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COMICS! |OT| May 2013. Nothing says "love you Mom" like a thick Man-Thing... Omnibus.

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What is the obsession DC/Marvel have with god damn apes?

IDK, but I just re-read JLA Classified #1-3, where the JLA have to come back and take down an army of jetpack-powered apes before they're all murdered by the Not-Authority stand-ins


"These "no-nonsense" solutions of yours just don't hold water in a complex world of jet-powered apes and time travel."

I love comic books.


Another good month from Image.

Chew: Vol 7
East of West: Vol 1
Legend of Luther Strode

Saga returns for all you singles readers.
Too much DC and Marvel up in this place. Needs more Image.

Is anybody reading Skullkickers? This is fantasy action, right?


what if mcguinness drew jla instead of porter


also, ed mcguinness: another dude who used to work for dc comics but doesnt anymore


Too much DC and Marvel up in this place. Needs more Image.

Is anybody reading Skullkickers? This is fantasy action, right?

I liked the first Skullkickers trade but haven't yet read the second which...i think i bought. It's fun, but not fun enough to compensate for it being a little shallow plot-wise.


Too much DC and Marvel up in this place. Needs more Image.

Is anybody reading Skullkickers? This is fantasy action, right?
The Image solicits were good. Nice to see Chew getting regular releases. No Mudman once again does really suck.
Nova was good once again. Vibe is getting interesting as fuck. Nightwing is still fun. FF IS CONTINUING TO BE THE BEST MARVEL COMIC. Bentley-23 is the man.


Since i'm not pre-ordering Trinity War since JL Dark doesn't have a combo pack.....this will be the first time i can buy a book day one (digitally) OR skip it if it doesn't get good reviews/gaf love.

It's like i have a choice :O


Been on a minor Johns kick lately and I'm gonna be the big dumb dumb who'll read Trinity War and also probably hate it.


The Image solicits were good. Nice to see Chew getting regular releases. No Mudman once again does really suck.
Yeah, Mudman has some laughs. I like it.
He mentioned something about a family illness? That must still be the reason for the delay.
Can I say that I thought this might be coming?

Because based on... something, in those interactions between Young Jean and Old Beast in those early issues, I kind of thought (feared?) that this might be coming. And it is, apparently. :\

Don't worry, it'll end with young and/or old Hank dying in some lame way and her running back to Scott while people continue to ride the Hank hate train
and rightfully so as Marvel doesn't want me to be happy and make Beast a fun character to read again

I'm thinking about picking up the weekly 52 issues from a few years back as I've heard nothing but good things about it all these years but I wasn't reading DC at the time. Good idea? Are the follow-up weeklies (which I've heard very mixed things about) worth a shot as well? I'm basically interested in what seems to be a quality self-contained story (within the 52 issues). Would I need any other supplemental stuff to read?
Don't worry, it'll end with young and/or old Hank dying in some lame way and her running back to Scott while people continue to ride the Hank hate train
and rightfully so as Marvel doesn't want me to be happy and make Beast a fun character to read again

I'm thinking about picking up the weekly 52 issues from a few years back as I've heard nothing but good things about it all these years but I wasn't reading DC at the time. Good idea? Are the follow-up weeklies (which I've heard very mixed things about) worth a shot as well? I'm basically interested in what seems to be a quality self-contained story (within the 52 issues). Would I need any other supplemental stuff to read?

No, just the 52 is fine and then hop onto Rucka's Detective Comics/Batwoman stuff.


Pizza Dog
I was reading 52 week to week back in the day and remember enjoying it quite a bit. Interesting thing to do as an event piece. I didn't bother with the follow ups though, it seemed to me very much trying to keep the party going a little too long after it's supposed to have ended. I really enjoyed the series being 52 issues done weekly, and trying to extend it seemed like cashing in on the success of that without much reward.

