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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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tweet from 2009 tho

I didn't follow it much though i plan on getting the trades eventually BUT what i mean is that Gambit fans aren't too common around these parts, and i am one. I dunno why but i like 'im!
I hear yah. Gambit is awesome but he's either really hated or really liked(though like you said, on GAF he's not liked much)

The artstyle in the new series is really good with the exception of two issues that I mentioned earlier. :D
Ms. Marvel 1 - 3:
I don't think I've related to a character in a comic book as much as I do with our new heroine. Loving this series. Just a fantastic read so far.
All this discussion on Quitely made me go back and see if I have ever seen anything with his work in it.

I read through Batman and Robin's first arc and part of its second and Quitely's art was a big reason why I didn't really continue. It was just a mess from what I remember.

Those issues are at my parents' place now so I can't go look at them right now but from what I remember I didn't like his stuff at all.
Holy shit.

Women in comics are the deviation, the invading body, the cancer. We are the cure, the norm, the natural order. All you are is a pair of halfway decent tits, a c*nt and a loud mouth. But see, it doesn’t matter how loud you get. It doesn’t matter how many of your lezbo tumblr and twitter fangirl friends agree with you and reinforce your views. You can be all “I’m not going to be silent about misogyny so f*ck you!” all you want. In the end all you are is a pathetic little girl trying to effect change and failing to make a dent. You might as well try to drain the ocean of fish. That’s the kind of battle you face with people like me. We won’t quit. We won’t stop attacking. We won’t give up. Ever.”

I mean, holy shit. It was a comic book cover.


Without looking it up, ima assume its about the teen titans cover and the incredibly sad twitter comments by bret booth i think?
I don't mean to go on a rant, but, man, this review of Future's End #0 by Chris Sims got me somewhat pissed because holy fucking shit there's almost nothing on the book itself, and instead it's paragraph on paragraph on how DC is totally fucking up everything once again by not making comics like they used to make them, and it reads more like the ramblings of a guy who thinks Superman is a real actual person that exists for real, and he's his best friend and he's just so sad for him that he got turned into a spider-robot that he's nearly inconsolable.

And I mean, shit, rag on DC all you want if that's what you wanna do, sure, but if you're gonna review something, do that. If the comic's a piece of shit, explain to me how it is a piece of shit, do something interesting instead of admitting you're basically writing the same article over and over again. Clearly it bums you the fuck out, so do something, anything instead. It fucking baffles me that you thought it'd be worthwhile to write, and it baffles me some more you thought it'd be worthwhile to read.

e: AND BY THE WAY, where the fuck were you when Age of Ultron happened? Like, where was the "Cap sitting is everything wrong with Marvel and it's the saddest thing ever" piece?

But those clicks.

Yeah I don't know about that "review". It seems lovingly crafted by the same guy you've seen making throwaway Facebook accounts so they can comment multiple times on Newsarama posts. Nowhere us the mention of the interesting friendship between Flash and Captain Cold, the focus on some C and D list characters to give them prominence again, or the fact that Terry is becoming part of the mainline DCU. Instead we're treated to one of the worst non-review manifesto of an angry ex-DC reader.


Looking it up apparenty it was an anonymous message sent to Janelle Asselin over the TT comic cover debacle.

She's also been receiving a lot of sexist comments and rape threats.

People are seriously fucked up.


Any time I feel bad about the art in something I'm reading I go back and look at that X-Factor Secret Invasion tie in.


is May the month when we air bad opinions because if so

i don't really like watchmen

but I still can't grasp hate on all-star superman i mean, c'mon. quitely/burnham might be an acquired taste but this ASS hate is hurting me


is May the month when we air bad opinions because if so

i don't really like watchmen

Watchmen would be the most overrated comic of all time were it not for most of Mark Millar's output.

It is not bad, but it's not worthy of its reputation. Flex Mentallo is the better comic and grand statement on comics.

(plus it's got that quality Quitely art)


Is thinking "The Killing Joke" is just okay and not agreeing that it belongs among the upper echleon of Bat-stories an unpopular opinion? Cause if so, that's what I'm throwing out there.

Christ. :|

I feel awful that she has to experience all of this over a fucking comic cover criticism. It's never justified but over something like this makes it even more vile.
Gotta protect them Wonder Girl tits.

On the plus side, these guys seem to become outliers more and more as time marches on. The comics community seems to be much more open to diversity (or at least, talking about diversity) than other fandoms I've been a part of.

Jedeye Sniv

Holy crap what did I just read from last night?

The only thing I will say is that the overlap between Quitely haters and those who champion objectively bad comics is very high.


