's just annoying, and no it's not all the time. It's often enough though that I'd rather just discuss books at my LCS.

Anyway, in regards to Johns run on Justice League. I would agree with GrandHarrier. It hasn't been amazing, but it hasn't been awful either. The weakpoint for me would be the Graves story line, but the backups with the Shazam storyline have been AMAZING and have totally made up for it. It makes me wish he got his own book again.

I hope he stays with it. GAF loves the Morrison run on JLA. IMHO the start of that was weaker than the middle, so lets see where Johns goes with this all and give him a chance.


Loving the hell out of Hawkeye- past the trial stage, bought them all on Comixology and now going to be a monthly reader.

Is Immortal Iron Fist worth trying? Aja and Fraction, same creative guys- similar/different better or worse? I've no experience with the character but after what they've done with Hawkeye I am tempted to find out.


Loving the hell out of Hawkeye- past the trial stage, bought them all on Comixology and now going to be a monthly reader.

Is Immortal Iron Fist worth trying? Aja and Fraction, same creative guys- similar/different better or worse? I've no experience with the character but after what they've done with Hawkeye I am tempted to find out.

Fuck yes. And it's way better than Hawkeye.


You're right that there's been no official confirmation, I read a quick impression of the issue that seemed to indicate as such. It helps that Geoff Johns created
Element Woman's Flashpoint persona. Just ecstatic to hear that from all indications, she's the same character. I thought see was one of the best creations of the Flashpoint universe and should crossed over into the DCnU.

I agree completely, now just give me the Canterbury Cricket as well!
How is the Supergirl comic now? I still find her outfit completly dumb, but if the writing's good I'll giv it a go.

It's been interesting. I'm still not totally on board with this take on Kara, she's much more aggressive, and very separated from Superman. There have been some highlights, like her interactions with Silver Banshee. Her involvement with H'El on Earth was, I suppose disappointing. I'm interested to see where things go now though. She's been shown reasons to trust her cousin more, and maybe to pay more attention to him and his friends. I think they're going for the hot tempered, knows everything attitude of a teenager, I just think they may be over doing it a bit.

I will say I think the Super family of books got the biggest shaft with new 52. For me, I think the new takes on Superboy and Supergirl are definitely weaker than their pre-52 counter parts. Though I've warmed up to Superboy much quicker than I have Supergirl.
Acres of people... You realize that Hawkeye sells around the same as Red Lanterns, yes? And X Force around the same as Batman: The Dark Knight. Marvel has a higher over all market share but it's hardly "acres" more. But we must all be stockholmed into not going over to the superior publisher.

I was talking about this thread, obviously.

What do you find especially ridiculous? Nothing I said is untrue.

I didn't really think we were talking about sales - which is irrelevant anyway as it also disproves the 'no one is reading it'/'acres of people' angle - nor the DC/Marvel competition, which I also agree that Marvel is consistently better right now (even though I recognize that's still IMO).

The constant trolling/shitting on by people who aren't even reading it does come up without fail by generally the same people over and over again and it gets a little tiring.

See below:

I've never seen posters trash other posters when they discuss what DC titles they are reading. I see people saying they like some DC titles but hate the decisions DC makes as a company like swapping out creators before they get a chance on the title. To me that is bullshit and is worth criticizing.

Fucking exactly. And look, me (repeatedly) pointing out that the Third Army looks like someone taped arms and legs to the dried out dogshit they made Dale and Brennan eat in Step Brothers or saying the First Lantern looks like Slim Goodbody is not trolling people who like that book. They're just gags.

Opinions don't work that way though. Not everyone is going to universally love something. It's awesome you feel UXF and Hawkguy are god tier. They're not for me, and I don't run into this thread every time some one brings them up with "UXF is ggaaaarrrbbbaaaggggeeee". Because I'm not reading them, so I'm not going to foul up a thread with an opinion that isn't valid. That doesn't stop some folks who aren't reading a single DC book from doing that though. It's just annoying, and no it's not all the time. It's often enough though that I'd rather just discuss books at my LCS.

Who says that? I mean, there's plenty to laugh at, but I go into dozens of DC books with an open mind only to get disappointed. But I don't yell at people who aren't.

It's hilarious to me to see people paint things this way when I loved Fear Itself and said so in these threads. No one, not a single DC book, could ever get the amount of shit that book caught me.

So, no. I don't buy any of this. Sorry. It just sounds like a lot of people who wished more people liked the books they like. I recommend just being more like me. People think WatXM fell off. I go "WHAAAA?? X, Y, and Z is THE SICKEST."

