This week's Secret Avengers is a waste of money. Do not buy.
My suspicions were right, today was the last issue of Manhatttan Projects. I blame Kipp.
Not really, it's relaunching in March as Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars
Yeah, he really is.Epting is ludicrously good.
Nope brah.ಠ_ಠ
You... you're all dead to me. I checked the previous issue artists' and after Steve Epting, Mike Deodato, Simon Bianchi, Rags Morales, Valerio Schitti... Kev Walker is terrible. Salvadore Larocca would have been divine but no... they just had to use him on a book I'll never buy (Wolverines).
Are you sure that some of you aren't mixing him up with Declan Shalvey (Moon Knight)? Now that guy is aces.
It was pretty awkward when ThorDidn't enjoy the art on New Avengers this week.
You... you're all dead to me. I checked the previous issue artists' and after Steve Epting, Mike Deodato, Simon Bianchi, Rags Morales, Valerio Schitti... Kev Walker is terrible. Salvadore Larocca would have been divine but no... they just had to use him on a book I'll never buy (Wolverines).
Are you sure that some of you aren't mixing him up with Declan Shalvey (Moon Knight)? Now that guy is aces.
what is the meaning of this
No. We're not.
Yo Gotham by Midnight is amazing.. the art make me think if Kipp became big time lolz
Wow, Gotham by Midnight was seriously awesome. Perfect team for this book. Going on the book of the month considerations.
My suspicions were right, today was the last issue of Manhatttan Projects. I blame Kipp.
Not really, it's relaunching in March as Manhattan Projects: The Sun Beyond the Stars
Is the AvX collection on comixology worth $19? I'm enjoying All-New and Uncanny has been aight, would I enjoy the series the lead up to both of em?
I'm so glad to hear Gotham by Midnight is good. It seems riiight up my alley. I'm all over this when it hits the trades.
I'm the worst ever, confirmed.
But any idea what the reason is for the relaunch and what kind of relaunch it will be? Like, is it just essentially a new story arc, or is it a whole new set of characters in the same universe? Or do we have no idea yet?
How awesome would it be if last Hawkeye issue turned out to be the redrawn finale of Immortal Iron Fist:Seven Capital Cities of Heaven arc
I'd finally see my dream come true, Iron Fist punching a kung fu train as drawn by Aja ;_;
Naw. Skip itIs the AvX collection on comixology worth $19? I'm enjoying All-New and Uncanny has been aight, would I enjoy the series the lead up to both of em?
No more huge ensemble cast and smaller, tighter arcs focused on only a couple of characters. I have a thought on where it's headed though, and if right it will be amazing.
I bid farewell to Manhattan Projects, the best 25 issues of a comic ever.
It'll make sense when you read the issue.
So my birthday is next month and I'm going to ask my parents and siblings to help chip in for a new tablet so I can join Digital Comics-GAF.
I guess I've narrowed it down between iPad Air 2 and Nexus 9, as far as comics apps and screen quality though is there a clear winner between the two, or you guys think it will just be down to my personal preference?
Catwoman TAS figure next to Batman.
Cheapest place to get trades in the UK? Or shipped to the UK?
Edit: is it MODOK-less
Curious if the Hawkeye Vol. 2 OHC will be delayed *g*
I'm not ready for the end of Superior Foes and New Warriors fam...
I'm just gonna take my time eating my burrito and contemplate my life a bit
Superior has a great end, New Warriors just sort of wobbles out a bit sadly sobbing "I wanted more time". Scarlet Spiders was overwritten crap. Poetic narration boxes? Stay at home, scrub.
No. We're not.
Nope brah.
Go read Thunderbolts when he drew it. It was fucking fantastic.
The run with Cage/Songbird/Juggs/Moonstone and such.
Great book. And Walker is great.
Matt Fraction.
King of the Sebex.
Pax Americana
Oh no.
i'm glad of it
What happens when you read it upside down and in reverse?
Hawkguy is even readable backwards.Oh.
Matt Fraction.
King of the Sebex.
Pax Americana.
No new comics for me today, brehs. Fuck snow. I'll grab my books on Friday or something. There were only four or five this week, so it's not a huge letdown. Need Catwoman, Trees, and ODY-C, mostly.
Cheapest place to get trades in the UK? Or shipped to the UK?
Lol we live pretty close to one another and that snow is not bad. People are freaking out and it's hardly sticking. It'll only get slippery in an hour when it gets darker out.
It's more of a matter of me being home, and not wanting to drive in snow at all. I'm sure I could handle it, but I'm not gonna make a 25-minute drive for 5 books.
Today's new Humble Comics Bundle was inevitable, I gotta say. I don't think most of you will care for it, though.
It's My Little Pony.
25 minutes? Damn. I'm like 10 minutes away from my shop.