You just crossed the line Rafa...
GrandHarrier just got a stiffy.Hey folks. Is there some big old list of "best DC runs" floating around online somewhere?
Getting into comics this last year or two and I've so far stuck mostly to Marvel as I'm just more familiar with the universe. I picked up a few random DC things that I found at the library (Blackest Night stuff and some Grant Morrison JLAs) and they were confusing as all get out, I really didn't enjoy them that much. Too many unfamiliar characters and too many multiple versions of the same characters floating around. Aside from that I've pretty much just read some of the big Batman runs (Killing Joke, Frank Miller stuff). Where should I be starting here? Seems like the big event runs aren't really worth it for someone not really into the DC Universe, so I'm thinking I should try some more focused single character arcs. I guess I've read (and loved) Sandman as well but that kinda seems outside of DC standard.
On the other hand I feel like all the Marvel stuff that I've been reading is just killing it in the art department recently. Art / drawing is what got me into reading comics a while ago and I just love some of the stuff I'm seeing. Alex Maleev on Moon Knight, Olivier Coipel in A vs. X, Stuart Immonen on All New X-Men. Stories I can give or take, but I love what I've been seeing recently.
My favorite Land Iron Man panel was the alien broad giving him drinks in space was the exact same broad he traced in the first issue. Four dollar book ladies and gentlemen.
And why am I supposed to be excited for Angela and Gaiman? Gaiman is just a literary renowned and accepted Bendis.
I'll get it up tonight. Got home late.Damn Rafa dropping bombs in here.
Hey, where's the pictures of that Simon Baz figure, brah?
I'll get it up tonight. Got home late.
GrandHarrier just got a stiffy.
Hey folks. Is there some big old list of "best DC runs" floating around online somewhere?
Uncanny X-men#175
It really depends on what character or teams you are interested in.
Do you like single hero titles? Team books? Interested in the World's Finest or something more obscure?
Hey folks. Is there some big old list of "best DC runs" floating around online somewhere?
I wouldn't mind some pre-nu52 DC recommendations actually. I'll try to list some stuff I have already read:
- Morrison's JLA, All Star Superman, and Batman saga
- Waid's JLA and Kingdom Come
- Some of Justice League International
- John's Flash, Green Lantern, and JSA
- Identity Crisis, Infinite Crisis, 52, Final Crisis, Blackest Night, Flashpoint, and a bunch of the tie in books/minis.
- Kevin Smith's and Judd Winick's Green Arrow
- A bunch of assorted Batman stuff including Cataclysm era Batman, Year One, Year 100, TDKR, the Killing Joke, Arkham Asylum, Snyder's Detective Run, and some odds and ends.
- Gotham Central
- Most of the notable stuff from Vertigo (not really looking for Vertigo recommendations)
I'm forgetting a few things, I'm sure.
How far back? lol
Mark Waid Flash
Geoff Johns Flash, Teen Titans, Green Lantern
Peter David Supergirl, Atlantis Chronicles
Keith Giffen JLA, Lobo, Legion
Grant Morrison JLA, Batman stuff, All Star Superman, Animal Man, everything
Greg Rucka Wonder Woman, Gotham Central, Detective Comics
Mike Grell Green Arrow
Alan Moore Swamp Thing
any Power Girl that Amanda Conner drew
Tomasi Nightwing, Batman and Robin
Scott Snyder Detective Comics
Bryan Miller Batgirl
Thats my quickie off the top of my head thing
edit: oh you read some of that
I'm probably a bad at recomending though
Judd Winick's green arrow was horrible. Did you mean Brad Meltzer's arc?
Batman Inc special coming in August:
I swear. You better be starting with Detective Comics #854 or the Elegy TPB
$14.99 a year subs Sale
Batman: The Dark Knight
Batman & Robin
Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
Green Arrow
Teen Titans
Who would pay for a years worth of Teen Titans though?
Supergirl is better than Catwoman by a wide margin. Catwoman is bad while Supergirl is solid but a bit boring.+Catwoman and Supergirl
Supergirl is better than Batman
Have you read Superman: Birthright? That's the best modern Superman origin tbh. Waid could've been killing Action Comics or something right now if Didio wasn't such a shit.
Kelly/Mahnke on JLA followed Morrison and Waid and it's dope as hell too if you can track it down.
Oh lord, Joe Keatinge? Please tell me he will not be getting more DC work. Morbius is the most pointless and worst book on the market right how from the Bug Two.Batman Inc special coming in August:
minority quota filled.
No, I haven't read that. Was that one of the many Superman Origin re-tellings? Maybe I will try to track it down.
Was Johns' Teen Titans run comparable in quality to his (Wally West) Flash, JSA, and Green Lantern stuff?
thats a pretty f'ed up thing to say... :/
Uncanny Avengers and Thor 8, so damn good.
Is UA readable, now? I stopped around issue 3 or 4. Couldn't take that shit anymore.
If you didn't care for the narration, then no, it's still around. But the art is so much better now.Is UA readable, now? I stopped around issue 3 or 4. Couldn't take that shit anymore.
Is UA readable, now? I stopped around issue 3 or 4. Couldn't take that shit anymore.
Is UA readable, now? I stopped around issue 3 or 4. Couldn't take that shit anymore.
Young Avengers is teetering on the edge of trying-too-hard "we're aware of tumblr and internet" meta-cute-shit, but it's young characters seem a good excuse for that, and it's flying by with so many energetic McKelvie layouts and witty Gillen dialog, it doesn't really matter too much.
Yeah, it is. DC did another one a bit before the reboot (Secret Origin) but it's not as good.
Johns Titans is the best Teen Titans book in the last 20+ years but that isn't really saying much and it falls apart by the end.
Just reread black mirror.
Still awesome
What's the best comic starring Cyclops?
I wonder if Spock being spock destroys this eventuality:
Pretty sure One More Day already destroyed that future. Can't change the past without changing the future.
A part of me wishes that all roads lead there.
If only for the outfit.
That costume is boss.
I don't think it's the poster's actual opinion so much as a cynical evaluation of the comic company's intentions.
Supergirl is better than Batman