I've been catching up with Batwoman after seeing some recommendations here. I love the art style with all these double page spreads and it's very painting-like, but I have a few stupid questions as a newcomer. Is this Kate Kane a vampire or something? Why is her skin so grey and pale compared to everyone else? Wouldn't it make her incredibly easy to identify? Also I don't get why she has long red hair in the costume and short hair out of it, is the long hair a wig? Won't bad guys be able to grab and pull it a lot? This goes for Jessica Drew too. Please let me know this vital information so I can continue enjoying the series.
I was reading 52 week to week back in the day and remember enjoying it quite a bit. Interesting thing to do as an event piece. I didn't bother with the follow ups though, it seemed to me very much trying to keep the party going a little too long after it's supposed to have ended. I really enjoyed the series being 52 issues done weekly, and trying to extend it seemed like cashing in on the success of that without much reward.

I've been catching up with Batwoman after seeing some recommendations here. I love the art style with all these double page spreads and it's very painting-like, but I have a few stupid questions as a newcomer. Is this Kate Kane a vampire or something? Why is her skin so grey and pale compared to everyone else? Wouldn't it make her incredibly easy to identify? Also I don't get why she has long red hair in the costume and short hair out of it, is the long hair a wig? Won't bad guys be able to grab and pull it a lot? This goes for Jessica Drew too. Please let me know this vital information so I can continue enjoying the series.

Her appearance as far as I can tell is just an artistic choice. If you go back and look at new New 52 Batwoman, she looks relatively normal. Example of Pre New 52 The pasty white look also begins to lessen in intensity over time. Not sure if this is just an artistic choice too.

And the long red hair is in fact a wig. It's simply a way to help hide her identity. Theoretically yes, long hair would make it easier for badguys to use against her, but like most long haired super heroes, this just gets glossed over for the most part.
Her appearance as far as I can tell is just an artistic choice. If you go back and look at new New 52 Batwoman, she looks relatively normal. Example of Pre New 52 The pasty white look also begins to lessen in intensity over time. Not sure if this is just an artistic choice too.

And the long red hair is in fact a wig. It's simply a way to help hide her identity. Theoretically yes, long hair would make it easier for badguys to use against her, but like most long haired super heroes, this just gets glossed over for the most part.

Also, I think they explain the paleness by her being a gothy alternachick type. I'm pretty sure there are sequences where Kate Kane is less "made up".


When I first saw Batwoman, I assumed her skin color was just makeup. "No way this woman is really that pale." Then lo and behold, I turn the page and there she is in her civvies, white as a ghost.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
The wig usage is self-aware enough, thankfully. Batman himself tells her the hair is a liability and she doesn't care. And, even though it's a bit of a stretch, since it's detachable you can say the wig can provide her with a tactical advantage, as enemies think it's a weak point they can use and when they realize it's not her real hair it's too late. It also helps with causing bewilderment, which is a part of the Bat Family brand of vigilantism. It's a stylistic choice that fits the character and doesn't damage the concept imo.





Pizza Dog
Well that answers my questions! The paleness is super weird but at least I can go on happily reading knowing that the hair issue is addressed. Strange that she'd use a wig that has her exact hair colour though if it's supposed to be a disguise, but at least it's longer. I feel ready to tackle the rest of these issues now.

I don't really have an issue with the hair stylistically, by the way. It looks awesome.
Speaking of Batwoman the latest issue was awesome and things are about to get a lot more interesting, can't wait for the next one.

Every issue is awesome. It's one of the few DC books worth caring about these days. But I don't know how the book would fare if Williams ever left.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Anyone read the new Ultimate Spider-man? Seems to be going places.

I just wish they'd let Miles grow into his own character, with his own villains &c.
We shouldn't be seeing old characters just about every issue.


No Scrubs
I'm struggling to get through Batman #18. I don't dislike Harper, but this issue is just dull.

The next two are much better, they also deal with Damian's death better. 18 looks like its just a set up for whatever Snyder's long term thing is.

Anyone read the new Ultimate Spider-man? Seems to be going places.

I just wish they'd let Miles grow into his own character, with his own villains &c.
We shouldn't be seeing old characters just about every issue.

They're starting to do that, the problem is the villains. Peter had all the good ones.


I have 19 which i'm reading next.

Point of annoyance: Combo editions of the #18 "WTF" issues do not have the fold out two page covers. Absolutely ridiculous DC. How are combo editions "lesser' print comics?


Same thing happened with those Death in the Family fancy covers with people's faces, Combo edition didn't have it, just a plain version.
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