Okay, I picked up Suicide Squad tpb #1, and I really liked it. And I think I'll be getting #2, but I sense it has huge ties to Death in the Family, so which Batbooks do I need to read the entire DitF arc? Just so I can be fully caught up.
Also why in the hell didn't anyone tell me Thunderbolts had Pool in it? Now I have to go buy all of those singles too.
Okay, I picked up Suicide Squad tpb #1, and I really liked it. And I think I'll be getting #2, but I sense it has huge ties to Death in the Family, so which Batbooks do I need to read the entire DitF arc? Just so I can be fully caught up.
Also why in the hell didn't anyone tell me Thunderbolts had Pool in it? Now I have to go buy all of those singles too.
No...you really don't.Also why in the hell didn't anyone tell me Thunderbolts had Pool in it? Now I have to go buy all of those singles too.
Also why in the hell didn't anyone tell me Thunderbolts had Pool in it? Now I have to go buy all of those singles too.
Also why in the hell didn't anyone tell me Thunderbolts had Pool in it? Now I have to go buy all of those singles too.
If nothing else, Valiant certainly has the best cover art.
If you really like bad art attached to bad writing, then hot damn, Thunderbolts is the book for you! Pick up the previous Parker runs and have fun with those.
No...you really don't.
The reason we didn't tll you is primarily because it's written by Daniel Way and the art is by Steve 'Same Face' Dillon.
This book: colllects the tie in issues from all the batbooks that were involved
Batman v3 has the rest. I think there's a couple issues overlap between batman v3 and that thing tho.
I stopped reading suicide squad but I think the one that crosses over would be v3. Batman doesn't get there til v3 and they are on the same issue number.
How has the reboot stuff been?
...Oh god no. Why. Okay scratch that. I guess I'll stick to the new run and the killustrated's, thanks Marvel.
Ah, Thank you kindly. I will take a look for it at my shop, I appreciate the help.
Ah, Thank you kindly. I will take a look for it at my shop, I appreciate the help.
You're welcome. This seems like it's kind of their new policy on how to collect crossovers: every crossover issue goes in one big collection that exists as a companion to the main story, which is told in the main book as a regular numbered volume. They handled the last batman event the same way.
It's not out yet.
also why would you ever want to read every tie-in to an event comic
After a long hiatus, Masters of the Universe returns! What are they doing in the DC Universe?
Keith Giffen: Basically, just getting on everybody’s nerves. Culture shock lives! Actually, they’ve come to stop Skeletor from doing to the DCU what he’s always wanted to do to Eternia.
It's not out yet.
also why would you ever want to read every tie-in to an event comic
Ah, well that's pretty handy. Saves me from losing sanity by only having two issues from a series I'll never collect.
Why not? I like comics dude, do I need a better reason?
The reason we didn't tll you is primarily because it's written by Daniel Way and the art is by Steve 'Same Face' Dillon.
If nothing else, Wonder Woman: Earth One is going to be gorgeous.
Who does the art on this?
Send this superior shithouse and his ruby red slip-slips packing, Kaine.
The reason we didn't tll you is primarily because it's written by Daniel Way and the art is by Steve 'Same Face' Dillon.
Send this superior shithouse and his ruby red slip-slips packing, Kaine.
Anthology comprises eight lost tales of familiar favorites and new characters by a star-studded roster of writers and artists including multiple Eisner winner Greg Rucka (Whiteout, Stumptown), Jeff Lemire (Animal Man, Sweet Tooth), Gail Simone (Batgirl, Secret Six), Ray Fawkes (Constantine), Becky Cloonan (American Virgin), Francesco Francavilla (The Black Beetle) and the Brazilian brothers behind the Eisner-winning limited series Daytripper, Fabio Moon and Gabriel Ba (the latter collaborated with writer Gerard Way on the Eisner-winning Umbrella Academy).
Poor Steve Dillon.
You give the world Jesse Custer and this is how they repay you.
Send this superior shithouse and his ruby red slip-slips packing, Kaine.
Can Yost please draw this issue? FUCK--PLEASE? The better comic deserves the better artist.
Threshold cancelled. Fuck comic fans.
You mean Stegman right, he deserves to be on the main book.
Threshold cancelled. Fuck comic fans.
An American Vampire Anthology is coming out Aug 7th.
Something is missing on these covers.
Then again they could be incomplete. :/
Something is missing on these covers.
Then again they could be incomplete. :/
An American Vampire Anthology is coming out Aug 7th.
You know what else has eight limbs, right?
You know what else has eight limbs, right?
An American Vampire Anthology is coming out Aug 7th.