Just finished re-reading Ms. Marvel - No Normal and I'm finally alright with saying that Kamala in my top 3 superheroes of all time.
The style this series has flows with the narrative. It's one of the few series where the art stops me from moving to the next page. I just dig it so damn much.
The first two issues are PERFECT, introducing the new character, her world, and her own personality as a teenager stuck between two cultures. The next three issues establish the character's growth into a hero, but are rather slow and feel like they weren't as polished as the first two. Still, the fifth book works well as a good way to introduce a villain to the series.
Marvel Now! has brought back my comic book addiction with Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel in ways I didn't even expect. Great stuff all around, and I recommend Ms. Marvel to EVERYONE because it's so good guys trust me