COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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You're probably better off for it- Ultimate Alliance 2 ended up being a real bummer. I'd kill for a proper MUA3 though. Marvel Heroes only fools me for so long.

At that point, I was simply happy to have a new MUA game to play. And it was fun playing as the Thunderbolts, since the team was pretty relevant around the Civil War story arc.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Batman in Young Justice and Batman: Under the Red Hood. Also Christopher Pike in the Star Trek reboot films.
Ah, okay. It's hard for anybody to leave an impression after Conroy, for me.

Jensen Ackles is fucking ridiculous as Red Hood.

I really fucking like that movie. It's definitely one of the more well-done "extreme" animated movies DC's put out.


I really fucking like that movie. It's definitely one of the more well-done "extreme" animated movies DC's put out.

It's definitely up there on my DC Animation list. The only one that I've seen in a while that I was indifferent about was Suicide Squad. It wasn't bad, but I thought a majority of the voice acting was super ham fisted.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Oh man. Just watched the pilot episode of Constantine. That was so good!
I wasn't expecting to enjoy it at all since I can't stand any of the other comics-based shows since they're so cheesy, but Constantine actually had solid writing, solid acting, and good production values and just happened to also be based on a comic. I'm really, really excited about this show. I loved that.
I'm even more excited to read Hellblazer now (ordered the first three volumes yesterday). I just hope the show doesn't spoil any of the main plot of the comic.
I'm even more excited to read Hellblazer now (ordered the first three volumes yesterday). I just hope the show doesn't spoil any of the main plot of the comic.

I feel like Hellblazer is John Constantine as he's meant to be. Everything DC has done with him since feels watered down in an attempt to make him suitable for all ages.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
I feel like Hellblazer is John Constantine as he's meant to be. Everything DC has done with him since feels watered down in an attempt to make him suitable for all ages.

Nice. I'm really, really looking forward to it. I just hope the wordy Delano writing doesn't spoil the fun for me. Either way though, I'm really excited to read it.
I'm really glad Vertigo is doing the reprinted TPBs of the entire series. It'll be great to be able to slowly but surely buy the whole series in those very reasonably priced TPBs (assuming I'm enjoying it, obviously).
And was your post also implying that the show doesn't spoil the comic at all? Can't tell if that was one of the implications or not. Haha

Anyways, gonna go watch the second episode now.


I want to believe Black Beetle: Necrologue will come out in 2014. Seems like the perfect time of year to start releasing it.
Nice. I'm really, really looking forward to it. I just hope the wordy Delano writing doesn't spoil the fun for me. Either way though, I'm really excited to read it.

It's really wordy. It's probably the difficult series I've read in these past few months. It's great, but it probably wasn't the best series to start reading less than a month after I picked up comics as a hobby.

MC Safety

Apparently, Marvel is planning to pave over One More Day.

My friend showed me promotional art featuring Peter Parker with his wife and child. The art promised this would happen in the year of our lord 2015.

I hope this is a thing.


Finished vol 2 of Locke & Key
& Peele
up until the point where Bode
unlocks his head.

I am loving every second of this series, and that forward from Ellis was pretty funny.


but I am taking tiny steps forward
Okay, I'm really enjoying Constantine, but every second John is on screen, I just want to fix his tie. It's kind of driving me nuts.

I'm glad I bought all 300 issues of hell blazer that one CMX sale for $300. It was crazy but still the cheapest way to own them all

Haha. Oh geez. You really went all in, didn't you?

It's really wordy. It's probably the difficult series I've read in these past few months. It's great, but it probably wasn't the best series to start reading less than a month after I picked up comics as a hobby.

Yeah. I picked up the first volume from the library a month or so ago and read the first issue of it and it's definitely dense. Doesn't help that the first issue is a double-sized issue too. Haha. I'm prepared for it though, so hopefully I can get into a groove and not get too bogged down in the wordiness.
Finished vol 2 of Locke & Key
& Peele
up until the point where Bode
unlocks his head.

