Who isn't reading it? I thought everyone agreed it was amazing.
I'm not. Had to cut some books from my pull and it was the first to go. Might get the trades if it stays good.
Who isn't reading it? I thought everyone agreed it was amazing.
Jeebus... How does that artist get work?
wait. what.
Edit: Couldn't decide on a most favorite page, so I settled for a random one I found on Google by him that I liked a lot:
So yesterday it was hate on All Star Superman night and now it's hate on Chris Burnham?! I give up.
Not everybody enjoys Frank Quitely's art style.
Like this, right here?
Dude draws the two hottest women in X-Men and they end up looking like men.
So yesterday it was hate on All Star Superman night and now it's hate on Chris Burnham?! I give up.
Oh god the Ultimate X-Men art gets extremely terrible in the late teens for like two issues.
I just...stopped reading it. I couldn't handle it and skipped past it. Unreal.
But he was hating on Chris Burnham, not Quitely. I mean, Burnham does semi-copy Quitely's style, but Burnham doesn't have the faces issue.
Oh, wow. My bad.
Ummm... I guess in my defense... Chris Burnham's art style is real similar to Frank Quitely's? lol
You're talking about the Chris Bachalo issues aren't you...
...you've been spoiled by Adam Kubert.
That art is not terrible
MY MANCan you guess who my favorite character is?
stupid issue #3 of X-factor was out so no kitten comic cover
NOT MY MANJeebus... How does that artist get work?
Yeah Bachalo. I thought they were brutal.
Xavier's kid looked like a total mess. That might have been the point but ew. And Colossus' proportions were all kinds of messed up and it was almost like that famous Captain America Liefeld picture. Ew.
Then it just went back to Kubert and I'm happy. I'll keep trucking.
The reason I mention it is I went through the exact same thing when the issues were coming out XD
Bachalo's style has really grown on me since.
The reason I mention it is I went through the exact same thing when the issues were coming out XD
Bachalo's style has really grown on me since.
Haha. No problem. It definitely is very similar. Burnham said in an interview that Quitely is his biggest influence.
Yes, that artwork is terrible.
Food for thought: in picking your influences, steer clear from Potato Head Man. I know GAF loves Quietly, but he's hot garbage. The single most overrated artist in comics today.
What guys like Quietly, Burnham, and Pitarra lack in beautiful faces, they make up in composition, story-telling, and creativity.
Yes, that artwork is terrible.
Food for thought: in picking your influences, steer clear from Potato Head Man. I know GAF loves Quietly, but he's hot garbage. The single most overrated artist in comics today.
I think he's just on a mission to make everybody in comics look like Jay Leno.
Ohhhhhh I understand. We're talking about "Worst Artisit" not worst artist.
That's true.
Frank Quitely is a terrible artisit. One of the worst. He draws faces that look like popapoes.
This is an awful defense.
Oh, you're using an ign thread to bolster those meaningless words. Word.
Sure, and Jack Kirby drew weird knees. There's a lot more going on in Quitely's work than the surface rendering. "His people are ugly" is the most frequent negative complaint I see about his work and it's also - forgive me - the most shallow. Quitely's work is utterly fascinating to me because he has an almost unparalleled ability to create a sense of life in his drawings - from his meticulous design and creation of environments that always evoke the sense that there is a thriving, living world that continues beyond the panel borders, through to the subtle gesture and expressive body language of his characters that make them feel sincere and human rather than posed mannequins. I marvel at his dramatic compositions, at his economy of storytelling and mastery of pacing and continuity, and at his ability to use the comics form in clever, inventive ways that haven't been seen or attempted since Eisner (We3 had some startlingly inventive and revolutionary page structures and should have been a wake-up call to comic artists, and sadly it remains unchallenged). And he manages to do all this with a drawing style that is uniquely, idiosyncratically his own.
I'll take that over "pretty" faces any day.
So zero actual defense of Quitely's work, and instead critique of random links I put together to show that this isn't an uncommon opinion?
Brilliant work.
Astro City #12
Batman Eternal #5
Batman Superman #10
Detective Comics #31
New 52 Future's End #1
Swamp Thing #31
The Wake #8
Satellite Sam #8
Black Widow #6
Cyclops #1
Iron Fist The Living Weapon #2
Loki Agent of Asgard #4
Magneto #3
Miracleman #5
Moon Knight #3
Original Sin #1
Punisher #5
She-Hulk #4
Didn't read my first post, huh. I don't blame you, it nullifies all your arguments. But here you go, with a visual accompaniment:
Frank Quitely: The Man Who Can Only Draw One Face
Didn't read my first post, huh. I don't blame you, it nullifies all your arguments. But here you go, with a visual accompaniment:
Frank Quitely: The Man Who Can Only Draw One Face
I am super jacked up about Iron Fist, She Hulk, and Moon Knight. Also, to be fair, your wallet probably hates you more for those 300 dollar statues!Fuck Yeah Rat Queens List!
My wallet is going to hate me ;_;
Didn't read my first post, huh. I don't blame you, it nullifies all your arguments. But here you go, with a visual accompaniment:
Frank Quitely: The Man Who Can Only Draw One Face
Ohhhhh are you following the Gambit series?MY MAN
My wallet is going to hate me ;_;
Just read Futures End and I was leaning towards not getting it before reading it, I came out impressed and will read it digitally on my phone. Don't need two weeklies cluttering the home.
tweet from 2009 thoOh, you're using an ign thread to bolster those meaningless words. Word.
I didn't follow it much though i plan on getting the trades eventually BUT what i mean is that Gambit fans aren't too common around these parts, and i am one. I dunno why but i like 'im!Ohhhhh are you following the Gambit series?
I'm enjoying it a lot more than his previous one.
Also X-factor run is pretty good but I'm only on issue #2.