hey guys the Spider-Man in Age of Ultron is Doc Ock right cause it doesn't read that way
As far as continuity is concerned, yes, even though he's obviously not being written as such. Don't think about it too hard.
hey guys the Spider-Man in Age of Ultron is Doc Ock right cause it doesn't read that way
Good advice for most comics. Don't think too hard...As far as continuity is concerned, yes, even though he's obviously not being written as such. Don't think about it too hard.
Comics Messiah BMB cares not for your judgment.Yeah yeah I been in this game a while but shit like that still gets at me
They wanted to pull a Brad Pitt, with Bruce somehow collecting all these war orphans of his war on crime, and secretly training them to be kick ass. But the whole 5 year bullshit bit them in the ass and I just want to know why.jpg.
There's nothing wrong with them all being around and aboot, because they were all there in original continuity. DC didn't want to completely piss everyone off by offing someone in an ongoing Bat story via new 52 reboot. Not via the reboot anyway.
I have the world's greatest Team Robin story in me, if only DC would let me write it. All the Robins at the same time, he picks them all up within a year of each other and has them work as a team. Including Stephanie, why the fuck not, gotta have a girl. Part Turtles, part Harry Potter, part Grange Hill. It would be amazing.
It's all about telling good stories. Leave science and logic to the nerds.
Jason in the role of Zammo?
Exactly! Just say no. That would make Batman Mrs McLusky. Dick Grayson would be the Todd Carthy all-rounder.
I have the world's greatest Team Robin story in me, if only DC would let me write it. All the Robins at the same time, he picks them all up within a year of each other and has them work as a team. Including Stephanie, why the fuck not, gotta have a girl. Part Turtles, part Harry Potter, part Grange Hill. It would be amazing.
So reading through the latest ANXM I realized that Immonen is fucking amazing and I need more. What else good has he had a hand in?
Superman: Secret Identity, Nextwave
He's a pretty versatile artist though, so they don't look quite the same as ANXM does.
Nextwave! And some of the best issues of Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man pre-Ultimatum.
Excuse my ignorance but who or what is TTOB?
New Avengers was confusing.Was that an infinity gem in Dr. Strange's palm? I thought they all broke last issue.
Things are heating up in superior spider man. This is more entertaining than i thought it might be.
avengers are bringing the hammer down on spider man next issue, after the whole murder and excessive brutality bit.
no that's the universal communicator that the NA team put together. it was also cleverly mentioned in Avengers in a conversation between Banner/Stark
I hope it'll be a talky issue, since a big fight scene would be kind of boring.
OOOOH now I remember! Thanks!
no, he needs to not only solo, but take them all down, to cement in the whole Superior thing. Of course it all eventually falls apart due to his own actions, but yeah he really needs to defeat the Avengers in a total WTF, showing how much holding back Peter Parker has always been doing.
(that's the yolk. or the gimmick anyway. I didn't say it was kosher, but that's the trick. Petey never once used his whole potential, even when he thought he was going all out. The point is for Ock to do amazing things with Peter's body to show off both how Amazing Spiderman is, and how ultimately self-defeating and fucked up Peter never knew he was.)
(that's the yolk. or the gimmick anyway. I didn't say it was kosher, but that's the trick. Petey never once used his whole potential, even when he thought he was going all out. The point is for Ock to do amazing things with Peter's body to show off both how Amazing Spiderman is, and how ultimately self-defeating and fucked up Peter never knew he was.)
At this point I think Ock's time has come to an end. He's been crossing all sorts of lines in both Spidey's life and Peter's. He's abusing the power, I think we've already cemented how much Peter's been holding back. I don't think he'll be able to talk his way out of this one, he might escape, but the center cannot hold at this point. Otto's past the point of no return.
"Yes, many have heard, Andy Diggle left Action Comics after the first issue. I can only say I feel bad he made that decision. I think it was the wrong one, but that was his choice to make. For the remainder of the arc I'll be working off his plots to finish out this first arc. So essentially, I become 'scripter' in the credits w/ Andy as 'plotter.' As for myself, I end my short run after I complete this first arc, which ends with issue 21. This was preplanned since last fall as there is another project I'll be taking on, and assisting with, a massive project with DC. I still think people will like this arc and I'm staying as true as I can be to Andy's plans for this story. In the end I hope he'll find it somewhat recognizable as something he took part in."
Izzat the $75 Wonder Woman Archive that came out this week?
And I've been at work almost all day, but even without new books to read this Wednesday has made for some highly entertaining reading, based on this thread alone.
Ah, neat. On my phone so I couldn't make out exactly what it was.ah, no :/
that's my mousepad
ANXM 13 cover
GOD The Private Eye is amazing. I'm buying the next issue for $6 just to support the concept of.someone from our generation with alzheimers
Is that Sebastian Shaw alongside Jean?