COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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dark cicle is the new archie comics label right?

Yep. Their new superhero line, though I think it's a revitalization of an old defunct line.

But it looks like it ought to be really good. I'm pretty excited for Black Hood, and I love the design of The Shield (which apparently existed before Captain America?)


Though her face in the Francavilla poster screams "I SEEN SOME SHIT"



Just finished reading Pax Americana backwards, interesting.
Don't go page by page in reverse, go scene by scene (except for the president getting shot part). It really lines up well at the end scene with Kid Harley shooting his dad then BAM, him at the grave.
The other awesome part it lines up is at the end of the scene where Harley had been talking to Captain Atom he says, "In comic books we trust, Charles. Remember?" Then if you're reading in reverse the next scene you read is the one with Sargent saying, "-- comic books people."

This is a lot of fun!
I got that Don Rosa hardcover, shit is great of course, but I think I prefer the original gradients of colors compared to the more "realistic ones". Really fun stories tho



It reminded me how good Rosa was even back in '87. His work would get more polished, more detailed, establish a bit more style than Carl Banks might have done, but he's got an obvious gift for storytelling here. Great staging, body language, sight gags(blue diamond "sob" black and blue diamond)


I got that Don Rosa hardcover, shit is great of course, but I think I prefer the original gradients of colors compared to the more "realistic ones". Really fun stories tho



It reminded me how good Rosa was even back in '87. His work would get more polished, more detailed, establish a bit more style than Carl Banks might have done, but he's got an obvious gift for storytelling here. Great staging, body language, sight gags(blue diamond "sob" black and blue diamond)
I really have to buy this.

Lesser Capes, more ducks...


Just finished reading Pax Americana backwards, interesting.
Don't go page by page in reverse, go scene by scene (except for the president getting shot part). It really lines up well at the end scene with Kid Harley shooting his dad then BAM, him at the grave.
The other awesome part it lines up is at the end of the scene where Harley had been talking to Captain Atom he says, "In comic books we trust, Charles. Remember?" Then if you're reading in reverse the next scene you read is the one with Sargent saying, "-- comic books people."

This is a lot of fun!

Yeah I think this was what I was trying to say yesterday but couldn't quite. I don't think it really works of you read is strictly backwards


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Alan Moore is chilling in some nice European house with a bunch of money, using his half a dozen Best Writer Eisners as door props, asking people to take his name off the latest From Hell adaptation, writing that big ass million word book and doing comics with Kevin O'Neil and nobody tells him what he can or can't do. He gives...less than zero fucks about Pax Americana or any other mainstream comic.

but he still has shit to stay about them though.
I know we got some SoFla residents here, I just got an email saying that some comic creators are going to be at the Miami Book Fair International this weekend. Nick Spencer, Grace Ellis, Ray Fawkes and several others are going to be at the Tate's booth.
Alan Moore is chilling in some nice European house with a bunch of money, using his half a dozen Best Writer Eisners as door props, asking people to take his name off the latest From Hell adaptation, writing that big ass million word book and doing comics with Kevin O'Neil and nobody tells him what he can or can't do. He gives...less than zero fucks about Pax Americana or any other mainstream comic.

Did Alan Moore write the original Miracleman? Because the new recolors list only "Original writer" or something in the credits.
Did Alan Moore write the original Miracleman? Because the new recolors list only "Original writer" or something in the credits.

Yes, that's him. He explained it in an interview

The Watchmen writer talked about discovering that he may have worked on the Marvelman property -- renamed Miracleman to avoid legal action from Marvel in the 1980s -- under false pretenses. "As soon as I knew that the rights to Marvelman had never been with the Official Receiver, I said, 'Well, if I'd known that, I would have never taken the job, and, yes, if I can help, I do feel bad that I must have been instrumental in taking these rights from their rightful owner, whoever that might be.' "

"After 25, 35 years of this shit, I'm no closer to knowing anything, and everything that comes up just seems to make the matter more complicated, more murky," he said. "All I've done is do what I thought was best with whatever information I've got at the time. I suspect that it'll probably turn out that it all ended up completely unfairly for almost everybody."


Yeah saw it earlier today. Daredevil Bendis trades are pretty cheap. Don't know if there are other must haves in there
X-Statix for 35€! :D

Will buy some Miles Morales Trades since they are cheap and maybe upgrade my Astonishing X-Men Trades to the Ultimate Collection and the UK-Superman Elseworld Story. Need to check my Money first.


