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COMICS! |OT| May 2014. I for one welcome our new Amazon overlords.

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I haven't read a whole lot of it but what i have is pretty fuuuuuun. it's cool to see his style evolve over time.

I had no idea the issue i read was from 1993! Man so many great comics I'm still finding out about.

Morrison is a strange one i love his cape stuff and how far he goes with ideas but the only original work of his I've read is Happy and that was utter shite.
Another vote for not being a fan of Quitely's art, primarily because of the way he draws faces.

If I had to pick one current favorite artist it might have to be Stuart Immonen. My top 5 would be Immonen, Connor, Staples, Ottley and Aja in some order.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
No matter what metaphors you create, the truth is, in the case of this particular metaphor, is that it's a pork taco truck and you like steak.

It's not objectively shit, and I think deep down, you know that. I think all of you do.

youre trying too hard birdie.
But he's not simply using them for visual reference. He's straight up tracing them. There's a big difference there.
The only thing that I might see as an issue is that these images aren't licensed to be free to use and I doubt he paid the owner's but there's enough variation between his finished drawings and the original photograph that it's a non-issue.That second example posted isn't a particularly strong argument, they're completely different. If you're saying he's plagiarizing those images, I think just the act of converting it from a photo to a drawing is enough to get away with it, even if he copied it exactly as shown. Plagiarism would be if he claimed these photos as his own or he traced another illustrator's work.

Again, a lot more illustrators do this than just Greg Land. I think that they go to greater efforts to make sure their reference isn't as easily recognizable, using their own photographs for example, but they still trace.

I think this just shatters the romantic notion that people who aren't particularly knowledgeable about illustration have that an artist can just shut his eyes, picture a scene or subject in his head, and capture it perfectly on paper.

I remember reading the first issue of Fatale and I immediately recognized the reference Shawn Phillips used for a background, I was going to dig up the pictures but I found this forum thread, where I guess he posts at, where it was brought up:


I'm inclined to believe him that he didn't realize it was from Mad Men, the show is so popular he couldn't reasonably expect that no one would notice it. Still, he took an image from the internet that he doesn't own and traced it.

These days, a lot of comics illustrators straight up trace from Google Street View, 3D models and background scenes, and yes Google Image Search. You can call it lazy that they're not outside with their cameras and sketchbooks capturing these images themselves but it's a standard practice and pretty much every comics illustrators does it, some are just better at hiding it than Greg Land.


Unconfirmed Member
Deady Class #4 question:

Who was the guy at the end taking off the motorcycle helmet? Was he another student introduced in an earlier issue?
Regarding Frank Quitely, I also wasn't a fan of his work until I saw it un-colored. Now I realize it was whoever it is that colors his work that is truly awful. It's just gradient fills everywhere, looks like garbage.
The come on Spurs you got this list
Dead Letters #2
Veil #3
Batman Eternal #5
Detective Comics #31
Green Arrow #31
Wake #8
Amazing Spider-Man #1.1
Black Widow #6
Moon Knight #3
Original Sin #1
Punisher #5
She-Hulk #4

Bonus: X-Men: No More Humans OGN HC


I don't think that Land tracing so much is an issue, although I would argue that the volume of work that he traces is, but rather that despite his tracing the final output is still often ridiculous and poorly drawn. You'd think that someone who traced work so prolifically would draw better art.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Land is terrible for so many reasons. He seems to rely extremely heavily on reference photos, even reusing the same ones over and over and over again. He often chooses references that seem highly inappropriate for the context he applies them to in the comics. Not sure why he thinks his women should look as if they're performing in a pornographic movie. It's barely disguised. And worst of all, despite all of these shortcuts, the art is still grotesque and awful on every level.

It's a whirlwind of shit.


list O quality:

Veil #3
Batman Eternal #5
Detective Comics #31
Rat Queens #6
Black Widow #6
Loki #4
Magneto #3
Miles Morales Ultimate Spider-Man #1
White Pages #3
Original Sin #1
Punisher #5
She Hulk #4


Currently reading this:

...and I realize that Greg Rucka has written a lot of comics series with female protagonists
I just read the first issue of James Tynion IV's new book, The Woods and it was a really good first issue. You should try it out.


Man, so many deals at my local shop when I was there. BOGO on trades (sadly I either had all the ones i really wanted or they just didn't have them available - was looking for Northlanders, American Vampire, or Saga - should have expected not to find the previous two). Those 125-160 dollar omnibus editions of Marvel were going for half off. Half off all back issues.

Fuck, I love my kid and he had a blast, but if I could have like three hours of un-interupted free time I could have drained the store dry.


