COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Holy heck, that Batman preview is giving me flashbacks to that "if they fought" issue of Superman/Batman by Joe Kelly with those two kids. Still not entirely convinced this isn't a dream sequence.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Just got the first Preacher hardcover today, I don't know what to expect.

Also they are regular Hardcover sized and not OHC :/

Yeah, unfortunately the HCs for Preacher are standard sized, so it's basically twice the price just for the hard covers. I decided to go with the TPBs because of that.

I don't share shit. There is an entry fee to this library.

I only share stuff if I don't necessarily want it back. I loaned my friend a copy of the Batman & Son TPB (after I bought the OHC) and a beat-up copy of All-Star Superman (which I bought used) almost half a year ago. They remain in his possession, as I kind of expected they would.

I'm feeling glossy paper, these printings are from august 2014.

Yeah, all the new printings have glossy paper, which I was very pleased about. I was expecting the newspaper print. I mean, it is very thin glossy paper, but I'm not complaining one bit since they were $11.50 for 350 pages each. That's some great value.


semen stains the mountaintops
Just finished 100 Bullets, soooo good. Shit, now I need to get Brother Lono and maybe some more Brian Azzarello books.
So Slott's Silver Surfer is pretty great. I'm not terribly fond of the artwork, but Norrin and Dawn work off of each other well.

Mad Love and Other Stories was full of great stories, not the least of which was Mad Love itself. I thought Jolly Ol' St. Nicholas, Demons, and Two of a Kind were pretty good as well. And I liked Roxy Rocket a lot for how briefly she appeared.


Holy shit.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh geez. IST is having a 60% off select DC titles sale and the Hitman TPBs are included. I really, really, really didn't wanna be spending any more money, but those have been way high on my wishlist for a long time.
I just got an email saying I didn't get that job I interviewed for, too, so I really shouldn't be spending so much... But such a good deal...


Just got the first Hickman Fantastic Four Omnibus. Looks great!

Before I get started, is it worth reading Millar's FF run that I think came just before this?
Oh geez. IST is having a 60% off select DC titles sale and the Hitman TPBs are included. I really, really, really didn't wanna be spending any more money, but those have been way high on my wishlist for a long time.

I just got an email saying I didn't get that job I interviewed for, too, so I really shouldn't be spending so much... But such a good deal...
I'm sorry to hear that Kipp :(


Just got the first Hickman Fantastic Four Omnibus. Looks great!

Before I get started, is it worth reading Millar's FF run that I think came just before this?

Millar introduces something called Nu-World that Hickman picks up pretty much without explaining it, but i don't think it's really "worth" reading it just for that.


Oh geez. IST is having a 60% off select DC titles sale and the Hitman TPBs are included. I really, really, really didn't wanna be spending any more money, but those have been way high on my wishlist for a long time.
I just got an email saying I didn't get that job I interviewed for, too, so I really shouldn't be spending so much... But such a good deal...

Sorry to hear that Kipp. You deserve better :(
Kipp's lack of employment means less money being given to comic creators, more codes being downloaded for free, and maybe even the end of the comic industry as we know it.


Can't wait until Kipp goes to his second convention next year and spends no money again.

rip comics industry as we know it c. 1939 - 2015


but I am taking tiny steps forward

I'm sorry to hear that Kipp :(

I've got a $96 cart right now full of stuff that I really want and would have definitely bought within the next year at least and that's all 60% off. I'm so mad at IST right now. I really wanted to give my wallet a rest.

And thanks for the condolences. I've got a couple contingency plans since that opportunity didn't work out, so hopefully one of those pans out.
The guy who was running for congress who I volunteered for had told me he wanted me to work for him after the elections, so hopefully that still comes to something. And then my best friend told me he's really considering moving to Colorado and since I've been wanting to move for forever and Colorado seems great, that could very well be in the cards now too. So it's not all bad.

Sorry to hear that Kipp. You deserve better :(

Thanks, Messi. I appreciate it!

Kipp's lack of employment means less money being given to comic creators, more codes being downloaded for free, and maybe even the end of the comic industry as we know it.

Hey, I'm not unemployed! I just have a nearly minimum wage part-time job that doesn't give me enough hours. Haha.
But yes, they made a big mistake by not hiring me. I could've singlehandedly turned the economy around with the comics buying I was planning to do.