Don't just be like "Eh, people just slam on DC books so I don't wanna talk about them, maybe I'll just talk to Gus on Wednesday, he understands." be all "BRO ARE YOU KIDDING? Huntress does this thing and it's like BA BA BAWWWNNNNNNN and then Cyborg is like 'Not on my watch, mothertruckers!' -- G-G-G-G-GEWWWNNNNNNNNNN'" and people who don't read enough DC will be like "Oh, shit. Yo lo quiero. Sure it looks like Slim Goodbody needs to pick up after his dog but maybe...maybe I'm missing something."

Give it a shot!


Unconfirmed Member
Loving the hell out of Hawkeye- past the trial stage, bought them all on Comixology and now going to be a monthly reader.

Is Immortal Iron Fist worth trying? Aja and Fraction, same creative guys- similar/different better or worse? I've no experience with the character but after what they've done with Hawkeye I am tempted to find out.

Yes like Blader said it is even better. The arc after Fraction/Aja is not as good but it is still decent.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
The last issue of Morrison's Action Comics drops today, right?

Jedeye Sniv

Other people are reading them, it's just semi pointless to try and discuss anything DC in here, with out dealing with a bunch of people who aren't reading it expressing how the new 52 sucks half the time.

Well when 80% of the nu52 books legitimately suck you need to be fairly watertight with your arguments for them.

What books would you like to talk about and for what reason? Maybe if you get the ball rolling people will jump in.

Opinions don't work that way though. Not everyone is going to universally love something. It's awesome you feel UXF and Hawkguy are god tier. They're not for me, and I don't run into this thread every time some one brings them up with "UXF is ggaaaarrrbbbaaaggggeeee". Because I'm not reading them, so I'm not going to foul up a thread with an opinion that isn't valid. That doesn't stop some folks who aren't reading a single DC book from doing that though. It's just annoying, and no it's not all the time. It's often enough though that I'd rather just discuss books at my LCS.

Chances are, if a book is legit good then people will notice and talk about it. Most DC books are not inpsiring to conversation in any way right now, they're just C-grade filler books, offensive only in their ordinaryness. And it's not like a lot of us didn't give it a shot - the first few months of the nu52 I was buying 20+ books a month, now I'm down to barely a handful. Marvel by contrast is getting good talent on interesting books telling interesting stories. And it's not like it's not controversial, Avengers is getting heat for going to slow (it is), the X-force reboots have been nu52-level dull, double shipping is hurting wallets etc etc.

Any if you came into the thread saying UXF or Hawkguy or whatever other objectively good books are out there are hot garbage then you'd be expected to defend your position with a little more than 'it's not for me'. I could write essays on what I don't like about some of these books. It's what a forum is about - feel strongly about something, put the case forward. Whining that we're Marvel fanboys is both silly and dull.
The best way to enjoy comics is to read everything.

And no Dennis Hopeless being a Comics Superstar is not a shtick, though I use it ironically. Not only does AA beat the fuck out of YA in terms of enjoyment, characters and story but he has the characterization down pat in Cable.
Chances are, if a book is legit good then people will notice and talk about it. Most DC books are not inpsiring to conversation in any way right now, they're just C-grade filler books, offensive only in their ordinaryness. And it's not like a lot of us didn't give it a shot - the first few months of the nu52 I was buying 20+ books a month, now I'm down to barely a handful. Marvel by contrast is getting good talent on interesting books telling interesting stories. And it's not like it's not controversial, Avengers is getting heat for going to slow (it is), the X-force reboots have been nu52-level dull, double shipping is hurting wallets etc etc.


So fucking annoying to get hit with the ruler when I did my due diligence and literally read every DC book for two months.


I was talking about this thread, obviously.

But we were just given a reason that some might not bother to talk about the books in here. It's not reasonable to then turn around and later use it as justification that 'acres of people don't read them' because... they don't talk about them in here. It's circular logic.

Fucking exactly.

I don't think anyone is saying that people are attacking personally, thankfully. And there's definitely stuff that should be legitimately criticized.

So, no. I don't buy any of this. Sorry. It just sounds like a lot of people who wished more people liked the books they like. I recommend just being more like me. People think WatXM fell off. I go "WHAAAA?? X, Y, and Z is THE SICKEST."

Don't just be like "Eh, people just slam on DC books so I don't wanna talk about them, maybe I'll just talk to Gus on Wednesday, he understands." be all "BRO ARE YOU KIDDING? Huntress does this thing and it's like BA BA BAWWWNNNNNNN and then Cyborg is like 'Not on my watch, mothertruckers!' -- G-G-G-G-GEWWWNNNNNNNNNN'" and people who don't read enough DC will be like "Oh, shit. Yo lo quiero. Sure it looks like Slim Goodbody needs to pick up after his dog but maybe...maybe I'm missing something."

