The Watchmen writer talked about discovering that he may have worked on the Marvelman property -- renamed Miracleman to avoid legal action from Marvel in the 1980s -- under false pretenses. "As soon as I knew that the rights to Marvelman had never been with the Official Receiver, I said, 'Well, if I'd known that, I would have never taken the job, and, yes, if I can help, I do feel bad that I must have been instrumental in taking these rights from their rightful owner, whoever that might be.' "
"After 25, 35 years of this shit, I'm no closer to knowing anything, and everything that comes up just seems to make the matter more complicated, more murky," he said. "All I've done is do what I thought was best with whatever information I've got at the time. I suspect that it'll probably turn out that it all ended up completely unfairly for almost everybody."