If you combine 8 copies together, laid out on the floor like panels on a page, something magical happens
Yeah Brubaker is pretty one note. Don't jump on the OHC though......I dropped The Fade Out because it wasn't doing anything for me.
If you combine 8 copies together, laid out on the floor like panels on a page, something magical happens
Yeah Brubaker is pretty one note. Don't jump on the OHC though......
Yes I already told you there was a character named Kipp
Liar! You wouldn't tell me what the thing was in Interstellar that made you think of me!
Either that or I didn't actually read the message where you did say what it was. That could very well have happened.
Has anyone noticed how buy and large DC's events tend to be decent and Marvel's events tend to be really crappy?
Has anyone noticed how buy and large DC's events tend to be decent and Marvel's events tend to be really crappy?
Oh geez. IST is having an IDW Artist Edition sale. Thank goodness the ones on sale aren't ones I'm interested in or that could be tragic for my wallet.
However, the scary thing is that the sale is titled "IDW Artist Edition Sale #1" so it might only be a matter of time...
To those reading Secret Origins, does it actually make itself enjoyable beyond being just "Wiki Binge: The Comic"?
"Identity Crisis was the great DC superhero story of the decade, man. It feels like the Watchmen for a new generation, if you revisit it"
"50 years from now, Civil War is gonna be the only Marvel comic anybody remembers from this generation."
"Like...I really just don't, do NOT, understand any of his(Grant Morrison) comics. WE3 was trash, All-Star Superman was trash, Batman RIP and Final Crisis were confusing mess....My daughter could draw like that guy(Frank Quitely)
"Only comic I LOVED was The Long Halloween. Everything else is just stupid and corny, *laughs*. Its the exception that proves the rule for me."
brehs...I'll never make fun of ya'll enjoyment of 2014 Harley comics againafter spending some time at Barles and Nobles today. Some of the opinions I overheard were...very sus dudes. TRIGGER WARNINGuntil December's OT
So you met my friend Joel and his shitty opinions? Although the Civil War thing is probably right.
brehs...I'll never make fun of ya'll enjoyment of 2014 Harley comics againafter spending some time at Barles and Nobles today. Some of the opinions I overheard were...very sus dudes.until December's OT
What you don't know is ViewtifulJC is going through people's post histories and passing it off as stuff he "heard".
I don't think I could stop myself from laughing if I heard those in real life, JC. How old did they look?
I wonder how many possible comics fans have been turned away from the medium due to poor recommendations from the internet?
I wonder how many possible comics fans have been turned away from the medium due to poor recommendations from friends with bad opinions.
"Read the Age of Ultron comic, it came out a couple years ago, its got DOZENS of ULTRONS"
You better be reading Astro city. It's still great stuff!I miss Busiek.
if you like your comics peppered with some understated tiger boobs, his new comic is just what you were looking for!
"Like...I really just don't, do NOT, understand any of his(Grant Morrison) comics. WE3 was trash, All-Star Superman was trash, Batman RIP and Final Crisis were confusing mess....My daughter could draw like that guy(Frank Quitely)
Sorry to ask a dumb, over asked and tricky to answer question but I've never read a comic in my life but love the marvel cinematic universe and me and my son love marvel characters.
What would be a good entry into the comic book universe for me?
Thanks in advance
Sorry to ask a dumb, over asked and tricky to answer question but I've never read a comic in my life but love the marvel cinematic universe and me and my son love marvel characters.
What would be a good entry into the comic book universe for me?
Thanks in advance
Sorry to ask a dumb, over asked and tricky to answer question but I've never read a comic in my life but love the marvel cinematic universe and me and my son love marvel characters.
What would be a good entry into the comic book universe for me?
Thanks in advance
Sorry to ask a dumb, over asked and tricky to answer question but I've never read a comic in my life but love the marvel cinematic universe and me and my son love marvel characters.
What would be a good entry into the comic book universe for me?
Thanks in advance
I think I want to start reading comics, more specifically spider man comics, but I haven't read a comic since Star Wars in the 80s and I have no idea where to start. All these 'could X beat X' threads are just too entertaining and I love reading the odd panels that get posted then disappearing down wiki rabbit holes, the Spidey ones grab my attention the most but I have questions! Is the marvel app any good? I've downloaded it, it seems like it would be convenient to be able to purchase them digitally as I don't really care about collecting, I just want to read them, but how limited is the content on there?
Taking the app out ofnthe equation are there specific arcs I should read? a couple stood out as sounding interesting (him tearring someone's face off with his hand and another where he sent a message to the kingpin by smacking him about without his mask on) but what else? is this spiderverse stuff any good? All help greatly appreciated!
Sorry if this is all rubbish, there just seems to be an awful lot of content out there and I don't know where to begin!
Sorry to ask a dumb, over asked and tricky to answer question but I've never read a comic in my life but love the marvel cinematic universe and me and my son love marvel characters.
What would be a good entry into the comic book universe for me?
Thanks in advance