But to be fair, not everyone posts like you do. And having to wade through constant generic hate in a discussion thread ad nauseum gets tedious no matter what the topic. It becomes just noise.

It doesn't stop me from commenting on stuff. But I can see why some people just don't bother. And that's a shame.
Who the fuck thinks X Forces are dull? Mutant ninja fucking noir! Mutants destroying a mutant fast food meat plant! I don't miss Wolverine saying "we don't kill bub"

It's VIBE TIME!!!!

big giant

Is Immortal Iron Fist worth trying? Aja and Fraction, same creative guys- similar/different better or worse? I've no experience with the character but after what they've done with Hawkeye I am tempted to find out.
Different but very good, the first arc/trade especially. The second arc fizzles out a bit, not least because Aja could draw less and less of the book - he ends up skipping the last chapter entirely, but does get to do one hell of an epilogue to the run.
Chances are, if a book is legit good then people will notice and talk about it. Most DC books are not inpsiring to conversation in any way right now, they're just C-grade filler books, offensive only in their ordinaryness. And it's not like a lot of us didn't give it a shot - the first few months of the nu52 I was buying 20+ books a month, now I'm down to barely a handful. Marvel by contrast is getting good talent on interesting books telling interesting stories. And it's not like it's not controversial, Avengers is getting heat for going to slow (it is), the X-force reboots have been nu52-level dull, double shipping is hurting wallets etc etc.

Yeah, I think this has to do with why I burned myself out. I was buying so much at the start my backlog just kept growing and growing until I realized I was spending way more than I should. I'm catching up in trades now and soon I'll be back to monthlies but this time I'm going to try to stick with what's great over casting out a wide net. I was still buying books I wasn't enjoying at all just to keep the run going for awhile.


Avengers 8
I mean, yeah the kid just killed 3,000 people. But you can't really blame him for getting defensive when a raging Hulk comes running at you, right?

New X-Men 9
Interested in seeing where the Jean and Angel stuff goes, definitely seems like the 'joining Scott' angle is going to play out. Need to brush up on my Angel history though as I feel like I'm missing a lot of context. Also ridiculously easy to break into The Raft.


A double dose of BKV this week, oh my.

I'll give it a shot then.

The character means shit to me (atm) but I like what the guys do. I'll take a peek see what I think :)

I have to think a good number of Immortal Iron Fist fans (myself included) didn't know/care about the character beforehand.
Hey guys. So next week i have to deliver a speech for a class and i was thinking of doing it on Batman. My problem is i stopped reading ~two years ago and i only collected for 2-3 years before that. Granted, in that span i spent hundreds of dollars on individual issues and important and recommended trades, but my reach only goes back to the early 2000s.

My three main body points are probably going to be different interpretations of him(art styles, his costume changes over the years, and so on), his movies, and then major/important runs/history of Batman. I would mention stories like Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, his recent death and so on.

The speech has to be between 3-5 minutes, so i do not want to get very in depth. Because of my inexperience with silver/golden age batman, i would like to keep it slanted towards modern incarnations of him from about mid-90s onwards? Most of the people in the class have more than likely never picked up any Batman comic, so keeping it simple and general is key, i think.

Is there anything that you guys, as big comic fans, think i should HAVE to put in? Like things that i absolutely cannot leave out?

Thanks in advance everyone!
Hey guys. So next week i have to deliver a speech for a class and i was thinking of doing it on Batman. My problem is i stopped reading ~two years ago and i only collected for 2-3 years before that. Granted, in that span i spent hundreds of dollars on individual issues and important and recommended trades, but my reach only goes back to the early 2000s.

My three main body points are probably going to be different interpretations of him(art styles, his costume changes over the years, and so on), his movies, and then major/important runs/history of Batman. I would mention stories like Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, his recent death and so on.

The speech has to be between 3-5 minutes, so i do not want to get very in depth. Because of my inexperience with silver/golden age batman, i would like to keep it slanted towards modern incarnations of him from about mid-90s onwards? Most of the people in the class have more than likely never picked up any Batman comic, so keeping it simple and general is key, i think.

Is there anything that you guys, as big comic fans, think i should HAVE to put in? Like things that i absolutely cannot leave out?

Thanks in advance everyone!

I think there's plenty to work with just in that time frame. I think you can sum up the old style Batman just in that one old first cover where he's swinging the bad guy through the city and then just move on to the 80s/90s. It sounds like you've got the big stuff covered, but definitely touch on:
Year One
Killing Joke
Death In The Family (the first one, not Death of the Family, the latest one)

Hush might be interesting to talk about, as it's really taking Batman and honing it to its most commercially exciting ideas.


