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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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Jedeye Sniv

They wanted to pull a Brad Pitt, with Bruce somehow collecting all these war orphans of his war on crime, and secretly training them to be kick ass. But the whole 5 year bullshit bit them in the ass and I just want to know why.jpg.

There's nothing wrong with them all being around and aboot, because they were all there in original continuity. DC didn't want to completely piss everyone off by offing someone in an ongoing Bat story via new 52 reboot. Not via the reboot anyway.

I have the world's greatest Team Robin story in me, if only DC would let me write it. All the Robins at the same time, he picks them all up within a year of each other and has them work as a team. Including Stephanie, why the fuck not, gotta have a girl. Part Turtles, part Harry Potter, part Grange Hill. It would be amazing.


It's all about telling good stories. Leave science and logic to the nerds.


I have the world's greatest Team Robin story in me, if only DC would let me write it. All the Robins at the same time, he picks them all up within a year of each other and has them work as a team. Including Stephanie, why the fuck not, gotta have a girl. Part Turtles, part Harry Potter, part Grange Hill. It would be amazing.

Jason in the role of Zammo?


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Has Johns ever written Catwoman before this new JLA?

Why did DC get rid of Will Pfeifer? Loved his run on Catwoman.
Started going through my haul for this week. Really enjoyed Saga, Invincible and Elephantmen so far. Didn't get to the Marvel or DC stuff yet.

Also didn't read Chew or TMNT yet as I need to read through the trades and back issues first. I'll get there.


I have the world's greatest Team Robin story in me, if only DC would let me write it. All the Robins at the same time, he picks them all up within a year of each other and has them work as a team. Including Stephanie, why the fuck not, gotta have a girl. Part Turtles, part Harry Potter, part Grange Hill. It would be amazing.

Maybe the DC Lil'verse would allow something twee like that. I'd let you write it.


Junior Member
So reading through the latest ANXM I realized that Immonen is fucking amazing and I need more. What else good has he had a hand in?


Superman: Secret Identity, Nextwave

He's a pretty versatile artist though, so they don't look quite the same as ANXM does.


Also, yeah, at this point, how does anyone at Warner Bros thinks it's a good idea to keep any of DC's editorial staff? Like, sure, they're not bleeding money through every orifice, but I'm convinced that anyone would be able to do better without making the entire company look like a bunch of clowns.


New Avengers was confusing.
Was that an infinity gem in Dr. Strange's palm? I thought they all broke last issue.


denial wave. It's so bad, that we have to wait for the delayed reaction of them realizing how truly fucked everything has become. Right now, the ship has launched, taken it's first big dip, and they're still expecting it to rise and float. They're damaging the credibility and what little respect this already troubled market had.
Things are heating up in superior spider man. This is more entertaining than i thought it might be.

avengers are bringing the hammer down on spider man next issue, after the whole murder and excessive brutality bit.


Things are heating up in superior spider man. This is more entertaining than i thought it might be.

avengers are bringing the hammer down on spider man next issue, after the whole murder and excessive brutality bit.

I hope it'll be a talky issue, since a big fight scene would be kind of boring.

no that's the universal communicator that the NA team put together. it was also cleverly mentioned in Avengers in a conversation between Banner/Stark

OOOOH now I remember! Thanks!
I hope it'll be a talky issue, since a big fight scene would be kind of boring.

OOOOH now I remember! Thanks!

superior is good, but a fight scene would last all of 30 seconds. Spidey can't solo the avengers. Who do you think he is, Cyclops? :D

Jedeye Sniv

Holy crap Avengers #8 was great. Hickman stepping up and just pimpslapping the doubters. That page with Hulk was fucking amazing, I looked at it for a full minute. Dustin Weaver was sick on this too, I've never seen his stuff before, what else has he done? Really great little touches in the art and character moments.

Is it me or have the Avengers been portrayed as something of a blunt instrument recently. Between how they come across in the X-books as slightly paranoid of mutants, and outright hostile to them in UXM, to this issue where they give this terrified kid the bum rush. I mean wtf, give him a sec to catch his breath, the fight escalated so quickly. I'm hoping that this is something Hickman is playing with - he's starting his run with the Avengers at the height of power and arrogance (esp over in New Avengers) and becoming massive and sprawling. I don't think this is going to last forever, I think he'll tear them down by the end.


no, he needs to not only solo, but take them all down, to cement in the whole Superior thing. Of course it all eventually falls apart due to his own actions, but yeah he really needs to defeat the Avengers in a total WTF, showing how much holding back Peter Parker has always been doing.
no, he needs to not only solo, but take them all down, to cement in the whole Superior thing. Of course it all eventually falls apart due to his own actions, but yeah he really needs to defeat the Avengers in a total WTF, showing how much holding back Peter Parker has always been doing.

uh...i think at that point I would just put the book down and read something else. Spidey not holding back during civil war struggled with
Cap alone. Add Thor, Wolverine, Captain Marvel, Etc and it's overkill.