Uh.... hmmmm..... Interesting.
Marvel Announces New "Thanos: The Infinity Relativity" OGN From Jim Starlin
Marvel has announced via a press release that a new Thanos original graphic novel from creator Jim Starlin will arrive in June 2015. "Thanos: The Infinity Relativity" will be an all-new, full-length graphic novel follow-up to this year's "Thanos: The Infinity Revelation," which Starlin also wrote and illustrated.

The novel will see Annihilus reclaim his throne in the Negative Zone and once again declare war on our universe. A team of "unlikely protectors" -- including the Guardians of the Glaxaxy, Gladiator and Adam Warlock -- will have to band together to counter the attack. Warlock, still reeling from his recent rebirth, will be forced to seek out help from an unlikely ally -- Thanos.
Finally finished the Howard the Duck omnibus. Yeah, I gotta say, the series dropped in quality after Gerber was taken off the book. Of particular note is that I found the duck-woman from the last issue scary as fuck.

Overall, though, the series is good stuff.


Uh.... hmmmm..... Interesting.

Marvel Announces New "Thanos: The Infinity Relativity" OGN From Jim Starlin


I haven't been a fan of Starlin's work for a long time, something about his writing style just feels so cold and boring to me, but this is still a day one. I'll take cold and boring over nearly every other Marvel Cosmic book these days.


I disagree, I find Starlin's writing "cosmic" and fascinating. Except Infinity War, Crusade and Abyss (Those were silly.) I only didn't expect a sequel to Infinity Revelation so soon.


CBR is reporting that Jerry Bruckheimer is producing a TV adaptation of Warren Ellis' Global Frequency with the creator of Farscape and Defiance on writing duties.

I dunno about you guys, but any time I think of who I'd want helming an Ellis adaptation, Bruckheimer is at the top of my list!


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
but he still has shit to stay about them though.

Is this all being done digitally? I've always wanted to get a better sense of how pages literally move from stage to stage, from pencils to inks to colors, etc, in both digital and physical processes.

Edit: I guess this is a pretty nice demonstration of Quitely's digital process:

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
That was a fantastic read, I love Fairbairn's work so much. It's always fascinating to see what goes into creating the final product, and Fairbairn's nervousness about coloring Quitely was pretty funny.
I can't imagine how nervous and excited he was when he noticed Frank forgot Harley's ring after the first panel. Everything about the creation of this issue is as fascinating as the issue itself. I'd really like to read an in-depth post-release interview with Morrison, Quitely, and Fairbairn. See how they feel about releasing a single issue that people are reading 8 times backwards and forwards immediately upon release.
Nathan mentioned the book goes from main color being turquoise to beige, which are the bookends of the Spiral Dynamics System Question talked about in the book in a very Ditko-esque fashion, bookended by
gunshots/assassinations involving the same guy.


I can't imagine how nervous and excited he was when he noticed Frank forgot Harley's ring after the first panel. Everything about the creation of this issue is as fascinating as the issue itself. I'd really like to read an in-depth post-release interview with Morrison, Quitely, and Fairbairn. See how they feel about releasing a single issue that people are reading 8 times backwards and forwards immediately upon release.

If any single issue is begging for a postmortem it's Pax Americana. I can't remember the last time anything I was this hyped for not only met those expectations, but completely exceeded them. I still need to read it backwards, really looking forward to that.

I feel bad for everything else I read this week, it just got shunted to the background. For example, I remember Zero being interesting, but I couldn't tell you a damn thing that happened.


If any single issue is begging for a postmortem it's Pax Americana. I can't remember the last time anything I was this hyped for not only met those expectations, but completely exceeded them. I still need to read it backwards, really looking forward to that.

I feel bad for everything else I read this week, it just got shunted to the background. For example, I remember Zero being interesting, but I couldn't tell you a damn thing that happened.

Every single month.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
If any single issue is begging for a postmortem it's Pax Americana. I can't remember the last time anything I was this hyped for not only met those expectations, but completely exceeded them. I still need to read it backwards, really looking forward to that.

I feel bad for everything else I read this week, it just got shunted to the background. For example, I remember Zero being interesting, but I couldn't tell you a damn thing that happened.
I read Zero that same night, and while great, I couldn't focus and I was trying to talk about my fungal related questions with the other Zero readers in here. I also read Batman and Robin after my two hour Pax Americana reading and I can't front, I just blasted through it and could not care about anything in it.
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