Currently reading this:

...and I realize that Greg Rucka has written a lot of comics series with female protagonists

Yeesh, Rucka must really like writing Bats as a complete dick...and why you gotta ruin a moment Tim?
Overall a good origin story for Helena and a fun read.


Because he is efficient at it. No random Khoi Pham fill ins on Greg Land books

Also, despite how rubbish his work may technically be, Greg Lane still has a very identifable, glossy (and, most importantly, marketable) "photorealistic" look to it.


So who here remember reading Fantastic Four 1234?

...and realized that
Moleman= Hades, Namor= Neptune, Doom= Zeus
So who here remember reading Fantastic Four 1234?

...and realized that
Moleman= Hades, Namor= Neptune, Doom= Zeus

Morrison loves the Greek pantheon, his JLA was based on it.

Superman = Zeus
Wonder Woman = Hera
Batman = Hades
Flash = Hermes
Green Lantern = Apollo
Aquaman = Poseidon
Plastic Man = Dionysus
Steel = Hephaestus
Huntress = Artemis
Orion = Ares
Big Barda =Demeter
Zauriel = Eros

The rest aren't as immediately obvious, but you get the idea.
I haven't been into comics for as long as most of you guys, and I'm still expanding my horizons, but the one artist that has grabbed me by the dick is Francesco Francavilla. He's just unreal, and one of the few guys that I'll pick up a book just to look at the art. I want to buy every print and piece of artwork in his online store.

Also enjoy Fiona Staples work. She does some great covers.

Think I'm going to place an IST order today. I've been so busy with other things that I haven't read anything new in a while. Going to grab Sandman, which will be my first time reading Gaiman. Should be tight.
Land has produced terrible comic book art for a long time now. It's like he doesn't consider context when he's drawing characters. I'm surprised there are still defenders for his work. Its a shame considering he's fully capable of producing quality work.
I haven't been into comics for as long as most of you guys, and I'm still expanding my horizons, but the one artist that has grabbed me by the dick is Francesco Francavilla. He's just unreal, and one of the few guys that I'll pick up a book just to look at the art. I want to buy every print and piece of artwork in his online store.

Is Francavilla the guy that did those two Guardians of the Galaxy issues (#8-9)? Holy shit, I couldn't even get through those. It's not that he's a bad artist, he isn't. But his style was such a drastic change after Pichelli doing the three issues previous. Her artwork is much cleaner.
Is Francavilla the guy that did those two Guardians of the Galaxy issues (#8-9)? Holy shit, I couldn't even get through those. It's not that he's a bad artist, he isn't. But his style was such a drastic change after Pichelli doing the three issues previous. Her artwork is much cleaner.


No idea. I just read his Black Beetle, which is amazing. He seems to do a lot of covers. Does a lot of pulp/noir stuff. Also makes some great pop art prints.

Placed my order and I'm pretty impressed with what I ended up getting. Sandman vol 1&2, green arrow vol 4, TMNT vol 1, Saga vol 3, and Flex Mentallo. In a couple weeks I should be able to give the definitive answer on Quitely.
Can anyone vouch for the quality of Geoff Johns' JSA run? Amazon have the first volume of the omnibus up for $60, more or less; a big discount that has tempted me to give it a go. I am a fan of Johns' work, but I haven't read much of his older work such as this and Teen Titans.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Oh man. How does he get away with it if everyone knows he does it? Does he market himself as the best tracer in the business?

Ultimately because people still buy books with his art. They share some responsibility.


Can anyone vouch for the quality of Geoff Johns' JSA run? Amazon have the first volume of the omnibus up for $60, more or less; a big discount that has tempted me to give it a go. I am a fan of Johns' work, but I haven't read much of his older work such as this and Teen Titans.

I remember liking it, but the last series he wrote was so-so.
Been a long time since I read the series though.


Can anyone vouch for the quality of Geoff Johns' JSA run? Amazon have the first volume of the omnibus up for $60, more or less; a big discount that has tempted me to give it a go. I am a fan of Johns' work, but I haven't read much of his older work such as this and Teen Titans.

It's very good; possibly one of his best runs.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Is Francavilla the guy that did those two Guardians of the Galaxy issues (#8-9)? Holy shit, I couldn't even get through those. It's not that he's a bad artist, he isn't. But his style was such a drastic change after Pichelli doing the three issues previous. Her artwork is much cleaner.

He's fucking rad but he usually comes into runs where there's a defined style/artist and just does his own thing and completely kills it in his own way. He did this in Snyder's Batman: Black Mirror run and in the current Hawkeye run. I really like the dude, but yeah, I can see how it would be jarring to just get an issue of his mid-run. Also, he makes great fucking art prints.
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