I am loving every second of this series, and that forward from Ellis was pretty funny.

I loved Locke & Key. And the artwork is consistently great throughout the series.


Apparently, Marvel is planning to pave over One More Day.

My friend showed me promotional art featuring Peter Parker with his wife and child. The art promised this would happen in the year of our lord 2015.

I hope this is a thing.

It's just a teaser for Secret Wars, not a retcon- it's one of the alternate universes making up part of the new Battleworld.
Finally getting a chance to catch up with the thread. I only got to check in on it on my phone from time to time this weekend.

only read his Punisher work, but dude was ahead of the game

Goddamn, who is this dude?

OKOKOK Bonus round: Is everyone else here as fuckin amazed by 80s Alan Moore as I am? The more I read of his shit from that era I can't even believe what he's doing. I just can't. Last alan moore thing I read was the first swamp thing trade, and it was redic. I never gave a shit about swamp thing, and bissette is some type of jesus himself but GOD the writing.


80s Alan Moore was the best. He hasn't come close to that level of writing since. From Miracleman to V for Vendetta, he was on a creative rampage that hasnt been seen before.

I love the Bernie Wrightson Frankenstein book. I'm not sure if mine is a regular version or not, but its Absolute edition sized. It really makes the art pop.

This is a book I never knew I wanted. He needs to get on some MAX books and let the filth run freely. Murphy's books are pure grit and attention to every bloody detail. I want to see Murphy Frank Castle killing some people.
Murphy is awesome. I was thiiiis close to buying Punk Rock Jesus but that vertigo paper quality stopped me.
Finished reading The Black Mirror. Enjoyed it. I loved the art and also the main antagonist (and the new villains). But the book also felt a little bit incohesive. Maybe my mistake was going in expecting the book to be a single story. It felt more like a few arcs in the middle of a longer run.
I hope they don't, unmarried Peter Parker has a bunch of potential and what it really needs is a new writer.
What potential? Another girlfriend that lasts 12 issues before discarded by new writers? Oh let's have those fresh stories where Peter is explaining to an annoyed love interest why he missed a date doing spidey things! The real potential is him being married and watching him make that work. How many other comics do we have of that? FF?
What potential? Another girlfriend that lasts 12 issues before discarded by new writers? Oh let's have those fresh stories where Peter is explaining to an annoyed love interest why he missed a date doing spidey things! The real potential is him being married and watching him make that work. How many other comics do we have of that? FF?

It works with Daredevil.

The marriage went on for twenty years, I'll agree that it wasn't handled the best way with OMD, but the same kind of loop was happening with MJ. She would mysteriously disappear, she would leave Peter, they would rekindle their relationship. Single Peter Parker has potential and we saw a lot of it with Brand New Day.
Yeah I would rather have Peter be married. I think one of the reasons most protagonists are single is because nearly everyone can identify with dating life but fewer people identify with a protagonist in a relationship since every relationship is different. Just my crappy theory

MC Safety

It's just a teaser for Secret Wars, not a retcon- it's one of the alternate universes making up part of the new Battleworld.

All those words put together in a sentence make me sad.

I might have started reading Spider-Man again.

Single Peter Parker has potential and we saw a lot of it with Brand New Day.

That they erased two decades of character development and progress to regress Spider-Man to his '60s self was the great crime.


Can someone explain what battleworld is to a person who's pratically new to comics...

It's a world created by the Beyonder from fragments of other worlds and populated with characters stolen from various places to fight for the Beyonders shits and giggles. It's also where Spider-Man first met and bonded to the Venom Symbiote back in the first Secret Wars.

The new one is comprised of pieces of alternate universes and the characters from them instead of the mainline Marvel Universe.


All those words put together in a sentence make me sad.

I might have started reading Spider-Man again.

That they erased two decades of character development and progress to regress Spider-Man to his '60s self was the great crime.

Spider-Verse has been legitimately fun thus far. Especially the most recent ASM.
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