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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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I bet they open a major title up for a submission contest to pick the next writer. Huge response and press, they get a new writer who's completely under their thumb.
I bet they open a major title up for a submission contest to pick the next writer. Huge response and press, they get a new writer who's completely under their thumb.
That would be me. But I've already lost Liefelds contest. I don't think my heart can take much more....is this what it feels like to get hurt....

Fuxk you Bob Harras and Dan Didio you what the fifty two pieces of shit.
Green Lantern Corps #23
(W) TToB (A) TToB
Cover A by Brett Booth

Can the Corps withstand the evil machinations of H'ak Bird-E from Planet GAF?

Page One, Panel One

-Kyle Rayner flies over a large mass of people with outstretched arms shouting SHAZAM constantly-

"LMAO Marvel Zombies again...time to show them a real artist!"

Panel two

-Kyle Rayner's ring crushes them with giant green NOT-Savage Dragon look-a-like-



Daniel is just bland, IMO. Outside of the first arc of Action, Superman hasn't interested me at all. Doesn't look like that's going to change until Snyder.

Looking forward to reading Vibe.
Page One, Panel One

-Kyle Rayner flies over a large mass of people with outstretched arms shouting SHAZAM constantly-

"LMAO Marvel Zombies again...time to show them a real artist!"

Panel two

-Kyle Rayner's ring crushes them with giant green NOT-Savage Dragon look-a-like-


Holy shit perfect.



I'm kind of amazed that DC is publishing any good books in spite of the clusterfuck that is editorial.

Next month: DC starts shipping pasta instead of comic books. WTF CERTIFIED.
Next month: DC announces every writer was actually Jeff Lemire in disguise. WTF CERTIFIED.
Next month: Superman turns into a horse???? WTF CERTIFIED.
Next month: None of this existed, final shot is Dan Didio looking at a snowglobe. WTF CERTIFIED.
Next month: Alan Moore buys DC for pennies, makes Watchmen 2 with Ed Benes. WTF CERTIFIED.


You know, I'm pretty pro-Bring Back All Star Batman but thinking about it... the All Star model of "hot writer + hot artist and let them run wild" is actually a pretty fucking great one. Hell, people made fun of it because they thought it was just DC aping the Ultimate Universe but the All Star imprint is basically how Marvel does a lot of their comics these days. Yeah, none of their guys are as hot as Miller/Quitely/Morrison/Lee and the art teams aren't consistent and they aren't completely free to do whatever they want but they're putting out solid work for the most part.

basically: let some of your dudes run wild (and hire some good artists) dc - what do you have to lose?
You know, I'm pretty pro-Bring Back All Star Batman but thinking about it... the All Star model of "hot writer + hot artist and let them run wild" is actually a pretty fucking great one. Hell, people made fun of it because they thought it was just DC aping the Ultimate Universe but the All Star imprint is basically how Marvel does their a lot of their comics these days. Yeah, none of their guys are as hot as Miller/Quitely/Morrison/Lee and the art teams aren't consistent and they aren't completely free to do whatever they want but they're putting out solid work for the most part.

basically: let some of your dudes run wild (and hire some good artists) dc - what do you have to lose?

It really works! I mean, you think the new Captain America take was editorially mandated? lol Shit's 52in crazy!!!
You know howi feel about Rich brahs, but he says there are possibly three more creator stories like this to be announced TODAY. Oh my Fifty Two!

Link. Maybe this actually will result in DiDio and Harras resigning in disgrace? Shhh, let me dream.

EDIT: Going by his subsequent tweets, seems he might not actually be teasing more creative departures after all.
DC handled the whole reboot all wrong. They should have hired on writers that they actually like working with and agree on story arcs up front then let the writers go wild with those concepts and keep the line trimmed down to no more than 30 titles.


Observations. Too many comic books are looking like storyboards for Hollywood blockbusters. Write comics or make movies, don't try to make your comics more 'Hollywood'.

The New 52's 'extreme' villains thing...like the new psycho Mad Hatter...see I liked the last page with the psychodelic tea, but I hate everything else. Including Batman telling bad jokes.
DC handled the whole reboot all wrong. They should have hired on writers that they actually like working with and agree on story arcs up front then let the writers go wild with those concepts and keep the line trimmed down to no more than 30 titles.