Can't wait until Kipp goes to his second convention next year and spends no money again.

rip comics industry as we know it c. 1939 - 2015



Thanks again for killing the industry Kipp I would think you'd ruin it monthly ala Nocenti or Bendis but you've managed to do it weekly


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Thanks again for killing the industry Kipp I would think you'd ruin it monthly ala Nocenti or Bendis but you've managed to do it weekly

So what you're saying is now I'm in competition with Future's End. And debatably Batman Eternal.
I think I can handle that competition.


I'm on a bit of a Spidey kick and picked up Kraven's Last Hunt and Blue. KLH was phenomenal and trippy at certain points. Blue is pretty good thus far but I know I'm in for some feels soon


Thanks. Haha
And oh, dammit. The two Seven Soldiers hardcovers are 60% off too... This winter will be hard on my wallet.

Oh dang, my friend's Christmas present is coming together. Anything else great in there? I believe you guys said Rouges' Revenge is supposed to be great, right? But do you need to read Final Crisis first? Also, anyone know anything about the Haunted Tank, Uncle Sam, and Batman/Dredd stuff in there? Thinking something from that list would make a nice, small gag gift type thing to tag on, but quality/sufficient lack thereof to be hilarious would be a strong plus there.

Edit: Also, I'm preparing to hate myself, but... how much do I want Hickman's FF? I'm getting tempted to tag on the omnibuses since the second one is on sale and you can't usually beat that price, even though I really, really shouldn't. Ugh.


Can't wait until he hacks the Fantastic Four

REED RICHARDS is typing on a computer. Not just any computer, though. The keyboard is approximately six feet long, and he's stretching his arms to both ends. The screen is lit with colorful symbols and a bunch of MATH BULLSHIT.
REED: Eureka! I've found it. This is the way into the NEGATIVE ZONE. I've got to tell SUE STORM, my wife who I love.
SUDDENLY, the screen flashes to a dark green color. A pulsing SILVER MASK appears on the screen, and under it, a name: D00M.
BEN GRIMM rushes into the room.
BEN: Aw, no! It's that DOOM guy. He must be a real DOCTOR of messing with our plans!
REED: He's hacked the entire internet! I can't backtrace his IP!
JOHNNY STORM flies in through the window, on fire. JOHNNY, that is. The window is not on fire.
JOHNNY: Reed! Bad news! I can't watch Netflix! The internet is down!
REED: We've got bigger problems. This is no time for you to catch up on THE BIG BANG THEORY.
D00M is typing on a computer that has six monitors. On the top left monitor is a picture of REED RICHARDS with an X over his face.
The monitor in the center has a real-time satellite feed of the interior of the BAXTER BUILDING.
D00M: Ha ha, Richards. My plan is just beginning. Next, I'll delete... your lives.
Oh geez. IST is having a 60% off select DC titles sale and the Hitman TPBs are included. I really, really, really didn't wanna be spending any more money, but those have been way high on my wishlist for a long time.
I just got an email saying I didn't get that job I interviewed for, too, so I really shouldn't be spending so much... But such a good deal...
Oh wow. I never knew dc actually went back and collected more of hitman. The old run just sort of stopped. Bought! Thanks for the heads up
I too helped save the comic industry from Kipp. Ordered Vimanarama and Water Baby (fuck yes Ross Campbell) from the DC sale, and also grabbed the Red Star Treasury Edition and vol.1 of Ms. Marvel.
Oh and it's Monday which means it's. Marvel Unlimited comic book day! When you have access to all marvel comics it gets interesting which you'll bother with. I think I'm done with new ghost rider and the doop mini (that first ish was ROUGH). So that leaves 6 new comics of the 18 to read!


Without spoiling it for me can anyone tell me if the current All New X-Men storyline with Miles is good or not. I am not caught up yet but I am really excited for it as it crosses over two of my fav things.


Without spoiling it for me can anyone tell me if the current All New X-Men storyline with Miles is good or not. I am not caught up yet but I am really excited for it as it crosses over two of my fav things.

It's okay. If you like the way Bendis has handled All-New X-Men so far, it's more of that, just with some of his Spider-Man characters in it.
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