I think you mean whores
Anyone else get a nice fuzzy feeling when they see
"DC Comics Proudly Presents..."
Maybe it's just me, just reminds me of a movie or something.
This reminds me of a boondocks episode where Huey says to RileyI do think that's funny, but it must be said that Frank Miller has written plenty of stories where the main female character isn't a whore. I'd say only half of his stories have the female lead being a prostitute. Haha
Similarly, not all Snyder stories have a relevant story from Pops.Ooh. I'd forgotten how good the Preacher special One Man's War that tells Herr Starr's backstory is.
It's pretty odd how hit or miss the Preacher specials are. Either they're 100% forgettable and not at all worth reading or they're really great.
I do think that's funny, but it must be said that Frank Miller has written plenty of stories where the main female character isn't a whore. I'd say only half of his stories have the female lead being a prostitute. Haha
Did JC just ruin Brubaker for me? Gonna read Fade Out #2 when I get home to confirm
Also, I'm roughly 2/3 of the way through the first volume of Hellblazer. I've been taking this one a lot more slowly. Like, Exiles is popcorn to Hellblazer's full course meal. Both can be great in their own way, but you just have to savor the latter a bit more. I wouldn't quite put it on the class of something like Sandman or that one Swamp Thing run just yet, but it's definitely got the same flavor and I'm really enjoying it. In particular, the Vietnam chapter may have been a tad heavy handed here and there, but that one really stuck out to me as something that really packed a nice punch. Though I will say I kind of wish the book didn't feel the need to, because THAT felt really, really heavy handed to me. Also, this is one of those books where I totally find myself screwing up the panel order with moderate frequency, which is a bit bleh. But those are just nitpicks; I've been really enjoying it and I look forward to digging into the rest of what I have (up through volume 3).give the gay guy AIDS
The Dark Horse Digital appQuestion for people who buy digitally. Where do you normally buy your comics? I've heard Comixology is a good site. Are there other places you recommend?
Comixology is THE site to use. Basically everything is on there except for Dark Horse.Question for people who buy digitally. Where do you normally buy your comics? I've heard Comixology is a good site. Are there other places you recommend?
Don't believe his liesThe Dark Horse Digital app
The Dark Horse Digital app
Don't believe his lies
Question for people who buy digitally. Where do you normally buy your comics? I've heard Comixology is a good site. Are there other places you recommend?
Yeah, the first story arc was a really great introduction to show off what kind of character Constantine is. And yeah, good point on the time frame, it's probably more the case of the trope/cliche/heavy handedness having not built up by the time of writing.Glad to hear that someone else is starting Hellblazer! I just finished volume 1 and started volume 2 today and I've been really enjoying it. How incredible were those first two issues in particular!? That was a crazy way to start the series. It's been really solid all the way through for me though. And the beginning of volume 2, it gets even better I'd say.
That Vietnam issue was probably the one issue I didn't really care for. It was indeed really heavy handed. Though I really liked the fact that. I thought that was a really cool way to tell a story.the whole story was told with John just being an onlooker (because he was too much of a coward) and never actually getting involved
And I think theis probably just due to the fact that the comic was released in the 80s. Because of that, I don't really think you can fault it. I just enjoyed (well, enjoyed is the wrong word, but you know what I mean) the fact that Delano went there at all. I'm not sure I've read a comic before where one of the charactersgay guy being the one who has AIDS thing. Delano has been constantly surprising me with some really hard hitting stuff and I'm really, really digging it.had AIDS
With the Vietnam issue, it's probably at least partially related to me having taken a class on the war, as well as a number which covered the ideas of minorities and othering and whatnot. I really like the way that, at least to me, it seems to kind of naturally push you to. Like, when I was thinking it over afterwards I was like, man, if I was teaching anything on Vietnam I'd really want to use this as an introduction.see the brutality and pointlessness of it, which pushes you in turn to really think about the actual war itself, making a kind of commentary on perception and whatnot in the process by transplanting Vietnam over small town America.
The one withthat was done with the whole parallel theme was also really great. Heck, pretty much everything has been varying levels of great thus far, honestly (and now I want to go read some more...)Constantine's niece
Why didn't she want to draw the cover? Is she religious?
And what was the parallel theme? I may not have caught on to that...
But yeah, Hellblazer really has been consistently great. I'm so, so happy that the TV show sparked the curiosity in me to check out the comic. Especially since I'd looked into it before and it didn't catch my attention at all.
Also, prepare to be utterly confused by the two Swamp Thing issues at the end of the first TPB. I had NO idea what was going on. I pretty much just skimmed them.
Mike Norton said she refused at first and told me to ask her about it. I asked and she didn't even want to go there. She said she fought it and they won and that's the end.
Maybe not parallel theme, but more construction. Like, I really liked the flow where it was pretty much one page for each character alternating as things built up until they came crashing together.
And I may be okay with the Swamp Thing stuff, as I'm guessing it's probably the issues I already read where he appeared in that series (still need to read the rest of that as it was great, but I definitely read up to where he appeared.)
I saw that Comixology had a lot of their Black Friday stuff up. For the Image comics, I am looking at picking up the issues for the below.
Southern Bastards
Sex Criminals
Saga (Already had most of this, but am able to get a few of the more recent issues cheaper)
Wicked + Divine
Manhattan Projects
Is there anything else there worth getting? I was considering Black Science, but haven't decided yet.
Definitely hop on Sex Criminals, it's excellent. Deadly Class is a must buy too.
Thanks for the recommendation. Deadly Class looks pretty interesting.
What about East of West? That was the only other series that seemed sort of interesting to me. I know a lot of people seem to like Rat Queens, but the summary for it does nothing for me.
I saw that Comixology had a lot of their Black Friday stuff up. For the Image comics, I am looking at picking up the issues for the below.
Southern Bastards
Sex Criminals
Saga (Already had most of this, but am able to get a few of the more recent issues cheaper)
Wicked + Divine
Manhattan Projects
Is there anything else there worth getting? I was considering Black Science, but haven't decided yet.
Deadly Class and Black Science are must buys. All of those books listed are incredible.
For the budding comics superstars dreaming of making it big, Newegg is having a Black Friday sale on SmithMicro's Manga Studio 4EX software. It's marked down to $15.00 with a $15 mail-in offer, so with free shipping it's completely free.
4EX isn't the latest version; in fact it's fairly old and there's a 5EX released last year (that's close to $100). But, it's free and full of updated features and it's free. Did I mention that it's free?
And despite the title, you don't have to draw manga with it. :O
They definitely are, but that sale is nowhere near as epic as the tease. It's all been there done that shit.
Unless of course you haven't read the stuff. Then it's awesome.
Where do I buy old single issues of comics? (Used or new).
For the budding comics superstars dreaming of making it big, Newegg is having a Black Friday sale on SmithMicro's Manga Studio 4EX software. It's marked down to $15.00 with a $15 mail-in offer, so with free shipping it's completely free.
4EX isn't the latest version; in fact it's fairly old and there's a 5EX released last year (that's close to $100). But, it's free and full of updated features and it's free. Did I mention that it's free?
And despite the title, you don't have to draw manga with it. :O