Just went through a few new books...
Man-Thing: A Man-Thing book that wishes it were something else, anything else. Stine's first task is to strike Man-Thing of the things that make him an interesting character for the sake of another bland fish-out-of-water story, another book that is too damn self-aware for its own good. Garbage. Pass.
Darkness Visible: Eh, this was okay. I gave it a couple of issues actually. But there isn't enough interesting going on here, I don't like the characters and Carey is doing some surprisingly careless pontificating on race with this book. You know how the X-Men lean too heavily into this territory sometimes, and it just gets uncomfortable and rings false, well this is a whole book like that, only we are talking about literal demons being the oppressed minority. Pass.
Savage Things: Lifts a bit too heavily from other recent work to construct its premise...it's sorta Deadly Class meets Dexter, I guess? While I thought that was kinda dull and disappointing, I liked how this first issue was constructed, it's pretty exciting, and the end managed to hook me. It's on the bubble but I'm looking forward to the next issue.
Elektra: I liked this more than Kingpin or Bullseye but that's not saying much. I think it's a bit too generic to attract much attention or generate buzz, and the setup is boring, but the art is nice in motion. I loved the fight scene, in fact that's probably all that's keeping me on board for the next issue.
I gotta say though...fucking
?? Again!? If I'm not mistaken this cat is now the big bad in three current arcs. Really Marvel. His schtick is not THAT interesting. There are only so many stories you can tell with this character. This shouldn't even happen with an A-tier villain let alone fucking
. :|
Grass Kings: I didn't think this had much going for it at all. Nothing to the characters that hooks me and much of the issue is poorly constructed, bogging the reader down in far too much exposition. It isn't even terribly good exposition. Pass.
First issues should always manage to get to the good part, even if they have to run long. Grass Kings ran long and still didn't get there.