COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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Engage Birdie Hype levels!

For real though, Batman and Robin 36 gave me chills. Fucking Batman went into Zone of Enders mode on Apokolips. Seeing what one man will do for his son is what gave me those chills. Gleason completely blacked out this issue and the colors were just amazing.

I know Pax Americana is technically the better comic and will be remembered for ages, but I enjoyed this more just because I love the characters. I care more for them. I liked this Batman book more than Snyders book this month and Snyders was awesome. Hell, I'm not saying this is what's happening but I could send in my top 3 of:

1. Pax Americana
2. Batman and Robin 36
3. Batman 36

And I would be happy and confident with those picks.
So what's the opinions on the Saga and Casanova hcs? Gaf seems pretty split on Saga last I checked. Starts good but has gone no where?

Also how is Casanova as a series? Seems a bit pricy for 4 issues since that was like the cost of the USM oversized which were 13 issues.


The new avatar looks radical.

I'm looking forward to ASM11 almost as much Scarlet Spiders 1, hopefully Peter straight up decks SpOck, but Slott is probably going to go right back to writing him like a manchild idiot.

One of them will get the upper hand and start wailing on the other, people will stand there doing nothing. Then one of them decides to go for the KO until someone else finally has had enough.
Hoping it's SpOck that
gets the upper hand.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Did anybody else read Zero? I just have some serious fungus related questions.
So what's the opinions on the Saga and Casanova hcs? Gaf seems pretty split on Saga last I checked. Starts good but has gone no where?

Also how is Casanova as a series? Seems a bit pricy for 4 issues since that was like the cost of the USM oversized which were 13 issues.

Both titles have a lot of praise and I'm sure Saga will read very well collected.

As for Casanova, going by the page count it is pretty fairly priced for a hardcover, you can also buy it in TPB format.
So what's the opinions on the Saga and Casanova hcs? Gaf seems pretty split on Saga last I checked. Starts good but has gone no where?

Also how is Casanova as a series? Seems a bit pricy for 4 issues since that was like the cost of the USM oversized which were 13 issues.
The Casanova HC is very nice. I've only read a little bit but I'm enjoying it so far. Need to read more before I can say much else. I did flip through it and there's a lot of bonus stuff after the collected issues.

Someone explained the four issue thing but I'm pretty sure they aren't the length of traditional issues. It is less than $30 if you order it online. So that helps if you're concerned about that.


Also how is Casanova as a series? Seems a bit pricy for 4 issues since that was like the cost of the USM oversized which were 13 issues.
Casanova is kind of a weird one -- the first series was originally released as part of Image's slim line, seven issues at 16 pages each. They condensed everything down to four large issues when Marvel/Icon rereleased Luxuria in color. This plus the extra story stuff they added for the new editions probably clocks it at around 6 or 7 issues worth, not counting what I assume is bonus material in the hardcover.

Anyway, it's 15 bucks on InStockTrades -- way worth that.
Uncanny X-men 28

CYCLOPS was right about everything. Even Beast finally breaks down in tears and admits to the rightness that is Scott. Cyclops talks down the most powerful and dangerous mutant since the Phoenix. He dose this not by attacking him Avengers style or manipulating him Xavier style. But by talking to him and teaching him Cyclops style. And it works!

Then magneto shows up and ruins everything.....

Fuck you Magneto
Fuck you S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fuck you Captain America
Fuck you Beast
Fuck you Ice Man
And Fuck you Avengers

CYCLOPS WAS RIGHT and you all suck.


Uncanny X-men 28

CYCLOPS was right about everything. Even Beast finally breaks down in tears and admits to the rightness that is Scott. Cyclops talks down the most powerful and dangerous mutant since the Phoenix. He dose this not by attacking him Avengers style or manipulating him Xavier style. But by talking to him and teaching him Cyclops style. And it works!

Then magneto shows up and ruins everything.....

Fuck you Magneto
Fuck you S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fuck you Captain America
Fuck you Beast
Fuck you Ice Man
And Fuck you Avengers

CYCLOPS WAS RIGHT and you all suck.
Spider-Woman #1

My god... How dose Land and Hopeless keep getting work? One is a terrible artist and the other is a terrible writer. And now they are both on Spider'Woman? Just die already Jessica and make way for superior Spider-Gwen.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
i shit of quitely quite ofter, and thats never gonna change unless he somehow changes his art up...

but pax americana is one of the best dc related things of the year. has alan moore said anything about it?


semen stains the mountaintops
Well, you guys weren't kidding. Pax Americana was pretty damn good.

Wish it was a mini series rather than a one off, though.


Pizza Dog
I think Pax might run away with the book of the month votes this time around. I haven't had a chance to read the other 20 or so books I wanted to this week yet though, will probably do so over the next few days as I've got a train journey and a weekend away from home.

The annotations for the issue were good, will have to have another read over it tonight and see all the stuff I missed.
Y'all say this before every Marvel event and the majority of opinions always turn sour before the last issue even comes out.

Yeah, I'm prepared to eat crow for this statement.

No. For a Marvel Event they turn sour at the beginning but then the story takes clearer shape (AXIS) and turns out rad.

Pie and Beans

Look for me on the local news, I'll be the guy arrested for trying to burn down a Nintendo exec's house.
Uncanny X-men 28

CYCLOPS was right about everything. Even Beast finally breaks down in tears and admits to the rightness that is Scott. Cyclops talks down the most powerful and dangerous mutant since the Phoenix. He dose this not by attacking him Avengers style or manipulating him Xavier style. But by talking to him and teaching him Cyclops style. And it works!

Then magneto shows up and ruins everything.....

