COMICS! |OT| November 2014. The Wakandan turkey leglock is a time-honored tradition!

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I just finished my backwards Pax read, this book really is a work of genius. As someone else said, don't literally read it in reverse order but by sequence. Does this until you get to the
assassination sequence
and then literally read the panels in reverse order all the way through to the cover, it's magnificent.


I read Zero that same night, and while great, I couldn't focus and I was trying to talk about my fungal related questions with the other Zero readers in here. I also read Batman and Robin after my two hour Pax Americana reading and I can't front, I just blasted through it and could not care about anything in it.

I definitely need to read Zero again, it seemed like it was an important part of the larger story but it came out during the wrong week.
Did anyone else pick up Batman '66: The Lost Episode this week? Or was everyone scared away by the $10 cover price like I almost was? Chris Sims posted a short review on CA to sing its praises.

Dat Ross cover.


(Admittedly I haven't read it yet. Or Pax.)


Didn't even see Batman '66 at my LCS.

EDIT: I love how completely bonkers Secret Avengers looks. I should read it, sometime.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face
I definitely need to read Zero again, it seemed like it was an important part of the larger story but it came out during the wrong week.

Yeah, I think the second half of the story with Cooke and the kids is pretty explicit, but my questions are with the fungi encounter:
Is that kid one of the Agency kids that Cooke wants Zero to save? Does he control the fungi, or has he been turned into a walking fungal infection, becoming part of some fungal hive-mind?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
When does this multiversity run end? I'm waiting on the whole thing being collected but damn that Pax Americana sounds amazing

It's 8 issues, right? That'd put its last issue in March. Hopefully get a collection in the late summer or early fall.


I read Zero that same night, and while great, I couldn't focus and I was trying to talk about my fungal related questions with the other Zero readers in here. I also read Batman and Robin after my two hour Pax Americana reading and I can't front, I just blasted through it and could not care about anything in it.

Exactly why I read Pax last!


I read We3


Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.
I read We3


Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.
Yea. I got misty eyed too. I'm glad you went back and finished it. It's still my favorite Morrison/Quietly series. His layouts and art during the action in that book was amazing.
I read We3


Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.

Eh. Homeward Bound was better.


Yea. I got misty eyed too. I'm glad you went back and finished it. It's still my favorite Morrison/Quietly series. His layouts and art during the action in that book was amazing.

It's very violent in places but his art really works best there. The layouts were just fantastic.


MODOK x RAMBO (Secret Avengers 13)

I read We3

Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.

Congrats Messi, on reading one of the best pieces of work IMO.


I read We3


Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.

Yeah, a very powerful book.


I read We3

Stunningly beautiful book that shows what an incredible medium comics are. Morrison and Quietly made a very moving book that made me miss my pet cat Lionel. I'm not ashamed to say that it made me cry. I'm just gonna step away from the rest of my planned bedtime reading.

Just wonderful.

I bought this on sale a while back but I'm afraid to read it because I know I'm going to bawl like a baby.

Animal & kid stuff makes me so freaking sad. :(


I bought this on sale a while back but I'm afraid to read it because I know I'm going to bawl like a baby.

Animal & kid stuff makes me so freaking sad. :(

Do it. It's worth it. You will appreciate it afterwards trust me.

I just re-read #1 of Kesel and Dodson's Harley Quinn (2000-2004) series. Still a great read. Feels like a lot episode of the animated series of Batman. It was nice to read about classic Harley again pre new 52 edgy reboot. She is smart but lovesick and just trying to have fun. Dodson's art is perfect for this series too. Pick up the trade if you haven't guys.


Do y'all think any of the universes from Multiversity will lead to an ongoing series down the road? I'm pretty sure I remember reading this was one of the things Morrison was hoping would come out of it, but I really don't know if they would live up to any of these single issues written by Morrison himself... even the not-as-amazing-as-Pax-Americana issues are better than I would expect from 90% of the writers likely to work with DC on an ongoing. (I don't mean that as a slight against DC or want to start a Marvel vs. DC discussion.)

What do universes do you think would have the most potential, and who could you realistically see DC hiring to write it that would do it justice?

I would happily take an Earth-5 Captain Marvel / Shazam book written by Cameron Stewart (especially if he drew it too, but that's probably too much to ask) or an Earth-20 Society of Super-Heroes book written by Kieron Gillen (though I don't think he's ever written for DC).
Y'all are making it so hard to wait for my dcbs order and I'm holding off my Preacher reading until the next volume ships. Why did this week have to have sooooo many releases? ;__;


I picked up WE3 and Flex Mentallo last week on comixology. Loved FleFlex, hated WE3. I think Flex might be one of my favorite things in the medium.


Y'all are making it so hard to wait for my dcbs order and I'm holding off my Preacher reading until the next volume ships. Why did this week have to have sooooo many releases? ;__;

dcbs shipment arrives tmw, i don't even want to read this thread anymore before getting through two Multiversity issues and three AIXIXIXIXIIXIXIIISISSISIXIIXIIXIISSISIS.

Filthy Slug

Crowd screaming like hounds at the heat of the chase/ All the colors of the rainbow flood my face

Yo, glad I'm not the only one who saw that. Really didn't even notice it was a peace sign until I read those annotations ViewtifulJC posted.
Just finished Harley Quinn #12. OMG. Pax ain't shit. Harley #12 book of the month am confirmed. The Thanos parody was hilarious. PG + Harley needs to be a regular team-up.
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