My three main body points are probably going to be different interpretations of him(art styles, his costume changes over the years, and so on), his movies, and then major/important runs/history of Batman. I would mention stories like Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, his recent death and so on.

I haven't given a speech in a long time, but it seems like it would be hard to cover all that in less than 5 minutes. I think the movie interpretations alone would cover that. :)
The speech has to be between 3-5 minutes, so i do not want to get very in depth. Because of my inexperience with silver/golden age batman, i would like to keep it slanted towards modern incarnations of him from about mid-90s onwards? Most of the people in the class have more than likely never picked up any Batman comic, so keeping it simple and general is key, i think.

You may also talk about the three different types of Batman; i.e. how he has been interpreted. You have the "Jovial" Batman that is your Golden/Silver Era and your Batman Brave and the Bold Style. Then you have your "Detective" Batman who is about being the World's Greatest Detective. And finally you have "The God Damn Batman" which is your violent, ass beating Batman.
Avengers 8
I mean, yeah the kid just killed 3,000 people. But you can't really blame him for getting defensive when a raging Hulk comes running at you, right?

New X-Men 9
Interested in seeing where the Jean and Angel stuff goes, definitely seems like the 'joining Scott' angle is going to play out. Need to brush up on my Angel history though as I feel like I'm missing a lot of context. Also ridiculously easy to break into The Raft.
This week's issue went a long ways toward
allaying my fears that Bendis is sending Jean over to UXM. After that conversation between Old Hank and Young Warren, it's almost certainly Young Warren, either because he believes what Old Scott is about to pitch over what the JGL team is telling him, or because he believes Old Hank when he says stopping Old Scott's plans of revolution are the key to the future, and the fast-track to home.

Also, plunging necklines are ridiculously popular among female mutants apparently. I think I can guess what Young Jean's new costume is going to look like...


Justice League of America #1 dropped a buck today on comixology since #2 released ( dcbs wasn't able to add #1 to my order as a combo pack version) so i bought it....

DC is out of their damn mind if they thought that crappy issue was going to propel Vibe and Katana to victory. Another dull team building issue with a lengthy conversation between Steve Trevor and Waller.
It's been interesting. I'm still not totally on board with this take on Kara, she's much more aggressive, and very separated from Superman. There have been some highlights, like her interactions with Silver Banshee. Her involvement with H'El on Earth was, I suppose disappointing. I'm interested to see where things go now though. She's been shown reasons to trust her cousin more, and maybe to pay more attention to him and his friends. I think they're going for the hot tempered, knows everything attitude of a teenager, I just think they may be over doing it a bit.

I will say I think the Super family of books got the biggest shaft with new 52. For me, I think the new takes on Superboy and Supergirl are definitely weaker than their pre-52 counter parts. Though I've warmed up to Superboy much quicker than I have Supergirl.

It took 40ish isssues for her to calm her shit last run, I'm hoping it'll get back to something like that eventually.


There's a Jonathan Hickman sale on comixology and I'm thinking of picking up Red Wing and a few other books. Any particular recommendations or anything I should steer clear from?


Good to see the Wrath of the First Lantern get back on track after last week's disappointing issue of GLC. I enjoyed how each of the three story threads had different artists, it worked nicely. Seeing Walker
as a Green Lantern
and Larfleeze
as a Blue Lantern
was fun, and the Larfleeze bit was a nice call back to his introductory arc. The First Lantern got a little more than he bargained for with the New Guardians.


There's a Jonathan Hickman sale on comixology and I'm thinking of picking up Red Wing and a few other books. Any particular recommendations or anything I should steer clear from?

I remember liking Red Wing. Curious about the others myself


No Scrubs
Saga 11

Talk about a roller coaster of emotions...

Superior Spider-Man 6

I dare say we've finally hit the tipping point. Otto's lost his damn mind.

Avengers 8

That's not gone well...

New Avengers 4

...and that's gone worse

Deadpool 6

I did not see that one coming, also apparently
God loves you Wade

All New X-Men 9

Not a whole lot happened, next issues is going to get real though

Nova 2

Is it just me or is this book still good? It's not just me right? Right?


Saga 11
Hate to see him go, but yay Lying Cat!

This week's issue went a long ways toward
allaying my fears that Bendis is sending Jean over to UXM. After that conversation between Old Hank and Young Warren, it's almost certainly Young Warren, either because he believes what Old Scott is about to pitch over what the JGL team is telling him, or because he believes Old Hank when he says stopping Old Scott's plans of revolution are the key to the future, and the fast-track to home.

Also, plunging necklines are ridiculously popular among female mutants apparently. I think I can guess what Young Jean's new costume is going to look like...

Probably so,
though there's obviously some endgame for what's going on with Jean, and I'm wondering what that will be.
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