Ultimate Spider-man #11
Miles is coming back for sure. It's just a matter of what form.
Ultimate Spider-man #11
Miles is coming back for sure. It's just a matter of what form.
In shit form, I'm guessing. Nothing good can come out of him being in the mainstream continuity.Miles is coming back for sure. It's just a matter of what form.
Ellis is like the anti Millar. Only does minis now, top tier artists but with no chance of being optioned for a movieEllis, Shalvey and Bellaire are doing a talk and signing of injection and moon night in Dublin. I might go. I wonder if Ellis and Shalvey would sign a stack of a4 paper in place of moon night. Would love to meet Bellaire. She is fantastic.
This is the exclusive cover. Limited to 500 worldwide.
I, for one, eagerly await to see how Waid will crash and burn.
The terrible thread title was changed to "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #44 (major comic spoilers)", it's safe now.
Thanks guys. I'm really glad it didn't get me and sorry to everyone it did. I'm the type that really doesn't like spoilers so I probably would've been fairly upset.I am glad you missed it. Seems like a massive spoiler.
Ellis, Shalvey and Bellaire are doing a talk and signing of injection and moon night in Dublin. I might go. I wonder if Ellis and Shalvey would sign a stack of a4 paper in place of moon night. Would love to meet Bellaire. She is fantastic.
This is the exclusive cover. Limited to 500 worldwide.
I didn't mean to spell Moon Knight wrong. I want you guys to know that. It was an auto correct issue.
I didn't mean to spell Moon Knight wrong. I want you guys to know that. It was an auto correct issue.
More mini reviews from this weeks comics
Edge of spider verse #2 - so spider-Gwen appears. I didn't know the artist was the FPB artist. That was cool. It was hard to get a sense of Gwens personality in it. Sometimes she's moody, other times trying smart ass quips. I guess mirroring Peter but it's not Gwens personality (not that she had much of one to begin with). Still fun issue, and when it ended I wanted to read more. All you can ask for a one issue. Oh and MJ Was great, and they turned Capt. Stacey into Gordon. Dat stache
Magneto #8 - wow this was a dud. You know I'm getting to the point I want magneto to start getting his powers back and let's turn this book into one where he's building his army of followers back
New Warriors - fun fun fun issue. One of the best so far.
Batman & robin #38 - a really strong issue and shows Damian is still damian but his response to his "family" was a sign of growth. Gleasons art is popping. And the coloring always makes this comic stand out.
[batman eternal 42 Harper has to have the worst new costume design ever. I like how it showed her as not being polished or great at the gig but still good enough.
Guys I'm at the Eye doctor. What if they fuck up my eyes and I can never read comics again.
Well I qualified it as modern or new design. Yes they're plenty of really bad ones in the past but look at thisWorse than the 80's redesigns?
Well I qualified it as modern or new design. Yes they're plenty of really bad ones in the past but look at this
Guys I'm at the Eye doctor. What if they fuck up my eyes and I can never read comics again.
I will read them to you. I'll even do the voices.
He's got swag coming out of every orifice:
How does Daredevil know what color his clothes are?
Well, his superpower is not being blind, so.
How does Daredevil know what color his clothes are?
I thought his super power was winning flimsy cases and being turned off to processed food?
Miles is coming back for sure. It's just a matter of what form.
Miles is coming back for sure. It's just a matter of what form.
As The Amazing Spider-Man!
Miles story continues in Ultimate End then with his role in Secret Wars. After that who knows?
You people just summoned Gambit.
He's got swag coming out of every orifice:
How does Daredevil know what color his clothes are?
I'll check it out, I've heard good things about it. Matt's past is really cool.
Miles story continues in Ultimate End then with his role in Secret Wars. After that who knows?
How does Daredevil know what color his clothes are?
Bendis isn't letting his baby die. Miles will be somewhere.
It's just a crazy coincidence, honestHow does Daredevil know what color his clothes are?
He'll have Miles' powers become X-Gene based after the merge and plug him into his X-Men books, or something like that.
He'll have Miles' powers become X-Gene based after the merge and plug him into his X-Men books, or something like that.
At least we won't have mismatched, nonsensical crossovers anymore.He's off the X-books soon. We actually don't know what Bendis is writing.
At least we won't have mismatched, nonsensical crossovers anymore.
I doubt there'll be many/any mutants left after the reboot, tbpf. Screwing over Fox and all that.
EDIT: I mean, the characters will still be around, but they won't be "mutants" any more.
NOPEAre the inhumans treated as badly as the mutants are by normies?