I may regret this in the morning but I went wild and bought 75 bucks worth of comics from that Comixology sale. Mostly Image books, namely all of Manhattan Projects, along with the first trades for Deadly class, Southern Bastards, and Sex Criminals. I also went ahead and bought all the trades for Archer and Armstrong since I'm pretty sure someone recommended that to me when I said how much I enjoyed Incredible Herc. So if that doesn't scratch my Incredible Herc itch I'm gonna be really dissapointed. I originally had about $110 worth of stuff but I did some trimming since I couldn't get myself to spend that much on comics right now.
Man I've got some reading to do. And still so much Dragon Age to play! (That game is pretty much my life now. Ever since I've gotten it pretty much any free time I've had has gone to playing it. Poor Smash is just sitting around unloved, and my comics are sitting around unread. Maybe tomorrow I'll take a break and read some comics. Hopefully.)