He'll talk his way out of it somehow, who knows- much like Cyclops


(that's the yolk. or the gimmick anyway. I didn't say it was kosher, but that's the trick. Petey never once used his whole potential, even when he thought he was going all out. The point is for Ock to do amazing things with Peter's body to show off both how Amazing Spiderman is, and how ultimately self-defeating and fucked up Peter never knew he was.)
(that's the yolk. or the gimmick anyway. I didn't say it was kosher, but that's the trick. Petey never once used his whole potential, even when he thought he was going all out. The point is for Ock to do amazing things with Peter's body to show off both how Amazing Spiderman is, and how ultimately self-defeating and fucked up Peter never knew he was.)

I see. re-reading the issue, I just realized superior was the one who totaled that guy's car- with him in it. THAT'S going to come back to bite him in the ass.


No Scrubs
(that's the yolk. or the gimmick anyway. I didn't say it was kosher, but that's the trick. Petey never once used his whole potential, even when he thought he was going all out. The point is for Ock to do amazing things with Peter's body to show off both how Amazing Spiderman is, and how ultimately self-defeating and fucked up Peter never knew he was.)

At this point I think Ock's time has come to an end. He's been crossing all sorts of lines in both Spidey's life and Peter's. He's abusing the power, I think we've already cemented how much Peter's been holding back. I don't think he'll be able to talk his way out of this one, he might escape, but the center cannot hold at this point. Otto's past the point of no return.
At this point I think Ock's time has come to an end. He's been crossing all sorts of lines in both Spidey's life and Peter's. He's abusing the power, I think we've already cemented how much Peter's been holding back. I don't think he'll be able to talk his way out of this one, he might escape, but the center cannot hold at this point. Otto's past the point of no return.

Eh, there's a few things going on plot thread wise (peter getting his degree, potential romance with that classmate, osborne returning) that seem to indicate it's way too early for ock/pete to turn into public enemy number 1.

The avengers know his identity, so if they decide he needs to be put away for murder/brutality or whatever then there's no using peter parker to avoid it.
"Yes, many have heard, Andy Diggle left Action Comics after the first issue. I can only say I feel bad he made that decision. I think it was the wrong one, but that was his choice to make. For the remainder of the arc I'll be working off his plots to finish out this first arc. So essentially, I become 'scripter' in the credits w/ Andy as 'plotter.' As for myself, I end my short run after I complete this first arc, which ends with issue 21. This was preplanned since last fall as there is another project I'll be taking on, and assisting with, a massive project with DC. I still think people will like this arc and I'm staying as true as I can be to Andy's plans for this story. In the end I hope he'll find it somewhat recognizable as something he took part in."

Tony Daniel is leaving Action Comics as of issue #21...

I'm severely disappointed in DC for allowing Fialkov to leave GLC and RL. I can't help but wonder if it has something to do with his positioning of Guy Gardner as a RL and prepping of John Stewart for more focus in GLC. Fialkov had great concepts for where to take both series and I was absolutely looking forward to seeing him work his magic on the Green Lantern universe. I love DC but this is just embarrassing. Both writers have left before their first issue even hits the stands, hinting at editorial interference and creative differences. Why can't writers just do what they are paid for and craft intelligent stories? I can't defend this stupidity.

As I understand, Charles Soule, the new writer of Swamp Thing is taking over Red Lanterns. I'm not familiar with him or his work. Is there someone who is who can clarify what he might bring to the table?
Izzat the $75 Wonder Woman Archive that came out this week?

And I've been at work almost all day, but even without new books to read this Wednesday has made for some highly entertaining reading, based on this thread alone.
GOD The Private Eye is amazing. I'm buying the next issue for $6 just to support the concept of
someone from our generation with alzheimers

ANXM 13 cover



GOD The Private Eye is amazing. I'm buying the next issue for $6 just to support the concept of
someone from our generation with alzheimers


I'll fucking say "aye" to that. Somehow this is the best three bucks I've dropped all week, and let me remind you that this was a Saga-Two-Doses-of-Hickman's-Avengers-Daredevil-Wonder-Woman-Batwoman week.

I enjoyed him as well, except for the cover, where it kinda looks like Jester is a midget, even though I know he's suppose to be doubling over with laughter.

Also, SSM has been a good read, all six issues.
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