COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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How are the library editions of Hellboy?

As someone who has 9 trade volumes of hellboy, do i sell those and get the Librarys?

I figure its about 200 for the libraries and i can probably sell my trades for around 100.
How are the library editions of Hellboy?

As someone who has 9 trade volumes of hellboy, do i sell those and get the Librarys?

I figure its about 200 for the libraries and i can probably sell my trades for around 100.

They are amazingly awesome.
Its the first library ed I got.
Super nice,, well made.


Lol. Gotta push Bill and bury everyone else.

The kids just like Beta Ray Bill better, that's what sells. Plus that guy's got a crazy work ethic.

(I mean, in the interview he says it's a story about Young Thor complaining about his shitty dad and how he's not worthy of Mjolnir and how that's bullshit. THE SUBTEXT WRITES ITSELF.)


Just noticed CBR posted a new preview when I went looking around to make sure the CM Punk thing wasn't an elaborate ruse.

Anyone psyched about teacher Spider-Man?

I'm pretty psyched about teacher Spider-Man, guys.

Jedeye Sniv

I don't like irc, I feel like I'm obligated to talk. That's why forums are great, say something when you have something to say :)

Anyway, I just got around to reading Grayson 4 on my journey home - this is pretty Good Comics. I wouldn't say it's the second coming, but its definitely the best Nightwing comic since Chuck Dixon left the character. Janin is the absolute perfect artist for the book too (I fear my interest will plummet once he's off the book), he's doing cheesecake for gals and gays as good as I've ever seen it, and he manages to nail down that elusive "Dick Grayson"-ness so well. I love how it's picking up some of the weirder threads from Incorporated and building on it nicely too. I've seen many people try to pick up Morrison plot threads and fail but this guy is doing really well with it.

I'm happy that I feel my Dick Grayson is back, it's been a long while since his solo book has been this good and he's one of my favourite characters.
I wouldn't stand for this. Ask me for my shit if you wanna borrow it.

Some people leave stacks of comics around on purpose, not sure if he did or not but I used to bring a few goodies into the breakroom when I worked at Borders (and wasn't obessed with going digital with everything I own). People read them quite a bit, but I don't think anyone ever actually took one...that would definitely bother me since they were for sharing.
There’s a lot of stuff you have to ignore in Preacher (a lot of juvenile, reactionary silliness but also the fact that the God plot kiiinda makes no sense by the end) to get to what Ennis is better than everyone else at: people talking.

”Why the fuck did you let me down so bad”

I still think the
moment is the best comic panel I've read in forever.


Some people leave stacks of comics around on purpose, not sure if he did or not but I used to bring a few goodies into the breakroom when I worked at Borders (and wasn't obessed with going digital with everything I own). People read them quite a bit, but I don't think anyone ever actually took one...that would definitely bother me since they were for sharing.

I stopped bringing books to work as I work with some nasty thieves.


Didn't you also get your Daredevil jacked?

Yep. Its seems like someone is interested in cape comics and is to shy to ask if I could lend a book.

That's shitty. Some people are unbelievable.

The last time Ive got 5€ when my Daredevil OHC got "borrowed". I would prefer if my coworker would come directly to me and ask me for a book, I would even recommend and lend him or her a lot my stuff, but I dont mind if someone gives it back to me in the end. I am not that angry because of this. When it gets to much I will stop taking them with me or start taking them to the seperated locations.

Some people leave stacks of comics around on purpose, not sure if he did or not but I used to bring a few goodies into the breakroom when I worked at Borders (and wasn't obessed with going digital with everything I own). People read them quite a bit, but I don't think anyone ever actually took one...that would definitely bother me since they were for sharing.

Well, I placed them at my desk and forget to put it back in my bag when I had to go to finish a task in another building. So it was not for "sharing" but I am sure I will get it back in a couple of days.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Yep. Its seems like someone is interested in cape comics and is to shy to ask if I could lend a book.

The last time Ive got 5€ when my Daredevil OHC got "borrowed". I would prefer if my coworker would come directly to me and ask me for a book, I would even recommend and lend him or her a lot my stuff, but I dont mind if someone gives it back to me in the end. I am not that angry because of this. When it gets to much I will stop taking them with me or start taking them to the seperated locations.

Well, I placed them at my desk and forget to put it back in my bag when I had to go to finish a task in another building. So it was not for "sharing" but I am sure I will get it back in a couple of days.

That's fucking awful, man. You need to Home Alone that shit. Hollow out the next hardcover you get, fill it with bees, and leave it on your desk before you go home from work one day.

But really, that shit is not cool. Strangers shouldn't treat you like their personal library.
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