The problem was right there at the core with Pandora. It was making it one big story, which made it necessarily highly editorially controlled.
Observations. Too many comic books are looking like storyboards for Hollywood blockbusters.

The New 52's 'extreme' villains thing...like the new psycho Mad Hatter...see I liked the last page with the psychodelic tea, but I hate everything else. Including Batman telling bad jokes.

You should check out Thief of Thieves. It's like literally storyboards.
The whole problem was when someone was like "Hey, people like Barbara Gordon as Batgirl right? Like, people who bought her series are still alive? Let's make her happen."
The whole problem was when someone was like "Hey, people like Barbara Gordon as Batgirl right? Like, people who bought her series are still alive? Let's make her happen."

I'd guess it was more that Batman: TAS = Barbara as Batgirl and for alot of current Batman fans, TAS was their gateway into the mythos.


New 52: The Untold Story is gonna be a hell of a read in a few decades

This is the age of Twitter. I have absolutely no idea how those kinds of stories don't pop up all the time. We have rumors, and sometimes one nugget, but no big nitty or gritty on how this shit happens. Like, it can't be as dull as this, right?


The problem was right there at the core with Pandora. It was making it one big story, which made it necessarily highly editorially controlled.

Nah, pre-NOW! Marvel was building for the next big event all the time and it was never this big a freakshow. It's just that DC is run like a Monty Python sketch.
You have the "Jovial" Batman that is your Golden/Silver Era and your Batman Brave and the Bold Style.
Love that guy.

Then you have your "Detective" Batman who is about being the World's Greatest Detective.
Love that guy.

And finally you have "The God Damn Batman" which is your violent, ass beating Batman.
Hate that guy.

Don't forget about "Bat-god"
Hate that guy too. A lot of people associate him with Silver Age Batman, but I relate him to the GDB interpretation more. To my taste, the best Batman is a mix of Silver and detective, part Sherlock Holmes, part James Bond. Deductive, resourceful, dangerous, sexy, and fun.

Edit: And I know everyone loves their Robins, but DC really screwed the pooch with their reboot by keeping them all in. Having them all around makes Bruce old at a time when the rest of the line is trying to feel young.


Edit: And I know everyone loves their Robins, but DC really screwed the pooch with their reboot by keeping them all in. Having them all around makes Bruce old at a time when the rest of the line is trying to feel young.

They wanted to pull a Brad Pitt, with Bruce somehow collecting all these war orphans of his war on crime, and secretly training them to be kick ass. But the whole 5 year bullshit bit them in the ass and I just want to know why.jpg.

There's nothing wrong with them all being around and aboot, because they were all there in original continuity. DC didn't want to completely piss everyone off by offing someone in an ongoing Bat story via new 52 reboot. Not via the reboot anyway.
Hey guys. So next week i have to deliver a speech for a class and i was thinking of doing it on Batman. My problem is i stopped reading ~two years ago and i only collected for 2-3 years before that. Granted, in that span i spent hundreds of dollars on individual issues and important and recommended trades, but my reach only goes back to the early 2000s.

My three main body points are probably going to be different interpretations of him(art styles, his costume changes over the years, and so on), his movies, and then major/important runs/history of Batman. I would mention stories like Dark Knight Returns, Long Halloween, his recent death and so on.

The speech has to be between 3-5 minutes, so i do not want to get very in depth. Because of my inexperience with silver/golden age batman, i would like to keep it slanted towards modern incarnations of him from about mid-90s onwards? Most of the people in the class have more than likely never picked up any Batman comic, so keeping it simple and general is key, i think.

Is there anything that you guys, as big comic fans, think i should HAVE to put in? Like things that i absolutely cannot leave out?

Thanks in advance everyone!

I actually did a similar presentation to you a few weeks back. Mine was based on versions of Batman in other media, but I related it back to the comics.

I covered:
- The Origin/Year One
- Current Publishing Trends
- Batman as a Business (toys, box office, etc)
- The Animated Series
- Arkham Asylum/City
- Nolan Trilogy
- Recommended Reading (mostly TPBs, some other stuff like Understanding Comics and Supergods)

I can put my PowerPoint on Google Drive or Dropbox if you're interested, but it's pretty basic. Good luck!


Keith Giffen always has been and always will be DC's only good writer

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