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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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All of them are dead or erased except for Jamie. The new 52 Supergirl is totally different from the Jeph Loeb version.

Miss Martian had a small appearance in the New 52 Teen Titans, Static Shock (Teen Titans was the last time I remember seeing him as well), Blue Beetle and Supergirl are also still around.
Did she? Well alright. This is what I get for dropping TT after four issues. :p

Haha. This is from the first issue. She appeared on Tim Drake's "Wall of Weird", alongside what looks to be Beast Boy, Raven, Starfire and Static Shock. Bunker, Kid Flash and Solstice are also seen before joining the team.



At this point DC should just go full on crazy and have the Trinity War reveal that the new 52 is DC's nightmare/hell earth that was created when Pandora opened her shiny box ( and not just a way to get back the old continuity). Damian dead, Lois and Clark split up, Barbara back to being batgirl and running into the Joker, the guardians betraying the Corps.

And Superboy Prime has to save everyone, as only he can see what's going on and gets to be redeemed as the hero he always wanted to be. For extra metta, the new 52 has also been a nightmare on creators :p DC PLANNED THIS ALL! After Trinity War, DC launches " The 52", the continuity is back to where it was pre-new 52 but the characters remember everything that happened.
At this point DC should just go full on crazy and have the Trinity War reveal that the new 52 is DC's nightmare/hell earth that was created when Pandora opened her shiny box ( and not just a way to get back the old continuity).

In reality, it's just hell for DC readers.

Also, how do you know Pandora's box is shiny? Is it freshly waxed?
At this point DC should just go full on crazy and have the Trinity War reveal that the new 52 is DC's nightmare/hell earth that was created when Pandora opened her shiny box ( and not just a way to get back the old continuity). Damian dead, Lois and Clark split up, Barbara back to being batgirl and running into the Joker, the guardians betraying the Corps.

And Superboy Prime has to save everyone, as only he can see what's going on and gets to be redeemed as the hero he always wanted to be. For extra metta, the new 52 has also been a nightmare on creators :p DC PLANNED THIS ALL! After Trinity War, DC launches " The 52", the continuity is back to where it was pre-new 52 but the characters remember everything that happened.

Congratulation you just ripped off Heroes Reborn


In reality, it's just hell for DC readers.

Also, how do you know Pandora's box is shiny? Is it freshly waxed?

we find that out in Trinity of Sin: Pandora's Shiny?!? Box one-shot.'

Congratulation you just ripped off Heroes Reborn

Which makes it all that more believable? Winds outta my sails now, i didn't read Heroes Reborn, though dc/marvel seem to not have a problem copying stuff. I'll let that dream die then and go read Transhuman that i bought on the comixology sale :(

EDIT: Looking up Heroes Reborn, i think DC could pull it off better with the assets they have and set up, it wouldn't be a shameless rip-off, it would be a spin on a storytelling cliche.


The New 52 isn't going anywhere for awhile, no point in wishing otherwise

Although Superboy Prime coming to fuck shit up would be great


Can someone clear something up for me? I know that Gaile Simone was taken off the Batgirl book, but after some fan backlash, I heard she was put back on again. But this is the second month in a row where there has been a new writer on Batgirl. Whats going on?

Edit: Nevermind, I just saw her twitter that she's back on with Batgirl 19.


The Private Eye

Only one issue and this is currently the most interesting book being put out right now. The story, the art, the way they're releasing it. Fucking hell I already love the shit out of this.

Loved the scene with the old man. MTV logo in the background, iPhone in hand. Fucking rad.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Catwoman #18.... Hoo boy. If you want to add a section in your Batman lecture called Emo Batman, read it.


It's going bye bye once everyone stops buying into it

Indeed. It's DC. It might take a few years, but to try and pretend they won't do a "return of the DCU" Crisis event at some point in the future to bump sales is silly.

And the result will probably be another reboot...

(Personally I think any such arc needs to feature Clark finding out that the person who finally, after all the villains who tried, broke him and Lois up was his "friend" Barry. And have Clark throw Barry back through the time portal to the Anti-Monitor's COIE chamber to meet his destiny personally.)

Neil Gaiman returns to Marvel, brings Angela along for the ride (Comic Book Resources)

Later this year, writer Neil Gaiman makes his return to Marvel Comics. According to The New York Times, the "Sandman" and "Eternals" writer will re-enter the Marvel Universe with a collaboration on the final issue of "Age of Ultron" with writer Brian Michael Bendis.

