COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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They know they are creating a legendary comic.


Pax Americana actually trended on Twitter today

"lol they're gonna have no fucking idea what we're talking about"


Pax Americana is hands down the greatest technical feat in comics I have read possibly in my entire life. There is more attention to detail than the sign language issue of Hawkeye. This isn't just book of the month, it's book of the God damn year.
The Flash has been great but Arrow S3 is in serious I'm-not-mad-just-disappointed mode. Shit is boring this season.

So who do you think the reverse flash is, thawne or wells? OR do you think they're working together some how? They both show that doing horrible things to make the Flash a better hero thing. I think they're working together some how.
I'm not even gonna put Pax away in the box. Just gonna leave it out and dissect it for a few weeks. Keep it next to my bed and read it til the next Multivrsity comes out.

Read Harley, it was fun. It was like Harley meets God Hates Astronauts. Just funny weird shit.


Pax Americana is hands down the greatest technical feat in comics I have read possibly in my entire life. There is more attention to detail than the sign language issue of Hawkeye. This isn't just book of the month, it's book of the God damn year.

I feel like you have written this exact same post about Velvet lol


I stared at the cover for about 5 minutes when I got home and figured it to be a take on the DC logo, burning. Didn't even catch that it was half of a burning peace sign.

I loved the symmetry of the opening and closing panels. The
peace sign and the domino mask mirroring each other in the perfect figure eight

This really is the best single issue of the year. I wanna talk about the other great stuff I read like Annihilator and Intersect, but I can't get Pax out of my brain.
It was really hard not buying Batman and Robin, I liked the cover.

Yo post a picture of Damian, I wanna see what it looks like for real.

ok I'll try

Is this issue of Supergirl the one where she gets a new outfit too? I know someone mentioned a new team on the book, but wasn't sure if that meant new get up too.

Kryptonian Armor! I guess lol

It started off cool with her messing up at a new job...and then I was thinking it would have been cool if she roomied with Batgirl or or had them living in the same city..but then she got teleported somewhere for random fight things. Oh well.


So who do you think the reverse flash is, thawne or wells? OR do you think they're working together some how? They both show that doing horrible things to make the Flash a better hero thing. I think they're working together some how.

I don't really know either way. I assume Wells is, just because he's basically Hunter Zolomon, but Thawne is just so inoffensive right now lol.


I loved the symmetry of the opening and closing panels. The
peace sign and the domino mask mirroring each other in the perfect figure eight

This really is the best single issue of the year. I wanna talk about the other great stuff I read like Annihilator and Intersect, but I can't get Pax out of my brain.

Oh damn, I forgot Intersect was this week! What'd you think?


Oh damn, I forgot Intersect was this week! What'd you think?

Not quite sure where the story is going (and honestly I'll give it a reread in a couple days when my Pax obsession had worn off), but the art is absolutely stunning. I like Fawkes' creator owned work enough that I'll give this a chance to find its footing and establish the world and characters.
Yay, Comics (and Manga)!

Have been wanting to read JLI since someone posted some excerpts in this thread. And I finally have a camera in my phone that is not shite.

Nice pickups, were JLI and the Spirit from the DC sale? I picked up some stuff from that, I also spy your Six Gun Gorilla HC in your shelf, I freaking love that thing so much.
I really wanted to like Supreme Blue Rose, the art is fantastic, but I definitely felt more lost than anything else while reading it. I believe I was three issues in before I dropped it.

I'm only into supreme blue rose for the art. I have no idea where its supposed to be heading or what I'm supposed to be getting out of it. I just like the pretty pictures with occasional Ellis snark
I don't really know either way. I assume Wells is, just because he's basically Hunter Zolomon, but Thawne is just so inoffensive right now lol.

That's why I think they could be working together. Because Thawne is just so inoffensive, it's a ploy. It's convenient that he's dating Iris too. My GF and I were discussing the end scene earlier. She thinks it's Wells, I think it could have been Thawne acting on Wells command. Thawne has the powers and abilities, Wells has the knowledge.
Digital comic folks, are there any comic readers other than comixology that you would recommend? For iOS preferably. I'm just curious to know what you guys use(if any).


That's why I think they could be working together. Because Thawne is just so inoffensive, it's a ploy. It's convenient that he's dating Iris too. My GF and I were discussing the end scene earlier. She thinks it's Wells, I think it could have been Thawne acting on Wells command. Thawne has the powers and abilities, Wells has the knowledge.

Either way, Flash's murder mystery >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Arrow's. I'll keep the rest of the CW show talk in its respective threads though :p


Y'all say this before every Marvel event and the majority of opinions always turn sour before the last issue even comes out.

Yeah, I'm prepared to eat crow for this statement.


Anyone still reading Black Widow? I found it good, nice mix of action and some drama. What's up with these tv personalities being in comics though? Colbert, Anderson, who's next?


Read Guardians again this week. I really don't know why I keep doing this to myself. Literally nothing happens in this book half the time, and when something does finally happen near the end of an arc, it's hot garbage because Bendis doesn't know what the fuck he's writing about.

At least Gamora's new costume is a step up from the soulless Mass Effect lite armor she's been wearing. But Knowhere is also back to being Tatooine again, so whatever.
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