Fuck you Magneto
Fuck you S.H.I.E.L.D.
Fuck you Captain America
Fuck you Beast
Fuck you Ice Man
And Fuck you Avengers

CYCLOPS WAS RIGHT and you all suck.

The Continuing Adventures Of: BENDIS-MAN. Is he right about everything? Of course! Some one-hit KO power? You bet! When he turns up, does he create a reality distortion field around him that makes other characters stupider/less powerful/frozen with plot fear? WELL, DUHHHH!


One of them will get the upper hand and start wailing on the other, people will stand there doing nothing. Then one of them decides to go for the KO until someone else finally has had enough.
Hoping it's SpOck that
gets the upper hand.
I'm hoping they start to properly deal with the fallout of Superior. It seems to have been really brushed off by the characters and the writer. Like, Otto did kill someone as Peter (More than one?) and just the general thing of killing someone and stealing their body. Superior didn't have the greatest resolution but it's worse for me that they've failed to follow up on it at all really.a confrontation between Otto and Peter should be cool.
My LCS guy keeps telling me about this Dark Circle book coming out The Black Hood
""This isn't a superhero comic," Dark Circle line editor Alex Segura said in a statement to CBR. "'The Black Hood' is a dark, gritty and noir tour through the hidden corners and alleys of Philadelphia by two of the top names in the genre"

Sounds good to me.
Francavilla Cover :)))


Hmm, should I have my shop order Sunstone and get it 2 weeks earlier...
Or should I save $5 through Amazon...


That reminds me, I need to pre-order Sunstone.

Can I buy this on a t-shirt yet?

i shit of quitely quite ofter, and thats never gonna change unless he somehow changes his art up...

but pax americana is one of the best dc related things of the year. has alan moore said anything about it?

I really want to read PA, but I'm trade waiting for a nice rendition of Multiversity. It looked fantastic.

I'm absolutely sure that Moore would say he wouldn't read it, but "from what he's been told it's just another example of the remixing of old stories from a mainstream comics industry that's completely run out of ideas" or somesuch.

He pretty much washes his hands of Watchmen in interviews now. He'll say he's glad Dave got the money, and that's it.


I am curious, I dont follow his work that exactly, but has Alan Moore created something significant in the last couple of years?
All the time I hear something from he, he is jerking on how shitty everything comic related is now.


I am curious, I dont follow his work that exactly, but has Alan Moore created something significant in the last couple of years?
All the time I hear something from he, he is jerking on how shitty everything comic related is now.

Last I heard, he's working on a Crossed miniseries.


I am curious, I dont follow his work that exactly, but has Alan Moore created something significant in the last couple of years?
All the time I hear something from he, he is jerking on how shitty everything comic related is now.

He's been writing an absolutely enormous, million word plus novel called Jerusalem for a few years, which is apparently coming out shortly.

He's also done that Crossed miniseries as discussed, and some truly terrible short films (including one with him painted gold, playing God. I'm not sure if irony was intended).

To be fair to him, a million word novel needs a fair bit of work.


Pizza Dog
Didn't Moore release another LoEG book recently? Roses of Berlin. That's something, I suppose.

Edit: It was in March. Not sure if that counts as significant though.
Alan Moore is chilling in some nice European house with a bunch of money, using his half a dozen Best Writer Eisners as door props, asking people to take his name off the latest From Hell adaptation, writing that big ass million word book and doing comics with Kevin O'Neil and nobody tells him what he can or can't do. He gives...less than zero fucks about Pax Americana or any other mainstream comic.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
Alan Moore is chilling in some nice European house with a bunch of money, using his half a dozen Best Writer Eisners as door props, asking people to take his name off the latest From Hell adaptation, writing that big ass million word book and doing comics with Kevin O'Neil and nobody tells him what he can or can't do. He gives...less than zero fucks about Pax Americana or any other mainstream comic.

You forgot to add "...worshiping the One True Snakegod and combing his big ass beard with a horse-brush."

i shit of quitely quite ofter, and thats never gonna change unless he somehow changes his art up...

but pax americana is one of the best dc related things of the year. has alan moore said anything about it?
I agree--Quitely should change up his style. I'm tired of him pissing on every other artist from fucked-up-far heights. It ain't fair, I tell ya.
Speaking of Wonder Woman, godlike colorist Nathan Fairbairn is working on Wonder Woman: Earth One from Mirrison and Paquette as we speak



Also, just to give you an idea of how long in the works this Pax Americana thing is and how long I've been waiting for it, here's Grant talking about it in 2009

I thought it would be interesting to pick up on that sort of crystalline, self-reflecting storytelling method, so the mad notion I came up with was to do the Charlton characters in a story I'd construct as an update on that ludic Watchmen style - if Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons had pitched the Watchmen now, rooted in a contemporary political landscape but with the actual Charlton characters instead of analogues!

There's a very different kind of murder mystery at the heart and the whole thing can be read backwards, forwards and sideways.

It's been fun to do that kind of style but rethink it and try to play a new version of that 'sound' without copying anything directly. We've got 12-panel grids and pages where you're seeing the events leading to a murder, the murder itself and the investigation all happening simultaneously across the same background. I'm right in the middle of that one, so it's fresh in my mind.
My LCS guy keeps telling me about this Dark Circle book coming out The Black Hood

Sounds good to me.
Francavilla Cover :)))

Yeah, I'll definitely be checking this one out. Probably will check out Fox and Shield too, also from Dark Circle.

Afterlife with Archie and Sabrina has earned a lot of good will from the Archie folks.

Speaking of Wonder Woman, godlike colorist Nathan Fairbairn is working on Wonder Woman: Earth One from Mirrison and Paquette as we speak



Also, just to give you an idea of how long in the works this Pax Americana thing is and how long I've been waiting for it, here's Grant talking about it in 2009

Lovely work
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