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COMICS! |OT| March 2013. Pinching Dr. Banner? Bad idea; Hulk pinches you back.

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pick up GOTG on a whim. whole thing read likea retcon/reboot of marvel cosmic. which i guess makes senes.

they kind of sweep thanos impretive under the rug.

there was something off about mcnivens art i felt

fuck marvel fuck comics fuck everything i'm done
Age of Cap stading up #3.: Cap is still standing but i though this issue was really good overall. the last page was a suprise. and caps plan is pretty good. wonder where it goes next.

Hitch's art doesa good job creating an horryfying atmosphere to the story


Man Uncanny Avengers was really good this week. Seems like Rememder finally is hitting his stride, looking forward to the next issues.


AoU3 : I can't tell if the survivors are mad at Hawkeye for bringing SpiderMan back because
he got fired from the avengers as Otto brutalized some pranksters
OR because... Bendis.


Bane was better.
pick up GOTG on a whim. whole thing read likea retcon/reboot of marvel cosmic. which i guess makes senes.

they kind of sweep thanos impretive under the rug.

there was something off about mcnivens art i felt

mcniven isn't the same without Dexter Vine and Molly Hollowell. He's a classic example of an inker elevating his art. Corollory: Vines is amazing.


I've given up porn, but I'll make an exception for this. Her costume is fantastic.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Anybody pick up Unwritten? It's still one of the most consistently great books being put out that nobody seems to talk about.

Also, Batman, Inc. hit hard with that
Batcow appearance


Inc remains in a class of its own. I was so happy to see
Knight get the proper send off he deserved and then for Beryl to don the costume.


Unconfirmed Member
East of West question: SPOILER

Are the three Horsemen as children the three in the other time period? I thought that was the case but the children said their names but Death was not one of them. If I remember correctly it was Famine, War, and Conquest.


Superior Spider-Man
the tie in just makes AoU seem even more disjointed

Inc remains in a class of its own. I was so happy to see
Knight get the proper send off he deserved and then for Beryl to don the costume.


Really going to miss Morrison on this book when the time comes.
Anybody pick up Unwritten? It's still one of the most consistently great books being put out that nobody seems to talk about.

Also, Batman, Inc. hit hard with that
Batcow appearance

Tradewaiting all day everyday. It saves money. I can't afford this single issue business. I usually make a post gushing about its majesty every time a trade comes out.
Young Avengers is straight up TRASH. Story is meandering and makes very little sense. Motivations are poor, humour is stale, but at least the art is great. McKelvie is wasted on this 14 year old tumblr fangirl drivel. I expected more from Gillen. RIP.


As much as I'm enjoying Wrath of the First Lantern, Aquaman is hands down the best book Johns is currently writing. This is probably his best work since Sinestro Corps War.


Funny books, fuck yeah!

Injustice #11 - 10/10
Ultimate Wolverine #2 - 3/10
Uncanny X-Force #3 - 6/10
Guardians of the Galaxy #1 - 6/10
Young Avengers is straight up TRASH. Story is meandering and makes very little sense. Motivations are poor, humour is stale, but at least the art is great. McKelvie is wasted on this 14 year old tumblr fangirl drivel. I expected more from Gillen. RIP.
Same. Thought Gillen was poised to be a comic superstar. You know there's laziness going all around when McKelvie won't draw backgrounds and needs a fill in on issue five.
Uncanny X-Force #3: 8/10 - ALPHONA ART (only for like 3 pages, but still)

Uncanny Avengers #5: 8/10 - Loses points for when Wolverine calls Japan's biggest hero a "walking atomic bomb"

Wolverine and the X-Men #27: 5/10 - This arc sucks and has bad art.

Guardians of the Galaxy #1: 3/10 - BORING

A+X #6: 10/10 - Best Marvel NOW book

X-Men Legacy #8: 7/10 - Still good, but not as great as the last issue.

Young Avengers #3: 1/10 - See above.
I tell it as it is.

Also, I love that Uncanny Avengers is so blatant in it's complete racial insensitivity. First Wanda's "Why should mutants even exist?" and now to Havok's speech. "I don't like the M word" is the new "I don't see colour." Don't call me a mutant, LMAO. A bunch of self-haters in this book.


Bane was better.
Maybe YA will bomb and Gillen and McKelvie will finally start volume 3 of Phonogram...

Not gonna happen for a long time, methinks. They've tasted the Marvel Teet and will be sucking from it for a long time to come. Just ask Liberty Meadows fans.
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