Perhaps even more intriguing is the announcement that Gaiman plans to introduce Angela to the Marvel U, a character the writer originally created as part of Todd McFarlane's "Spawn" mythology. Gaiman won a long-running legal battle in 2012 , awarding the co-creator 50-percent ownership of the character with McFarlane. While a crossover between two publishers is hardly unprecedented, this is the first time a character from another publisher has been introduced with the intent of being a larger part of the other's universe.
Link to original article



That's a weird announcement but okay! I don't have much experience with Spawn outside of the cheesy movie and a little of the animated showtime( ? ) series, so i don't care about Angela at all yet and introducing her at the end of Age of Ultron isn't exactly an enticing premise.

After Age Of Ultron, Angela will then become a cast member in the Guardians Of The Galaxy series for issue 5 at least, written by Brian Bendis… and now co-written by Neil Gaiman, representing his return to writing comics and writing for Marvel. Any more issues? No idea. Hell, Angela may even be in the movie, which may explain the legal issues mentioned earlier. But that’s just speculation.

What isn’t speculation is that I understand from other sources that Angela won’t just be appearing in Guardians but will be touring the Marvel Universe in the year to come.
- bleedingcool, everyone's favorite site.

I buy GOTG so i'll be getting some of this Angela time, but it seems weird.


No Scrubs

That's a weird announcement but okay! I don't have much experience with Spawn outside of the cheesy movie and a little of the animated showtime( ? ) series, so i don't care about Angela at all yet and introducing her at the end of Age of Ultron isn't exactly an enticing premise.

- bleedingcool, everyone's favorite site.

I buy GOTG so i'll be getting some of this Angela time, but it seems weird.

Neil Gaiman is co-writing GotG? Why not just let him do the book himself and let Bendis focus on X-Men?
I've never even heard of that character since I avoid McFarlane/Spawn like the plague
Well, (spoiler alert for a 13 year-old comic) the character of Angela was killed off in Spawn #100, so odds are that it's a new interpretation from Neil. Not saying it's impossible that it's the same Angela (after all, comic book death LOL), but why not take the opportunity to re-envision instead?
I do not believe for one second that Rixh Johnston is one of the four people that knows the ending to AoU. A even that will Chang the Marvel U forever and unite comics superstars for the foreseeable future.


I do not believe for one second that Rixh Johnston is one of the four people that knows the ending to AoU. A even that will Chang the Marvel U forever and unite comics superstars for the foreseeable future.

And everyone thought new Watchmen material was crazy bonkers town. Johnston is the broken clock of comics reporting.


I do not believe for one second that Rixh Johnston is one of the four people that knows the ending to AoU. A even that will Chang the Marvel U forever and unite comics superstars for the foreseeable future.

Well, Rich has already run a story that Marvel flipped the hell out when he told them that he knew, given the supposedly tight leash.

And the first letter of every line in that story spelt on ANGELA...

Anyway, that story is as random as all hell. I wonder if it's a way to shunt Gaiman back enough money to interest him in coming back without having to get Disney to approve such a huge writers payment. And a needle at Todd. And setting up for Miracleman.

Oh, and hey Marvel? If you're willing to pay character payments to writers now, where's the Ultraverse guys huh? Huh?


Bane was better.
And everyone thought new Watchmen material was crazy bonkers town. Johnston is the broken clock of comics reporting.

He reports RUMOURS, so you know what you're getting into. Besides, he's got a decent record and no one else is doing this sort of reporting. Most sites just feed you previews and press releases with no value-add.


So apparently Fialkov left GLC/RL because he didn't want to kill John Stewart.
Sad, that'd probably be the most interesting use of the character since JL and JLU went off the air.


So apparently Fialkov left GLC/RL because he didn't want to kill John Stewart.
Sad, that'd probably be the most interesting use of the character since JL and JLU went off the air.

I understand that both the editorial input for both Fialkov’s books, and fellow walker-outer Andy Diggle‘s Action Comics, were in direct contradiction of the promises made at the DC Creative Summit by Dan DiDio, backed by Diane Nelson, that once an overview of an arc had been greenlit by editorial, it wouldn’t be changed by editorial. One creator told me that the promised lasted four days.

I like this part the best out of that write-up.
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