Batman Eternal #5
Batman/Superman #10
Detective Comics #31
Moon Knight #3
Magneto #3
Alex + Ada #6

Holy shit.
I mean, holy shit. It was a comic book cover.
This is probably a troll. I mean, it can't be real.

objectively bad comics
When you consider that your Sideshow Collectibles monthly bill must be around $300 dollars or something at this point it's hard to be sympathetic for your weekly comic pull cost, Cheska. ;)

Is this just a way of hiding the fact that you're pulling another four comics from the wife bro?



so what comics are good guys, huh? i don't want anything like batman withstanding a nuclear bomb because of 'prep time' or superman defeating jesus in a water to wine contest.

something with like more regular people, and stuff. doesn't necessarily have to be supeheroes. people seem to like that haweye fella, and i'm going to gamble on the new punisher fella too.

any suggestions?
Batwoman Annual #1: Everything about this was great except for the twist and then not a twist from Director Bones. Enjoyed both art styles.

Flash Annual #3: I ain't even mad except for some dicey art in a few places. Looking forward to this arc.

Started reading some of the Image free titles.

Alex + Ada #1: I remember when this was called Chobits. Kind of spoiled by house style art because I wasn't impressed by what was going on here. I don't think I'd pick it up but I appreciate that they still do weird concepts (I happened to enjoy the WTF am I even reading that was Girls)
so what comics are good guys, huh? i don't want anything like batman withstanding a nuclear bomb because of 'prep time' or superman defeating jesus in a water to wine contest.

something with like more regular people, and stuff. doesn't necessarily have to be supeheroes. people seem to like that haweye fella, and i'm going to gamble on the new punisher fella too.

any suggestions?

Y: The Last Man - can't really recommend this enough
American Vampire
The Walking Dead(Probably)
Punk Rock Jesus
The Wake
Pride of Baghdad

There's a lot more which I have yet to read

Jedeye Sniv

so what comics are good guys, huh? i don't want anything like batman withstanding a nuclear bomb because of 'prep time' or superman defeating jesus in a water to wine contest.

something with like more regular people, and stuff. doesn't necessarily have to be supeheroes. people seem to like that haweye fella, and i'm going to gamble on the new punisher fella too.

any suggestions?

Maybe something like Y The Last Man would be good for you. Grounded, realistic characters, no super shenanigans. Good adventure post apocalypse story. Preacher is also a classic, quite lurid and satirical like your good self.

Daytripper is straight up humans doing human things, I've read a bit of it and keeping meaning to get the collection. There are lots of autobio comics that are very good, sometimes a bit too serious, I don't know quite what you're after. Fun Home and Pedro and Me are good examples. Maus is rightfully a classic, I only read it a few years back and was blown away, an excellent WW2 story and a story about families.


so what comics are good guys, huh? i don't want anything like batman withstanding a nuclear bomb because of 'prep time' or superman defeating jesus in a water to wine contest.

something with like more regular people, and stuff. doesn't necessarily have to be supeheroes. people seem to like that haweye fella, and i'm going to gamble on the new punisher fella too.

any suggestions?

Zero is a fantastic spy thriller with some sci-fi elements thrown in for good measure. Each issue is a stand-alone story from a different party of the main characters life, but they're all linked to larger story being told as well. It's very high concept stuff with a different artists on each issue.

The Manhattan Projects is an alternate history sci-fi book. The basic premise is that of the scientists behind the Manhattan Project not entirely being evil but basically being assholes and the bomb being a front for larger, crazier projects. It's my favorite thing being published on a monthly basis. The first three trades are already out and volume four comes out in a couple of weeks.


Watchmen would be the most overrated comic of all time were it not for most of Mark Millar's output.

It is not bad, but it's not worthy of its reputation. Flex Mentallo is the better comic and grand statement on comics.

(plus it's got that quality Quitely art)

Preach on my brother!
Winter Men, Flex Mentallo and Enigma are like watchmen, but not boring to read and without that "I'm so above all this goofy superhero shit" distance Alan employs


Complaining about the TT cover is like complaining about the Wii U upcoming releases list....what's the point?


Neil Gaiman is pretty shit at writing and I don't like any of his work.


It's interesting that everyone has such diverse opinions in such a small community.
You deserve every Nocenti Catwoman issue

Read the free issue of Madman. I think I'm going to buy the trade, I loved it. Becoming a big fan of the Allreds.
Watchmen would be the most overrated comic of all time were it not for most of Mark Millar's output.

It is not bad, but it's not worthy of its reputation. Flex Mentallo is the better comic and grand statement on comics.

(plus it's got that quality Quitely art)

You love Quitely and think Watchmen is overrated.

Congrats on winning the Worst Opinion of the Week award! :)
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