You want the first Punisher MAX run by Garth Ennis, issues 1 - 60.
Lobdell Teen Titans run on sale! Time to stock up everyone!
For the budding comics superstars dreaming of making it big, Newegg is having a Black Friday sale on SmithMicro's Manga Studio 4EX software. It's marked down to $15.00 with a $15 mail-in offer, so with free shipping it's completely free.
4EX isn't the latest version; in fact it's fairly old and there's a 5EX released last year (that's close to $100). But, it's free and full of updated features and it's free. Did I mention that it's free?
And despite the title, you don't have to draw manga with it. :O
Thank you senpai!
Once again, this is directed more toward Korrupt than anyone else, but the Mezco limited edition The Dark Knight Returns Batman is up for pre-order. It's going to sell out today I'm assuming. After shipping it was about $80.
I keep clicking on it but I can't. Need to quit buying me shit so I can buy my family shit so we can exchange said shit on Christmas and wish we agreed not to exchange gifts because the shit we get is neither anything we need or want. I don't need an electric wine opener, we rarely drink wine.
Some idiot who had borrowed Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck from the library before me had ripped out a couple of pages. I pointed that out to the librarian today, because some libraries mark damaged copies.
Turns out, they actually withdraw damaged copies. They gave it to me to keep.
Manga studio is definitely the best drawing program I've used. I've been keeping an eye out for ex 5 but have yet to see any sale on itFor the budding comics superstars dreaming of making it big, Newegg is having a Black Friday sale on SmithMicro's Manga Studio 4EX software. It's marked down to $15.00 with a $15 mail-in offer, so with free shipping it's completely free.
4EX isn't the latest version; in fact it's fairly old and there's a 5EX released last year (that's close to $100). But, it's free and full of updated features and it's free. Did I mention that it's free?
And despite the title, you don't have to draw manga with it. :O
So, Gotham by Midnight, pretty amazing, huh?
Also, my Saga OHC arrived. There is some kind of smudge on the first page. That's not supposed to be there, right?
This is why you wear gloves when handling your hardcovers, people.
My personal favorite.
I wear gloves when reading digital comics.
The people at Amazon don't even bother to package comics correctly, let alone wear gloves.This is why you wear gloves when handling your hardcovers, people.
Lazarus is one of my favorite ongoings. The amount of attention and care put in the universe is practically unparalleled, let alone the meticulously crafted plot.I liked Volume 1 a lot. I think the consensus was it read better in trade.
I just bought vol 2, and vol 2 of Zero. Anyone recommending anything out of Lazarus, Pretty Deadly, Sheltered, The Fuse or Umbral? Don't recall much ComicGAF hype about them.
What about East of West?
What do I get in the valiant sale
Gonna be honest, little disappointed by Comixology's Black Friday sales. I was expecting something crazier than the Image sale and return of the Batman sale.
Gonna be honest, little disappointed by Comixology's Black Friday sales. I was expecting something crazier than the Image sale and return of the Batman sale.
I'd read Hickman FF as a change of pace from Queen and Country. You'll probably like Criminal too.....hey, why not read them at the same time?
Just placed two orders with cheapgraphicnovels and barnes and noble.
Amazing Spider-Man Big Time Complete Collection vol 2
Uncanny X Force Complete Collection vol 2
Daredevil Deluxe HC vol 2
Daredevil by Bendis complete collection vol 3
Daredevil by Bendis complete collection vol 1
Daredevil by Bendis complete collection vol 2
Southern Bastards vol 1
Batman and Son HC vol 1
Between these, my amazon order of Hawkeye and Thor OHCs and my buys at Books a Million last night, I'm looking at $200 worth of purchases.
I'm gonna need to grab some commissions to cover this...I'm not ballin like Zombine. I'm like a step above Kipp.
Oh my god, there is now a Shocker-Mobile?
This is the perfect opporturnity to let the Spider-Mobile re-appear. Please tell me that they take the opporturnity!
Spider-Man/Human Torch, am I right?Pete would just drive it into the river again. Besides, I doubt they can outdo him doing donuts on the side of the Bugle while JJJ has an aneurysm.
Every time I click on this thread, my computer shoves that in spoiler in my face before I can do anything.
I got so excited after watching the trailer, I had to do some art. Felt like 6 y.o. me drawing Luke Skywalker after seeing Ep. 4.
Wait, what? Brubs actually has foggy and matt debating if he should lie under oath? Two lawyers with decades of experience? What. the. fuck.
Is the lie Daredevil related? Then I can at least understand why he lets them debatting (and support the idea that they should lie about Matts secret identity).
Finished the God-Butcher part of Aarons Thor God of Thunder OHC. Damn, this stuff is so great. The art is beautiful and fits amazingly and the whole Arc about Groon is top. Really love this stuff.
And yet, I am kind of sad that I will have soon wait for a long time to read the last part of Aarons Male Thor Run. :/
Wait, what? Brubs actually has foggy and matt debating if he should lie under oath? Two lawyers with decades of experience? What. the. fuck.
Matt Murdock is the least ethical lawyer ever written. It is part of his character.
Foggy's main problem is that he's loyal to Matt to a fault